Source: County of Santa Barbara

The Santa Barbara County Registrar of Voters office is seeking volunteers to serve as poll workers for the June 7 Statewide Direct Primary Election. Volunteers support their community by working at polling place locations throughout the county. They also receive a stipend for working on Election Day and attending poll worker training. Please consider applying to be a poll worker today!

Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk-Recorder-Assessor & Registrar of Voters said people should volunteer because, “poll workers are on the frontline of democracy; without them voting does not happen.”

To be a poll worker, you must meet the following criteria:

• Be a registered voter in the State of California or lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States, as specified, and who is otherwise eligible to register to vote, except for their lack of United States citizenship.
• Be able to follow written and verbal instruction.
• Be available to serve Election Day (June 7) from approximately 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM or until all of the closing procedures have been completed.
• Must be available to attend a mandatory training class during the week of May 23.

Howard Hudson volunteers as a poll worker and as an Adopt-A-Poll organizer for the Santa Barbara Host Lions Club because he wants to be a part of the democratic process. Hudson added, “I feel that as a citizen I am obligated to do what I can to help with the process and I encourage others to get involved and participate. Election Day is busy but rewarding, and I get to meet others supporting our democratic process and right to vote.”

To learn more about the poll worker program and training process, please go to https://countyofsb.org/care/elections/officers/information.sbc.


Written by Anonymous

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  1. If you are able and willing to do this, please participate and thanks that so far SB has not been infected with the anger and hostility of those who are intimidating poll workers and other civic minded citizens around the nation. Pax.

  2. …or you can vote in the comfort of your home, put your mail-in ballot in a postage paid envelope, and mail it securely with the USPS or drop it in an official ballot box. It’s 2022 – time to ditch polling places and your Princess phone.

  3. If they want to attract workers you’d think that instead of just “receive a stipend” they’d say how much they are paying. I worked many times as a poll worker in the 1980’s and we were paid an hourly wage and mileage, plus we used our personal cars to haul the voting booths to the site and return them to the registrar’s location and were paid extra for that.

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