Sewage on Calle Real?

By an edhat reader

What the heck was drained onto the parking lot of CVS on Calle Real in Goleta yesterday and was it reported to the County Health Department and cleaned up?

Looks like RV sewage to me. Could it be from the regular homeless RV’s that always live there?


Written by Anonymous

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  1. So much hate Parvovirus. And the word g*ps* is not used. Please do not invoke this hateful and racist slur again. The Romani people have an incredible tradition and long history and we should celebrate them but instead everyone wants to be racist against them. Again, no compassion. You could have been a drug addict too you know. By luck you are not.

  2. Stop criticizing our houseless neighbors. Throwing them under the bus like that. Just cruel. if they can’t afford to dump their waste then we need to deal with it as a community. These people need our help!!

  3. Sorry but you don’t sound very “aware.” People who do life’s of crime are victims of cruel systems and usually being poor or having the wrong skin color. No child is born wanting to do crime. The world shapes those people. We need more compassion. Maybe programs to help dealers get away from crime? But arrest and more jails? NOT the answer! Compassion my friends!!

Public Input Requested on Renovation of Stow Grove Park

Vehicle Crashes Over Hollister Ave.