More neighborhood explosions/fireworks

By an edhat reader

I’m in Hope/La Cumbre area, closer to State St. than Foothill. Seems to come from the foothills. John Wiley, have you heard them?

Sat. Aug. 6, around 1:20 a.m. (feels like Friday night)
Far away from me, but never heard anything like this before. 13 booms in a row!  Like counting off, all heard in about 20 seconds.
And there was a single large boom closer to 2 a.m. I realize my description of 13 booms/retorts describes gunfire. I admit I cannot tell the difference. Nor can 90% of the SB community.  But I’ve never  heard that kind of repetition. The fireworks that go on have nothing to do with visuals, it’s all about sound, boom and shock value. Grrrrr….  But they never come in a series of close to or over ten.

9:05 p.m. Sat. Aug. 6:
It’s going on RIGHT NOW! many explosions in a row. Pretty faint, fully audible, like it comes from the foothills above Foothill Rd.

Any input from neighbors? I’m  not on Nextdoor. As I said, never  heard so many explosive sounds at one time, especially in a row. I’d love to hear others’ observations.


Written by Anonymous

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