By an edhat reader
Week of September 19 – 23, 2022: council and advisory committee meetings of Santa Barbara City
A long-time Edhat subscriber, hoping for more public participation in our local government, thought it would be helpful and interesting for the community to have a weekly listing of selected meetings, those of city-wide interest. We agreed. Please tell us what you think. There have been requests for coverage of other jurisdictions; volunteers to do that, please contact If we’ve mis-posted an address or there’s a meeting that we failed to list, please note the correction in the Comments section below. Thanks!
Santa Barbara has a City Calendar of meetings; for September: (NB: City Calendar is a guide and may not be complete or, as for this week, completely accurate.) City TV covers many of the meetings and has reruns and updates with newly-scheduled meetings: There’s a new city website design, but it’s a mixed blessing, with some information harder to find if it exists at all.
Common acronyms, abbreviations: hybrid, meeting access is both in person and via Zoom or other web; PDA, Project Design Approval; FA, Final Approval. Meeting locations: City Council chambers upstairs at City Hall, 735 Anacapa Street; David Gebhard Room, 630 Garden Street; or where noted. HyFlex, means access both in person and by Zoom; CAR, Council Agenda Report.
This week continues CREEK WEEK, 9/17-24, check the link/schedule for daily events; and there are the usual commission and Council meetings in the City of Santa Barbara.
MONDAY, 9/19
Single Family Design Board, 11:00 A.M., DGR, Consent, 914 E. Haley, FA, 2433 Calle Soria, PDA and FA; 1713 Lasuen Rd, PDA and FA.
Architectural Board of Review, 1 P.M., Consent, DGR, Cancelled.
Architectural Board of Review, 3:00 P.M., DGR, regular meeting, Agenda, HyFlex. 3703 State Street, PDA, FA; 220 N La Cumbre Road; Concept Review. Architectural drawings linked here.
State Street Advisory Committee, 4 P.M., DGR, Cancelled, as were the meetings for June and July with the only summer meeting held on August 15, 8.15 agenda. Next tentatively scheduled meeting: October 17. While you’re waiting, check the Agenda page for various resources, including the city’s 1964 General Plan, especially worthwhile reading for committee members; also: various prior presentations and staff reports.
Sign Committee, listed as meeting alternative Tuesdays, at 9 AM, including today, but we were unable to find the agenda.
City Council, regular meeting, 2 P.M., city council chambers., HyFlex, access info at the Agenda, Consent calendar; Item 11, Public Works Department, State Street Interim Operations Update, CAR.
Single Family Design Board, 3 P.M., DGR, agenda: 3239 Cliff Drive, PDA, FA; 1220 Flora Vista Drive, new item, Concept Review; 817 Spring Street, new item Concept Review; 229 Vista del Mar Drive, new item: PDA and FA – Public Comment, including an appeal: 55 pages, link.
Staff Hearing Officer, 9 A.M., DGR, HyFlex, Agenda, 211 Oliver Road.
Creeks Committee, 5:30 -7 P.M., Tour of the Andree Clark Bird Refuge Restoration, meet at the Bird Refuge outfall on East Beach near the Volleyball courts.
Airport Commission, 6 P.M., Airport Administration Conference Room 601 Firestone Road, Santa Barbara, Agenda.
Fire and Police Commission, 6 P.M., 121 W. Carrillo Street, in person only; agenda.
Harbor Commission, 6:00, Cruise Ship Subcommittee, HyFlex, Marine Center Classroom 125 Harbor Way, 2nd Floor, Santa Barbara, CA 93109, access info on the Agenda.
FRIDAY, 9/23
No council or commission meetings scheduled. Those wanting to catch up might review some of the summer meetings of the ABR, the HLC, the Planning Commission, and the Water Committee meetings. In next week’s version of the city calendar we will try list certain meetings of especial interest.
Of general interest:
City Advisory Commissions are listed with their duties and powers described in the Charter of the City of Santa Barbara, See: Article Vlll, Appointive Boards and Commissions, pg; 25 et seg. Other commissions may be formed by the City Council for certain issues of public concern. Santa Barbara Municipal Code.
AIA-Santa Barbara, August 2020, State Street Promenade and housing community survey results, more than 4,800 responses, linked here. Civic groups concerned about city government: Allied Neighborhoods Association, Citizens Planning Association, League of Women Voters -Santa Barbara, and various hyperlocal neighborhood associations.
City of Santa Barbara emphasizes transparency: Not listed under city transparency is a link to the Ralph M. Brown Act (“Brown Act“), “In enacting this chapter, the Legislature finds and declares that the public commissions, boards and councils and the other public agencies in this State exist to aid in the conduct of the people’s business. It is the intent of the law that their actions be taken openly and that their deliberations be conducted openly.”