Santa Barbara Zoo Lioness Moving to Idaho

By the Santa Barbara Zoo

Paw-sitively exciting news…Pauline, the Zoo’s two-year-old young female lion, is moving to Zoo Boise in Idaho!

We’ve watched her explore and grow since she was born here in Santa Barbara in November of 2020, and now she is mature enough to contribute to a pride of her very own. The Santa Barbara Zoo is one of more than 220 accredited zoos and aquariums that participate in Species Survival Plans (SSP), a cooperative conservation program of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA).

These zoos and aquariums work together to maximize genetic diversity and manage the long-term sustainability of species. Our zoo, as well as Zoo Boise, has helped contribute to the genetic health and longevity of numerous species, including African lions.

Pauline’s mom and dad, Felicia and Ralph, will stay in Santa Barbara for the foreseeable future, and we will follow the SSP recommendations for our future planning.

Be sure and stop by to say goodbye to Pauline if you’d like…she leaves for the Midwest this weekend. You can also check out this throwback video with some Pauline boops!

Special thanks to Pauline’s Premier Foster Feeder sponsors, Phyllis and Angelo Mozilo.


Written by sbzoo

The Santa Barbara Zoo is dedicated to the preservation, conservation, and enhancement of the natural world and its living treasures through education, research, and recreation. Learn more at

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  1. That lion is going to love it in that part of the world, and most likely will live longer than if spending its life along the coast in SB. That part of our country has the big wide open spaces, fresh air, and predominantly kind/helpful folks. A few years ago, on a biz trip to Boise I had a chance to spend time at one of the field offices (not huge, but a couple hundred folks). I spoke with quite a few “Cali Escapees” who moved there because of the level of affordability when compared to SB and Silicon Valley/Bay Area. Each person said that their main concern was that they felt that their politics/views would not be accepted by the locals. Far from it they said, and are now happy as can be….just like the lion soon shall be. Farewell Paw-Lean….say hello to the clean air and tree-covered mountains!!!

    • BABYCAKES, how can you possibly be this delusional? Pauline is going to a (pretty small) zoo. There are no wide open spaces, she will be kept in a small area and now, with the elements, be forced to stay inside for a significant portion of the year.
      To bring up politics and “how nice people are there” is bizarrely unrelated to anything to do with Pauline…

    • “Far from it they said, and are now happy as can be” – it’s easier, and probably more fun, to be openly racist, homophobic, transphobic, hateful towards “libs,” gun-toting, anti-“socialist,” pro-oil, anti-renewables, climate change denying, creationist, and/or whatever other socially objectionable (from a modern, scientific and empathetic perspective) ideals and beliefs you have, when you’re surrounded by other like “minds.” Yeah, I get it. I’d hate to be like that and living here among liberals who care about others and don’t support arming teachers, banning wind power and drag queens telling stories. Must suck for folks like that here.

    • Let’s just be happy for little Pauline. It give me joy knowing that she will most likely live a long life (average of 30 years in captivity vs 15 or so in the wild). She will not be kept outside all the time in the freezing cold, but rather have a warm/cozy shelter to sleep in and stay out of the elements. The summer months in Boise as we all know can get quite hot and Pauline definitely will have plenty of water and shade. The greater Idaho and Eastern Oregon area has tons/tons/tons of farms that raise cows/pigs/bison/etc., so Pauline will have what lions crave/crave: MEAT!!!
      For those who have never visited Idaho (Wyoming/Montana), my experience in my 20-or-so visits to that part of the country for sightseeing, camping, fishing, and business is completely the opposite of what 9:32 purports. I am someone who has enough confidence to be just fine when other folks have a different view than mine, so to speak poorly of them would only speak poorly of myself.
      Farewell Sweet Pauline and take it from me that you will be treated well by the folks and visitors of Boise!!!

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