Scanner Reports 10-29-18

By Roger the Scanner Guy

A couple of weeks back someone lost their dog in Montecito. I did not know anything about it until I saw it on the Montecito Lost and Found page and recognized the dog from posters posted around my Hood. Knowing what usually happens to dogs and Kitties around here I just looked at a picture of the little guy and felt sad. They usually get taken or killed running across the freeway or from another animal. Then one day I saw on the Montecito page that there was a sighting of him on the east side near Voluntario and Cacique, if it was him he sure got far without being injured, if it was him? About a week ago I heard a dog nipping nearby for a short period of time, then about an hour or so later I saw a homeless guy next door on the neighbor’s property beating something behind a vehicle but I heard no sounds coming from whatever it was he was hitting.

A little later on I read there was a sighting of the dog just before I heard the nipping across the street at the Habit and put two and two together in my head hoping that the guy wasn’t beating on that poor little dog. I went over there and looked around seeing no evidence of a beating on a victim had taken place so I figured the guy was either hitting the cement or some type of object. A day or two later I found out the people had found their dog and felt a huge sigh of relief. Walking home from the store I saw a poster of the mutt and now he’s on my kitchen cabinet. Every time I see the little guy I get a good feeling knowing he made it home. Here are your Scanner Reports.

Scanner Reports, Friday:

  • Premises check Vera Cruz Park.
  • Reckless driver unable to maintain lanes, weaving a white Chevy Silverado highway 101 at 246 also 23152 possibly drunk.
  • 484 Of a speaker from Rite Aide 35 South Milpas.
  • Subject trespassing at a house where there was a structure fire in the 1700 Block of San Andres.
  • 10851 Scooter stolen 600 Block of West Valerio scooter found on Dutton street.
  • 10851 Motorcycle stolen from the 600 Block of Castillo.
  • Check the Welfare of a subject covered in feces and vomit 229 West Montecito.
  • Chase Palm Park premises check.
  • 23152 Drunk Driver in a dark blue Volvo Station Wagon Northbound on State street from the 2900 Block.
  • Check the welfare of a subject with a dirty bandage on his foot in the 300 Block of DLV.
  • Check the Welfare of a male down on a bus bench in front of McDonalds 29 North Milpas.
  • 602 Trespasser in the 4500 Block of Carpinteria Ave not welcome at a business there.
  • 261pc Rape Unknown location within SB City limits.
  • Found property in the 300 Block of West Carrillo.
  • 242 Assault 1300 Block of Punta Gorda.
  • Suspicious circumstances investigation at the police station.
  • 415,/ 647F  Involving family member 200 Block of APS.
  • Premises check Velvet Jones 400 Block of State street.
  • North Bound Milpas off ramp possible vehicle fire Voyager smoking.
  • Minor injury traffic accident 3900 Block of State street.


Scanner Reports. Saturday:

  • 23152 Blue or Grey Honda Civic heading to Carpinteria from Mission Canyon Road First thing in the Morning.
  • 20002 Non injury hit and run Black full sized older Chevy Pickup Last seen South on Calle Real from Calle Real Lane.
  • Trespasser in the GVCH ER harassing employees they want him OUT!
  • An elderly driver called in from the 3000 Block of Foothill had just been driving on East Padre thought they had hit something but couldn’t see because of the Fog….?   Anyway called the police to see if they would be so kind to go over there and check for any damage or injured people in the 200 Block of East Padre…A vehicle was found with left side damage no injured people.
  • 415 Of sorts in the 300 Block of Ellwood Beach Road Something about someone looking for a gun and the SBSO taking one away the night before so I guess maybe the police have it, Good.
  • 415 Fools yelling Anapamu at State street.
  • Check the welfare of a subject passed out on a bench West Cota at State street.
  • Male in his 60’s driving a grey van refusing to leave SBHS 700 Block of East Animal Poo.
  • Premises check McKenzie Park.
  • Possible Suspect in Sexual Assaults in a residence for sex offenders in the 100 Block of North Milpas, Suspect in custody at that address 100 Block of North Milpas.-
  • Funny I never hear any police calls at the Medical Marijuana Dispensary next door.
  • Leaf Blower on Canon Acres.- 4200 Block of La Guarda 459 Burglary, possible 594 Vandalism.
  • Domestic male yelling at female who is on the ground at Kids World in Alameda Park I bet the kids are walking on eggs over there. I heard this call go out twice on Saturday.
  • More domestic violence in the 1500 Block of West Valerio male shoved a female into a dresser in a home and took her keys some people should stay out of relationships
  • Overdose 5700 Block of Via Real.
  • 5300 Block of Carpinteria Ave. Overdose.
  • Somewhere else in the County a 12 year old also overdosed I missed the location of that incident
  • Found property a bicycle at Helena and Cabrillo.
  • Arrellaga and State street red Chevy Cobalt spotted reporting party concerned might be involved in the Washington State Amber Alert there have been sightings all over California and reports of red Chevy Cobalts so citizens are looking for that vehicle and child. The vehicle at Arrellaga and State street was a rental.
  • 10852 Stolen Auto Part investigation 1900 Block of Castillo.
  • Report of an aggressive Pit Bull in the area of Olive and Valerio.
  • Theft investigation Ralphs 100 Block of West Carrillo.
  • 415 Domestic with violence 850 Camino Del Sur dislocated elbow.
  • Check the welfare of an elderly female yelling for help 2nd floor of parking lot 10 600 Block of Anacapa
  • Premises check Oak Park.
  • 594 Vandalism possibly involving a neighbor 500 Block of East Canon Perdido.
  • 400 Block of West Guiterrez 459 Burglary to a vehicle.
  • Report of juveniles drinking alcohol in an alley Wentworth at DLG.
  • 2  Smokers throwing trash in the creekbed 400 Block of West Islay.
  • SBPD officer checking out a suspicious subject in a vehicle in Whole Foods Parking lot who has a record for impersonating a police officer.
  • Stolen lite blue scooter found behind the dumpster at the DMV  it has been there for 3 days.
  • Premises check Washington School 290 Light House.
  • 300 Block of East Haley 415 Domestic with violence male left in a grey Ford Pick Up Truck all I heard about that.


