California Democrats Strike Back Against Local Conservative Rebellions on LGBTQ Rights, Abortion
How are you not out on your boats this weekend? You just can't keep away can you?
California Democrats Strike Back Against Local Conservative Rebellions on LGBTQ Rights, Abortion
Lol, that’s not a question you fucking moron. Go ahead and ask one.
California Democrats Strike Back Against Local Conservative Rebellions on LGBTQ Rights, Abortion
As we've explained to you several times before, your hateful and discriminatory rhetoric will be removed. As will this comment. -ed staff
California Democrats Strike Back Against Local Conservative Rebellions on LGBTQ Rights, Abortion
I find it interesting that the Edhat Editors (LBGT+?) refuse to publish my comments regarding this article... It's simply "gone". Kinda like a Zukerburg editing on FB any other view that threatens a narrative other then the one that we, as a society, are supposed to swallow as we HAVE to accept the view that they want us to hear constantly. I simply stated that the LBGT+ community is and has been accepted- In fact they, LBGT++++, receive an entire month that we all must acknowlege the Pride they have in their sexuality. One month. That is more than Veteran's... You want an abortion, go get one, just not on the dime of the Federal government. It is now and should be a State issue. The transgender issue is a non-issue that encompasses less than 1% of our population...Just don't pander to KIDS under 18 in our school systems and keep parents out of the loop. You want to be trans after 18, no one CARES. Why is that such a hard concept to understand? We have gay friends, both male and female, that are as concerned about this issue becoming one that is in the face of school kids as well... Schools clearly, with test scores as proof, need to concentrate on education, not a kids sexuality, they are becoming more confused every year!
On Gender: Misperceptions About Others Can Stifle Women’s Empowerment
Shit up and vote Alex.
UPDATE: Thief Caught on Camera Returning Umbrellas They Stole From Rori’s Creamery in Montecito
yeah after posting here about 1,000 times we finally find a white person committing a crime in America that you can make a joke about! hey i bet your watch has the right time twice per day!!
On Gender: Misperceptions About Others Can Stifle Women’s Empowerment
Of course you’d vote for her. Pathetic. The woman who sounds as coherent as a 4 year old. The woman who claims the Master of the Obvious title more than any living creature in the universe. If she wins in November, it’s only because of short sighted people like you who’d vote for a garbage bin as long as it’s not a man you’re jealous and afraid of. Pathetic. Kamala, the sometimes black, sometimes Indian, all the time 5 year old who never won a single vote and was pushed into this seat by a man confirmed as having dementia. Great. It all makes sense now. Wake up, sacjon!
On Gender: Misperceptions About Others Can Stifle Women’s Empowerment
Hey Sacjon, How's the A/C at the Shelter today...?
An Old Town Goleta For Everyone
Remember folks, BASIC isn't the one here always name-calling and bragging: Basicinfo805 5 days ago Millions of Californians have Medical Debt. It Wouldn’t Hurt your Credit Under Proposed Rules "Good god Alex. No, I do have a boat. 2 in fact. Yes, I use my boats, went out yesterday in fact - as I already said. You done yet? You’re looking like an off-topic clown here. All your stuff here is plain stupid. Go talk to your dog or something…." Oh wait.....
An Old Town Goleta For Everyone
No, BASIC, it is NOT relevant. You clearly don't understand my point. Your experience with small business (through your family's boating empire or whatever it is that "90% of us would know) has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with whether or not you actually have spoken to a majority Old Town business owners. THAT is what multiple people here have been disputing. The only one with an inferiority complex is the guy who can't stop one-upping every one here.... Mr. "Two Boats." You are often caught lying. Simple. Done. And about posting here constantly, you need to count your (almost always) deleted comments. You're no one to be talking about that. Sorry, dude, you're clearly fussy, but I am not going to let your cruelty, persistent hypocrisy, defense of bigots, racists and homophobes, and constant lying stand. Everyone here has called you on these things, multiple times. Maybe take a break, you know, like you said you would..... "adios, estupidos." This is a YOU problem.
An Old Town Goleta For Everyone
No, it’s true and relevant. I’m neither “bragging” nor “feigning outrage” at all. Local, long-standing small independent business in the family, running/owning vessels (that’s “boats”), working in healthcare, working at the University. You questioned, accused me of lying, so I just explained. Your problem is a classic online inferiority complex, and also truly believeing that those who have different views from you are all liars. Also, I believe you are just a pissed off insane-level poster who has a whole hell of a lot of time on his/her/she/it’s time on its hands. Surely you must have some things you’ve done in your life that you could bring to the discussions here, based on real life experience? That’s all I’m doing. Max posts and time here on Edhat don’t count of course.
UPDATE: Thief Caught on Camera Returning Umbrellas They Stole From Rori’s Creamery in Montecito
ANON - lol! Shit, I just knew someone was going to start crying about bilinguals. Dude, get out of here with your fucking racist idiocy. Sorry, folks, but this is bullshit I won't let stand here.
California Democrats Strike Back Against Local Conservative Rebellions on LGBTQ Rights, Abortion
Calling this a "conservative rebellion" Misrepresents reality. It's a form of fake news. And people are getting tired of fake news.
An Old Town Goleta For Everyone
"I could speak the name and 90% of folks here would know it. " - Yeah, Ol Doc "Two Boats" Captain Ranger Biologist at it again. Do you get paid to brag about yourself here and then feign outrage when you get called out? You should. You'd make way more money than being a "doctor" who works at UCSB but isn't a "doctor who works at UCSB."
UPDATE: District Attorney Formally Charges Goleta Teacher for Child Molestation and Peeping
As a "doctor," he loves to fantasize and often encourage physical violence. Hey BASIC, you know your bail would be a lot higher than $100 for committing assault, right? Not to mention the civil liability should he sue you for battery. Even your fantasies are poorly thought out. Now bring on the low IQ comments about how I'm "defending a child molester".......
Bilingual Community Concert Brings Joy to Santa Barbara
Actually, when he says he has two boats, he's referring to his shoe size.
Bilingual Community Concert Brings Joy to Santa Barbara
ALEX - come on now, he doesn't need to be a teacher to be as well versed and knowledgeable as he is on this subject. Afterall, he has not just one, but TWO boats. Trust him, he's got the double the boats you have. Still though, not as many as I do though, as I have THREE boats PLUS a kayak. I win.
Bilingual Community Concert Brings Joy to Santa Barbara
I’m not a teacher. You’re not either. Just expressing an honest opinion based on experience, as stated. No need to get so pissed off! Go cut someone off in the surf if you’re so mad. So you’re either here to get pissy again or actually support the idea of having our kids being taught in a foreign language when they haven’t learned English yet. Which one is it, and why? Or say nothing. I don’t care.
California Democrats Strike Back Against Local Conservative Rebellions on LGBTQ Rights, Abortion
@ EDHAT EDITIOR- Please explain where I was expressing any "hateful" dialoge...?