Thoughts on Gunpowder Pyrotechnics?

By an edhat reader

Why is the city and center of the Earth Day movement not outraged by the use of gunpowder pyrotechnics on the 4th of July?

Why are we not following the way with drones?


Written by Anonymous

What do you think?


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  1. I say yes for the drones. But, they must be followed up by a good dose of things that go “boom” in the night sky. And, for us to know the show is over, there still has to be many, many booms, spaced apart and louder with more color in the sky. With drones it’s just lights out, no booms.

  2. Until such time as one billion Chinese and another billion Indians reduce their carbon footprints.
    Until such time as we build more nuclear power plants (hopefully with the new cleaner method under development.)
    Until such time as crypto server farms are made energy efficient.
    Until such time as energy production is increased to fulfill the “green” EV charging stations.
    Until such time as bovine flatulence is pumped underground.
    Until such time… etc., etc. (Add your own item to this list.)
    Until such time comes to pass, a little gunpowder pyrotechnics will bring joy to many while failing to generate material harm to us all.
    Que sera, sera.
    Don’t worry – be happy!

  3. 3 December’s ago, the City of Solvang did a Christmas (I mean “Winterfest”) Drone light show that was absolutely amazing… I, too like fireworks, but if you have a professional drone show with hundreds of drones that are in sync and computer controlled, it’s a pretty damn good aerial display.

    • I would love to see a good drone show but for now they are hard to find.
      Perhaps that is cost driven. A quick look at the ads for such drone shows each one starting at $500 or so and even a wimpy minimal show requires almost a hundred with good shows using closer to a thousand. Plus the cost of control systems and software. Municipal fireworks shows can run under a grand for a complete minimal show for a small town up to a hundred grand for a few of the biggest cities. (Though I understand that the Capitol Mall shows during the Trump era cost about a third of a million).
      Give it a decade and we will probably both get to see drone based aerial shows from time to time. Unlike fireworks, you can “shoot” the same drones over and over.

  4. Well…it is supposed to represent seeing the flag through the rockets red glare but few care about the history.
    I fondly watched the fireworks this year knowing that drones will probably take over soon.
    I have nostalgia for fireworks as I bet most boomers do.
    Replacing plastic straws with collapsing paper straws, recycling (which basically just makes people feel better but makes a larger carbon footprint than just burying the stuff) or banning some fireworks once in a while, especially on the Fourth is NOT going to solve the problem. We are a drop in a bucket of pollution compared to China and India.

    • Uh . . . Not “one day out of the year.” Parade of Lights event sets off fireworks, too. And now, every year, we have dickwads setting off booming fireworks all over town —- days and days AFTER the 4th. Fortunately, our present dog isn’t reactive. Years ago our one Heeler/Chow Chow tried to hurl herself out the upper story window, thanks to neighbors “entertaining” their kids with poppers. Please find some other way to keep your little one enchanted. Something that doesn’t involve polluting air quality, scaring the bejesus out of animals, terrifying people who suffer from PTSD, and keeping people awake who need to get to work in the morning.

    • How about fun and joy for kids??? Is that a choice? My 3 1/2 year old daughter LOVES the fireworks. Can she enjoy traditions that previous generations had, or is she just left to enjoy the political culture wars, inflation, and crumbling infrastructure the previous generations left us with? It’s one day out of the year…put some earplugs in, put your pups in a room, and suck it up party poopers.

    • Kids with poppers!?!?! Oh great heavens!!You don’t say! …”Pee-pee boys”? uhh ok whatever that means. Sure…”Sorry sweetheart, this year we’re not going to watch the fireworks or have any fun with sparklers because somebody on edhat suggested we find something else to do instead. Now go put your earmuffs on and enjoy your kale chips!” Suck it up buttercup. Please go shake your fist at the sky and find something else to complain about. I’ll stick with hotdogs, burgers, sparklers and making memories with my kids. Santa Barbara…the whining capital of the world.

Random Aircraft at Santa Barbara Airport

Westside Gunshot?