Scanner Reports 8-17-20

By Roger the Scanner Guy

When people commit suicide most of them do it at home behind closed doors. That is how I tried it the last time though I was in an alcoholic blackout and had no idea what I was doing till the police started pounding on the door. Even after they found the pill bottles on the floor I denied it and got through all the interviews at Cottage without kneeling over, in fact they threw me out of the hospital and I was so annoying to the police they did not want me either. After my girlfriend took me home I threw up all the pills. I was so sick for days after that the last thing I wanted was a drink. That was 17 plus years ago. I haven’t had alcohol since. I’m no expert on suicide but I seriously attempted it many times, overdose, hanging, by train, high-speed chases, slashing myself, and every time I took a drink serious suicides. I should have been dead many times but the LARD not Trump saved my ass everytime! So if you hate me blame God it’s all his fault. When someone commits suicide in public I post it especially in such a place of More Mesa because there are many people who walk there and the last thing they should have to see is a deceased person. I know death is normal but some people don’t want to see it nor do they want to see where a homicide occurred, or see the body of a homicide victim. I have posted those for that reason also If you don’t like it don’t read it. I have known many people who have committed suicide, it’s too bad some people choose to end their lives. I don’t post their names, where they live, why they did it etc. If they end their life in public or are murdered or killed I post it so others will avoid the area. Here are your Scanner Reports…

Scanner Reports, Friday:

  • Graffiti Artist busted while committing vandalism behind Pilgram Terrace. He sprayed the railroad bridge near Junipero, and possibly the tracks too after a short pursuit with SBPD he was taken into custody.
  • Medical call at PATHĀ  816 Cacique.
  • Vegetation Fire Buena Vista Golf Course Ventura.
  • Transients causing problems 221 North Milpas street. Arco they were refusing to leave.
  • Minor injury Traffic Accident 401 Chapala street.
  • Naked male walking in the middle of the street around Oak Park he took off when police arrived in the area and were found in a campsite along the freeway.
  • Employee who wore a gun on his belt terminated from his job 100 Block of East Haley, Police were called to keep the peace.
  • Suspicious subject in a store in the 600 Block of State street wearing a pistol in a holster and wearing a shirt that said across his chest “CANADA” I sure hope he is not a leftover from the movie Canadian Bacon.
  • I’m not sure what this guy was doing but heard that he was Spanking his Monkey on a bus bench at or near Garden and Lloyd streets he was arrested while resisting…There might have been a victim he was doing it in front of. He went to jail good place for him.
  • Medical aide 100 Block of Castillo.
  • Medical aide 423 Chapala street.
  • Check the welfare of a person slumped over in a tan Volvo 295 Meigs Road.
  • Fall victim 900 Block of Anacapa.
  • 415pc Transient tipped at Porta Potty over on reporting potties property in the First Block of West Padre.
  • Woman jumps from a moving vehicle Highway 154 at Painted Cave during a Domestic Dispute and was injured.
  • Embezzlement Investigation Tri County Produce 335 South Milpas.
  • Subject yelling and refusing to leave the Habit 216 South Milpas street.
  • Cota at DLV 2 Vehicle crash.
  • Male slumped over the wheel of a white truck Laguna at Garden street.
  • Med call 400 East Cota.



Scanner Reports, Saturday:

  • Smoke investigation 135 at San Antonio East.
  • Vegetation Fire 11 Hollister Ranch Road.
  • Possible vegetation fire Highway 101 at Constellation.
  • 600 Block of State street Medical call.
  • Attempt Assault the 76 Station 200 Block of South Milpas suspect last seen heading to PATH.
  • Smoke investigation 300 Block of Foxen Lane Los Alamos.
  • 2500-2900 Wild Oak Road Lompoc Smoke investigation.
  • 400 Block of Centennial street Los Alamos vegetation Fire.
  • 1000 Block of South Alisal vegetation fire.
  • Blocking vehicle 200 State street Range Rover blocking a lane.
  • Un-guest refusing to leave Motel 6Ā  3505 State street.
  • Drunk Driver Goleta Beach in a red Taurus too drunk to drive.
  • Follow up on a call at Tri County Produce 335 South Milpas street.
  • Medical call Arroyo Burro Trail Los Padres Forest.
  • Karen call Group of subjects seen carrying a case of beer down the Mesa steps, “Karen is that you?”
  • Med call 9400 Block of San Julien in Lompoc.
  • Vegetation Fire highway 135 at Harris Grade.
  • 200 Feet East of the Clark Estate Sting Ray Sting.
  • 1200 East Mason missing kid for a few moments discovered sleeping in the home he was reported missing from.
  • 415 Subject disturbing 401 West Montecito at the Chevron Station.



