Why a Target at the Galleria?

By an edhat reader

Does anyone know what the City of Santa Barbara chose the Galleria location for the new Target? And why did Goleta prevent Target from opening in the much larger space with appropriate parking? I’m curious if there are legitimate reasons or if it’s just more bureaucracy. 


Written by Anonymous

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  1. The question that should be asked is: HOW could the City Permit a Target without enough parking? The answer is the terrible zoning ordinances that the City has Approved. This building is non-conforming with regards to parking. This means it has enough parking for the past use but not the proposed use. The new use REQUIRES A LOT more parking, the City know this, but the City is allowing Target anyway because of a ordinance that makes it easy to place new businesses in inappropriate areas all over town.

  2. Being in Goleta, I guess I don’t care. As it is, we avoid SB insofar as possible. Traffic madness, difficult parking, aggressive beggars, higher sales tax, and for those few who may care, No Smoking anywhere. Business is continuing to collapse in SB (today it was Brookstone going down), all the while during a record, booming economy. Think there might be something wrong here?

  3. Exactly Roger, and now people are just rehashing all the previous comments… and for at least the 3 rd or 4 th time there are ………………..82…..parking spaces………………….plenty for a mini Tarjeh.

  4. How many of those spaces will be used by employees?
    Traffic will surely backup onto LaCumbre as cars sit and wait for someone to get in their car, fiddle around with their phone for 2 minutes, then back out of a space. Of course there will be those who want to exit the lot and turn left onto LaCumbre Road causing a backup in the lot, which will prevent people from getting in.
    I can’t wait to watch the chaos that is coming.

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