Scanner Reports, Sunday:

  • BOY! Engine 2 Went on an Alarm call at 5am and hit their Horn of theres right in front of Rogers House I was laying there thinking I might get a couple more winks when it went off I jumped outta bed and turned on the scanner…False Alarm but not for me!
  • There was a missing active senior from the 1800 Block of DLV 84 Years old she was found in the 600 Block of North Milpas a couple hours later probably coming over here to kick my ass for writing about her.
  • Fall victim Head Injury Wood Glen Hall 3010 Foothill Road.
  • Subject ran into 2 parked vehicles Micheltorena at Castillo then tried to leave the scene per reporting party I believe police got there before he could leave.
  • Suicidal female texting someone her intentions 6500 Block of Pardall
  • Code 60 large vehicle blocking 3100 Block of State street
  • 205 Anacapa 20002 Blue Nissan Southbound on Anacapa from scene of the crime non injury hit and run opps! You forgot to remove your license plate.
  • Citizen flagged down a police officer in the 600 Block of DLV Never heard why.
  • 415 Subject throwing things in the street Milpas and Mason.
  • Premises check Mc Kenzie Park.
  • Vehicle off the right shoulder traffic Accident West Bound highway 154 near San Lucas Ranch.
  • Found children 2 children one and two years old were found near the lake in Waller Park the Ranger was requesting SBSO Response.
  • 415 Son 415 Domestic 1100 Block of Mantu.
  • Suspicious male in the parking lot of Mulligans 3500 Block of McCall a black male in a black car with his golf clubs an anonymous employee called in the suspicious male. The call itself makes me kinda suspicious of the anonymous employees intentions.
  • Suspicious person looking into vehicles at the Lawn Bowling center 1216 DLV Police caught up with him near by.
  • Dog running all over the freeway I sure hope someone got the dog safely off the 101 near Summerland and not sure if it was the same dog running near Bailard and Carpinteria Ave.
  • I heard SBSO out there trying to save the little feller I hope they were able to catch it.
  • Female passed out in East Side Park 200 Block of North Soledad next to her man who id drinking drunk right next to her not spilling a drop.
  • 10851 Stolen Vehicle investigation on South Voluntario missed the block Lower East Side.
  • Vandalism to a vacant business 609 Chapala street.
  • Check the Welfare of a confused elderly man in the 2000 Block of Cliff Drive thought to be missing at risk from a nearby address I think he went home on his own before police arrived on the scene so maybe not that confused.


Halloween is coming up, are you gonna dress up? What you gonna be? I got a cat mask to scare Joey but he knows it’s me maybe if I wear the Jason mask over the cat mask I’ll get him. I have to go to the doctor on Halloween, I’m not going to tell you what kind of doctor I have to go see….Have a great MONday-MONday…Peter, Belinda, Angel Baby, Pooh Bear, Tom Cat, Clancy, Thomicina, Tiger, Midnight, Merlin, Lola, PoPo, Shadow, FREDDIE! Fish Head One, and Two, Poncho, Jerry, Walter, Fred, Jonathan, C.J.,Brad, Billy, Carl, Stan, Kent, ELMO, Patrick, Christy, Diana, Jim, Rambo, Sherry, Pat, Mavis, Eddie, Bambi, Bengie, Rickie, Bommy, Poppy, June, Muskie, David Cox, Po, Marty, Cop John, Magruder, Don, Edwin, Cory, Isabelle, Jerry, Debbie, Ken, LUCY! STOBE THE HOBO! John Hancock, Mickey Mantle, Ernie Banks, Ron Santo, Tom Petty, and Chris willing we will see you on WEDnesday.. Later,  Roger


Written by Roger

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