Scanner Reports, Sunday:

  • “Old Yeller” at the Habit in a chair blocking people from entering 216 South Milpas he was yelling for a long time too.
  • Snakes in a back yard 500 Block of Grass Valley.
  • Medical aide with PD Response 200 Block of South Milpas.
  • Skateboarder down injuries 300 Block of State street.
  • Loud construction noise 2100 Block of DLV.
  • Possible Sting Ray Sting Calle Caesar Chavez at Cabrillo.
  • 1100 Block of East Cabrillo Med call.
  • 242pc Investigation at Cottage 320 West Pueblo Assault.
  • Med call 1040 CVR Vons.
  • 1145pc Suicide hanging at More Mesa in a grove of Eucalyptus trees near the bluffs possibly off the cliff some.
  • Medical call 816 Cacique, PATH.
  • Mission Gate at Purisima Road truck fire no brush involved.
  • Med call 1800 Block of Stanwood Drive.
  • Assault male beat up a female ran away like a wuss before police arrived 402 West Mission Mobil Station.
  • Stingray Sting Hendrys 2981 Cliff Drive. I bet those Stingrays are getting sick of people stepping on them.
  • 459 Burglary to a vehicle window smashed 508 Milpas street North.
  • South Calle Caesar Chavez and Cabrillo 2 Medical calls.
  • Med call 700 Block of Olive.
  • Trespassing 200 Block of Bath street.
  • Fall victim 400 Block of Yankee Farm Road.
  • Another call South Calle Chavez and Cabrillo Stingray sting. It might be the same Stingray maybe he’s a serial Stinger.
  • Traffic Accident 3305 State street injuries bicycle into a parked car.



I got a “Wind blaster” fan at Rite Aide to try and stay cool, it was the last one and I got it. On the way home some guy started following me. I did not think he was going to strike till I went up to my driveway and he got right on my heels so I spun around on his ass with my walker and stared him down. We were doing a standoff right there and he backed down. I might be messed up but I’m not going to be anyone’s victim and neither are my neighbors. There’s been a lot of crap going on in the hood lately. When I turned on this guy he started talking to his fingers, he was big too but not as big as me. I’m glad he walked away but I’m tired of people trying to get over on me cause I use a walker they see an easy mark and it ain’t gonna be that easy if they jump me. Anyway, Have a great MONday-MONday…Peter, Molly, Belinda, Angel Baby, Pooh Bear, Lola, PoPo, Tom Cat, Tomicina, Tiger, Clancy, Shadow, FREDDIE!, Maxwell, Liza, Zoey, Tiny, Andy, FISH HEADS ONE, TWO, and THREE, Poncho, Denny, Zeke, Jerry, Walter, Fred, Jonathan, C.J., Brad, Billy, Carl, Stan, Kent, ELMO, Patrick, Christy, Diana, Jim, Ross, Rambo, Sherry, Eddie, Bambi, Pat, Mavis, Mark, Willie, Mrs. MacArthur, Auntie Helen, Lafayette, Ted, Bengie, Ricky, Marty, Cop John, Firefighter Robert, Po, David Cox, Bommy, Poppy, June, Muskie, Roger, Father Zimmerman, Joseph, Magruder, Don, Edwin, Cory, Kona, Crazy Ed, Isabelle, Jerry, Debbie, Ken, LUCY!, STOBE THE HOBO, KFC, John Handcock, Mickey Mantle, Ernie Banks, Ron Santo, John Havlick, Little Mac, Lucky, Tom Petty, John Prime, Rich Mullins, Charley Bukowski, Bill, John, Neva, Marianne, and Chris Willing we will see you on HUMPITY HUMPHUMP DAY!. Later,Ā  Roger



Written by Roger

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