News-Press Editor Leaves After Owner Likens COVID-19 Restrictions to Nazi Germany

Santa Barbara News-Press Building near De La Guerra Plaza (Photo: Google Maps)

By edhat staff

Santa Barbara News-Press editor Nick Masuda has left his position after the paper’s owner published an opinion likening COVID-19 restrictions to Nazi Germany.

Wendy McCaw, the paper’s owner and co-publisher, printed an opinion piece titled “We are living in tyranny” on Friday, May Day. This was the same day two rallies took place in De La Guerra Plaza, one advocating the reopening of the state while the other demanded financial support for the working class.

In her article, McCaw called COVID-19 the “Wuhan virus”, declared it a political weapon, and stated Governor Newsom’s stay-at-home order is arbitrary and unconstitutional.

“If this country can be put into this situation by a virus, what would it take to completely turn us into the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany?  We are not that far away now, having to stand in line to get into supermarkets, finding the shelves empty of products that were in plentiful supply before the virus and now the rationing of products.  When food shortages arrive watch to see how bad it will become,” she wrote.

The byline of the editorial stated, “Wendy P. McCaw is the co-publisher of the News-Press and the views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the SBNP staff.”

According to Nick Welsh at The Independent, who broke this story over the weekend, it was the adding of that byline that resulted in either the firing or resignation of Masuda.

Masuda took the editor-in-chief position nearly 18 months ago and worked to include more local content with an online presence for the 152-year-old paper.

A Facebook post by Masuda hinted to the reasons for his departure. “… we all have bosses, and sometimes you simply don’t see the world in the same way. Sometimes you are subjected to things that no person should be subjected to. Sometimes you simply can’t co-exist especially when views go against all that you stand for as a human,” he wrote.

As locals are well aware, this isn’t’ the first issue associated with the infamous paper. McCaw, the ex-wife of a billionaire cellphone pioneer, purchased the paper in 2000 from The New York Times. In the years that followed, numerous reporters and staff either resigned or were fired followed by a slew of lawsuits stemming from McCaw’s newsroom interventions many deemed unethical.

“To an uncommon degree, Masuda had sought to restore some semblance of journalistic content and credibility to a newspaper that for years went out of its way to alienate and infuriate the community,” wrote Welsh.

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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  1. To put things in perspective- Santa Barbara has two news rags; The NewPress and The Independent
    One is obviously “Right of Center” and the other is way “Left of Center”… It’s ashame the news business has only given the people these options- I can remember when reporters strived for news content and based a story on the facts at hand, with interjecting “SPIN” , whichever way (Left or Right…). The Media is definately not a trusted source like it once was.

  2. I don’t believe Nick completely understood what he was getting into, and/or understood his role as an employee. He had every right to quit for whatever reason, even if it was something very minor. Hopefully, he can find another job soon (assuming he needs to work) in an occupation fitting for the 21st century. McCaw needs to find someone who will go along with her program.

  3. Here is the editorial, if you havent read it. ———- ———– The wheels go off only a few sentences in… The NP paper must lose a fortune. Its 5 pages on most days. I would assume McCaw keeps it alive only so that she can write these things every once in a while. She does hold some wacky views, but then again so do many people in this town including a few of our local politicians, some EdHat’rs and that one guy who used to stand on the corner of Anapamu and Anacapa with those cardboard signs… But they dont own newspapers and $150m yachts. So there’s that…

  4. Wendy is a piece of work. I was told several years ago that the Newspress has extensive archives stored in the building and she refuses to give researchers/ scholars access to them. What a shame. That’s our history. Please, Wendy, sell the paper to someone who will be responsible and who will follow journalistic standards. The Newspress is an embarrassment to the community.

  5. Tyranny: when your zillion dollar portfolio loses a few percent.
    Wendy: Wake up!! Gas is at an all time low. Turn off the tv and go for a nice long cruise. Swim with dolphins. Take up a meditation practice.

  6. Yeah, it seems like a vanity project for McCaw. This will piss off 95% of Edhat but I have fantasies of the NP being shut down, the building being converted into apartments, and the valuable parking lot land being turned into a nice park. If only we could keep the hobos out of it.

  7. There actually was a lot more in her editorial than the “sensationalist” quote highlighted in the title.
    But , of course, that would not fit the left of left aspirations of Edhat and those of their contributors whose opinions are NOT censured by said paper .

  8. For those who think it’s a “tyranny”….if we can tighten our belts for a while, we will be better off shortly. People were seriously restricted during WW2, and hardly anyone complained because they all knew that they hard to endure and be tough to win the war. During that time, people put their cars up on blocks because of lack of gasoline. Blackouts were common. Food rationing, lack of production of a lot …including cars, because all the effort and raw materials went to the war.

  9. The restrictions are like restrictions on drinking and driving. Some people want to drink and drive, but they might wind up killing others and/or themselves….so there are restrictions. Yes, it takes fun and convenience away…a lot of bars went out of business because of it. Most people still want to have restrictions on drinking and driving. Is that a “tyranny” ?

  10. Wendy McCaw is just another sycophantic Trump supporter who is probably one of the most disliked people in all of Santa Barbara. I know people who’ve worked at The News Press and based upon their stories she’s just a rotten human being to work for. She clearly keeps that sad paper alive so she can have a platform to spew her crazy ideas when the mood strikes. Wendy, please go sell your racist crazy BS somewhere else, we’re all stocked up here. I think you’re more aligned with the Nazis than the good people of Santa Barbara…SMH

  11. Check it out…the numbers are still going up . 526 COVID cases today. That’s only the cases that have had positive test results. The available tests have been reported to have a very high number of false negatives. Not to mention how difficult it has been to even qualify to have a test done because of the scarcity of tests available. The cases in SB county are probably in the thousands. We can’t find proper masks (N-95) to buy, testing, disinfectants….this is not a time to pretend like everything is normal and to drop our vigilance.

