Do Signs Make a Difference?

By TwoScoops

The sign says:   “DANGEROUS RIVER CONDITIONS.  If you enter and have to be rescued you will be charged for all efforts to rescue you (per Bosie City Code).”

I was in Boise over the weekend and the Boise River was very high and running fast.  There was a lovely walkway along the river, with some restaurants and bars along the path.  The sign might be for those who have one too many and decide to jump in the fast moving water.  I don’t know what caused the sign, just a guess.

Would this work in Santa Barbara?


Written by TWOSCOOPS

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  1. Great idea. I was thinking how that Idaho sign enhanced the otherwise drab scene of a river flowing through that country. Made me realize how dull our natural settings are without the benefit of signs all around them.

  2. Typical here, everyone all snarky when they can’t even grasp what is really going on. It’s temporary just like our shark warning signs……….the river is at flood stage, half the rivers in the mountains and the plains were still flooding or near it last week. Wouldn’t hurt to avail ones’ self to happenings further away than Goleta and Carp. For those that do get it, I totally agree, make them pay.

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