UCSB Police Report Rape at People’s Park in Isla Vista

Source: UCSB Timely Warning

This email is being sent to the campus community as a Timely Warning regarding a crime that occurred on campus-adjacent public property. The following is provided for your personal safety.

On April 6, 2021, the UCSB Police Department received a report of a rape that occurred at People’s Park in Isla Vista on April 5, 2021. The involved parties are not affiliated with campus.

The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office (SBSO) is investigating this crime. If you have information that might assist in the investigation, please contact SBSO at (805) 681-4100, or report crime information anonymously at www.sbsheriff.org/anonymoustips.html. You can also contact the UCSB Police Department at (805) 893-3446, or report crime information anonymously at www.police.ucsb.edu/contact-us/report-crime.


Written by Anonymous

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  1. What about that UCSB employee that died down by the lagoon last year, after an altercation from what sounded like one of IV’s “houseless neighbors”? Between that death, this rape, and all the fires…is anyone concerned about the legitimate residents, UCSB employees and students?

  2. CHEMICALSUPERFREAK, all I can tell you is that these “houseless neighbors” have been allowed to instill their damage on Isla Vista for TOO long!
    Yes, that death of Geoff Jewel, still under investigation and still shady AF! Then let’s not forget everybody’s package thief, Juan Cerna. By the way, he’s back in the camp.
    There’s also Loren Allen, the guy last year who was busted for assault and attempted robbery, there was a huge manhunt for him, they found him hiding in the tent city that was in Anisqoyo Park.
    Of course, there’s also Paul Cardona, the guy who there was a manhunt going on for armed robbery and assault and guess where they found him hiding? Same place as Loren Allen! Any surprise?
    I’m not even counting all the fires, but just for the sake of numbers, as of 2021 alone, there’s already been at least 16 “houseless neighbor” fires.
    Again, it’s people like Food Not Bombs Isla Vista that wants to keep these “houseless neighbors” PERMANENTLY able to keep their tent city in People’s Park.
    They tried to stop the move from Anisqoyo Park to People’s Park with their petition that was full of staright out lies. It’s ALL they rely on in defense of the “houseless neighbors” because thay have NOTHING positive of that group to present.

  3. LakerGirl: Look at all the rollbacks of Title IX protections for women by progressives and the current administration. Women have been deprioritized in favor of other groups, erasing all the gains made in the past several decades. I fear that news of this incident will fall on deaf ears and nothing will be done to ensure the safety of women in the community.

  4. What are you talking about? Biden is rolling back Trump’s changes to Title IX which prioritized the rights of accused sexual abusers on college campuses over the rights of victims. Damn, talk about Bizarro World, how’s the weather over there?

  5. Agreed about “bad neighbors”
    Who here pays rent or mortgage?
    “houseless”, homeless, roof challenged, whatever name you call people who don’t have a permanent structure to live in.
    There are different categories from those with mental issues that cannot care for themselves, to those with drug addictions and the urban camper.
    Those who can’t care for themselves should be provided fir by the state. Newsom, where are you? Taking care of “illegal immigrants”?
    Those with drug addictions, tough love. You’re breaking the law, sorry you’re an addiction we’ll let you take & pillage a neighborhood???
    Urban surfer too cool to get a job or apartment, pay fir your campground fees like other families and people who camp.
    To charge me a fee to camp and not an urban surfer is discriminatory.
    Seriously govt, put on your bug boy pants and help those that need help and enforce the laws and fee structures on everyone.
    Or let everyone camp fir free wherever they want.

  6. A-1617993885, with all due respect to your input, I’m going to disagree, politely, on a number of points you mention. To begin with, you grew up in Isla Vista and own property there. Nothing wrong with that, but the problem is you DON’T live in Isla Vista, so you’re therefore exempt from the wrath of the “housless neighbors” that are destroying our beachside community. I’m willing to bet that if they showed up in YOUR community, your tune would be much different.
    Another thing is you own property in Isla Vista. Well, step up and practice what you preach here! Let the “houseless neighbors” stay in or on your property! Come on, help out!
    As for the “legal campgrounds patrolled by reasonable and peaceful officers who serve a loving law” you speak of, you’re obviously out of the loop on the matter of these individuals.
    They’ve been given EVERY opportunity imaginable to do the right thing, but the fact to the matter is they refuse to.
    As for a person’s family camping on the campgrounds in Carpinteria State Beach is no different, well, again, not to be disrespectful, but you’re way off base with that assumption.
    A family camping on that state beach is not starting fights, littlering the place with hypodermic needles or broken glass from meth pipes, stealing, robbing and yes, raping.
    If ANYONE camping on Carpinteria State beach does ANY of that, they go to jail, but the “houseless neighbors” in People’s Park, they just get politely asked to not do it again and are then left alone.
    Finally, there’s the biblical quote from Matthew that you cite. Again, not so sound mean spirited, but using the bible as a guide for modern day issues that threaten a community, that’s pretty weak in the least.
    In all, you have communicated your points well enough and you have sparked my interest in the discussion, but I still say on all accounts you are incorrect.
    The good thing is, at least you’re NOT a liar like the people in Food Not Bombs Isla Vista who want to keep the “houseless neighbors” stuck in People’s Park permanently. Don’t be like them, they ARE a huge contributor to the problem and the proof is ever-so-evident.

  7. 9:42 exactly correct. DeVos was the one who led the attack on Title IX.
    It’s amazing how otherwise clearly intelligent people, even those whose careers require methodologies based on data and fact (scientists) can become self deluded and irrational
    In the service of a knee jerk political

  8. I want to put my two cents in anonymously. I am a local citizen who grew up in Isla Vista and own property there. I want to see legal campgrounds that are in fact patrolled by reasonable and peaceful officers who serve a loving law. Whether in Isla Vista (at the center of town?!) or/and other places or not, isn’t the issue. I believe that a person or family that goes to Carpinteria State Beach with a tent is no different, other than the outlandish fees. This is not just a county issue, it’s state and federal issue. When there is booze and etc/etc that’s when there will be problems. I am for you and not against you. What I would give for a piece of bread and some water. I hope I have communicated this well enough to spark your interest in the discussion. -Matthew (the 25th)

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