House to Consider Rep. Carbajal’s ‘Red Flag’ Legislation Next Week

Source: Office of Rep. Salud Carbajal

Today, Congressman Salud Carbajal announced that his legislation to reduce gun deaths will receive a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives next week.

Rep. Carbajal’s Extreme Risk Order Protection Act, which has more than 100 co-sponsors in the House and a companion bill led by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) in the Senate, would create a grant program at the U.S. Department of Justice to encourage states to adopt ‘red flag’ laws and support the 19 states that have already implemented them.

‘Red flag’ laws allow for the temporary removal of firearms from a person who may pose a danger to others or themselves, and can also prevent them from purchasing a firearm.

“In so many school shootings, from Parkland to Sandy Hook and Columbine to last week’s tragedy in Uvalde, there have been stark warning signs that red flag laws could have helped intervene and prevent these unspeakable tragedies. These laws have been shown in my home state of California to take guns away from violent individuals, saving lives,” said Rep. Carbajal. “These laws can prevent mass shootings, reduce suicides, disarm extremists, and protect our communities. That is why I have pushed for my bill to expand and improve use of these emergency measures—and am excited to see the House vote on it next week.”

Carbajal has championed this legislation since coming to Congress in 2017, less than a year after California became one of the first states to enact a red flag law in the aftermath of the 2014 U.C. Santa Barbara shooting.

In 2020, California judges issued more than 1,200 extreme risk protection orders, temporarily removing firearms from people deemed dangerous.

In past years, Carbajal’s measure has enjoyed bipartisan support in the House and has received the endorsement of multiple law enforcement agencies, teachers, and doctors.

The measure is expected to receive a vote in the House along with H.R. 2377, Congresswoman Lucy McBath’s Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act.

This vote in the House of Representatives is part of House Democrats’ reaction to the murder of nineteen children in Uvalde, Texas and other recent deadly gun attacks.

Rep. Salud Carbajal represents California’s 24th congressional district, encompassing Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and part of Ventura County. He sits on the House Armed Services Committee, Agriculture Committee, and Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, where he serves as the Chair of the Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation.


Written by Anonymous

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  1. More “legislation” that does nothing except make politicans seem like they’ve addressed an issue… MEANWHILE, our country is falling apart, we are not producing ANYTHING, whether it be self suffcient petroleum (which runs the economy…duh), industrial manufacturing, computer components, shoes, clothing, and other “basics”… The BIG infrastructure Bill that passed is stagnant , our local SB County roads are crumbling, No massive DESALINATION PROJECTS, but hey, we are getting Chinese supplied wind machines that produce next to NOTHING with regard to POWER… Our economy is failing into a serious recession and Oh Yeah, our current political leadership gave $40 BILLION + of our taxpayer funds to our new 51st State that is located appoximately 6,570 miles from California….I guess they are part of our “Union” as the Blue and Yellow flags are flying everywhere. You couldn’t make this up.

  2. “disarm extremists” is why this legislation will fail and a direct result of the egregious overuse of the term “right-wing extremists”. Who determines when someone is an “extremist”? According to EdHat commentators, I’m an extremists and you’d come for my guns (if I had any), you’d come for Lozan’s guns because she’s an extremists. Don’t believe in mandatory vaccinations or that cloth masks work – extremists! Think we should improve border security and enforce our current immigration laws – extremist! Release violent criminals from prison early or refuse to prosecute – extr… no, no that’s okay. Wow, it almost seems anyone who doesn’t support your parties line of thinking might be an extremists and their guns should be taken as well.

  3. What just happened in Tulsa is independent from my comment below, an explanation of why the red-flag legislation won’t be enacted. If you ever truly want meaningful firearm reform to be enacted, you need to move away from this mentality that anyone whose hesitant to let the government freely go down this slippery slope of potentially infringing on their 2A rights is a proponent of mass shootings, murder and death. Especially after our covid response laid bare 1) the government will not hesitate to exceed their lawful mandate, and 2) the government ‘experts’ are very fallible both in their judgement and (in)ability to separate politics from their decision making.

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