Vehicle Collides with Multiple Motorcycles

Vehicle accident at mile marker 2785 Highway 166; one vehicle vs 3 motorcycles.


Written by Roger

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  1. LUVADUCK: you are correct many who ride do go too fast and are scary and yes they are often young men. I don’t know if this is the accident, but a group of adult riders who I ride with were on a ride to Pine Mountain on 6-15-2019 and while rounding a blind curve a car was coming straight at them. The #2 rider in the group avoided the head-on but struck the driver’s side and the couple in the #3 position also became involved in the collision. I don’t have any details about a 3rd rider but three people were involved and one was flown to a hospital by Cal Star and the other two were transported by ambulance. I have not been able to find any details online concerning this accident so I am not even sure it is the same one. I think it is important to remember that generalizing about any group is showing a strong bias. I do share your concern that some do ride way too fast and over their heads, but not all. Being a motorcycle rider I am well aware of the “Rule of lug nuts” that is ” he with the most lug nuts wins in a collision.” Motorcyclists have the fewest lug nuts of all. Pray for those injured and their companions. God Bless.

  2. I’m concerned for all involved, but have to also mention, that I have been nearly hit a number of times by motorcylists betting their lives weaving in and out of heavy FAST traffic. Always seems to be young men with many years to lose.

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