  12. If McCaw decides to abandon the SBNP it will go the way of most other small town newspapers. I do not agree with her ridiculous views nor do I respect her intellect. On the other hand I do respect her right to voice her views. If her ‘editorial’ had been a letter to the editor we could have chuckled a bit and moved on. But the meanness of modern society has reared its head. Neither side can tolerate the opinions of the other side and they react in embarrassingly simple ways. The LA Times wrote this story today. They focused on the same hot point and choose to headline, as did Edhat, the reference to Nazi intolerance. They ignored, as did Edhat, the reference to Soviet Union intolerance. Why? Is it not because any referral to the behavior of Nazis is forbidden unless it is in reference to their terrible and inhumane concentration camps? What she was saying, and I do not agree with her conclusion, is that government in the US is becoming authoritarian in the mode of either of these extremes. She was not saying that Newsom is a Nazi nor that he is a Communist. I really think we should defend her right to say what she says and trust the common sense of the community to reject what she says without resorting to labeling and stigmatizing.

  13. 915films: This report is not “exactly what she said.” Read the article she wrote to see what she said (deplorable as it was). But I assume that you would not do this because you have decided the issue based on third hand reportage.

  14. Last week, I stumbled upon the News-Press website and the fact that you can read a digital version of the paper (or what’s left of it) online for free. Not sure if that’s intentional or accidental. On about the third day if reading it, I saw the Windy MacCheese piece. What a moron. She and Arthur von Cheeseburger should let professionals run the rag.

  15. Santa Barbara News-Press isn’t doing so good nowadays . Low pay & lay offs . Last time i bought the Press it was two pages . There’s is no way, editor Nick Masuda has left because of that comment made about McCaw . He left because there’s no work and had just said that about her because he probally didn’t like her. Nobody is going to be dumb enough to say anything bad about their boss if they’re making way above average salary .

  16. 12:50 – No, YOU are hilarious. Hilariously WRONG.
    Have you read it or did? Here you go, here’s what you say she “didn’t” say: “If this country can be put into this situation by a virus, what would it take to completely turn us into the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany? We are not that far away now….” That is definitely, 100%, absolutely comparing us to what happened in Nazi Germany. She said the words, “Nazi Germany,” and the title of the op-ed is “We are living in Tyranny.” So, tell me again how she isn’t comparing our situation to Nazi Germany (her own words)?

  17. That’s about the 3rd or 4th time I’ve seen that quote posted on EdHat in the past week. Must be getting a lot of play on news channels or social media, because it’s too much of a coincidence.

  18. It’s my fervent wish that every fool who urges a complete lockdown, go bankrupt, lose all his money, and starve to death living on the streets. Is this harsh? Yes, but there are millions of Americans who lost their jobs and worry about some of these possibilities. So the smug smart alecks who think it’s okay to destroy the economy , should experience some of the consequences of what they wish for.

  19. LSS – and we all wish, fervently I might add, that every fool who is out there protesting, calling this “Nazi Germany,” assaulting (and killing) guards who are telling people to wear masks, bring guns to a protest, and in all the other ways jeopardizing everyone else’s lives out of sheer selfishness, get Covid and find themselves gasping for breath in a hospital bed alone, with no oxygen. Is this harsh? You effin’ bet it is. Your job is not more important than someone else’s life. So you smug know it alls should experience some of the consequence of what they wish for. See how that works?

  20. MAC – sadly, they’re using the same quote we libs used back in the 9/11 era when our president ACTUALLY took away some of our constitutional rights. But, that was back when we had smarts and dignity and had to think for ourselves, not lazily rely on memes and twitter quotes we can copy and paste. Gads, these folks make me ill.

  21. Wendy McCaw is possibly the most ignorant billionaire, excluding Trump! If you believe that she shops for her own groceries, I’ve got some land in the Everglades you should buy! The fact that anyone notices what she opines in the NewsPress is amazing! She has done her best to make sure the circulation has decreased to the point that almost no one reads that rag!

  22. It’s amazing the entity of ex employees that hate this woman. All of them stuck in a paradox. Keep spewing hatred regarding what this woman “destroyed”, and in doing so, ruin your own livelihood. Sadly in your eyes, a monster has grasp of the holy grail which controls your heart and it’s killing you. Are there substitutes? Certainly not the nonsense that spews out of what’s truly not independent. The only viable article which that rag’s capable of producing is Brezney’s horoscope. So lopsided in its views and no different, albeit from the pendulum swing of the opposite perspective. But good thing we have The Hat to post our views that are certain to get pounded upon! Go freedom of speech! Well, except for you Wendy. You need disclaimers to speech apparently. Honorable mention to The Hawk for if they survive this and even if they are ex employees they at least keep a mostly unbiased and true view on things that’s worth supporting.

  23. The reason why I asked SAJON what he does for a living is because I noticed, where I live, many of the people clamoring for a total shutdown don’t have to work for a living. Many are on govt pension or SS or are fortunate to have inherited wealth. We all know that many people in SB inherited their money or otherwise they couldn’t live here.
    For me, I spent many years working 24/7 building a business. During the early years I had no money and spent many sleepless nights wondering how I would survive here. It took quite a few years before the business became successful. It was stressful and very hard at times, something I’m sure other entrepreneurs can relate to. Maybe that’s why I worry about all the small business owners in SB getting killed by this virus. So those people who cavalierly dismiss them will regret it very much, because a city without a vibrant business community will not be a very livable place.

  24. A livable place needs a population. If we lived in a civilized society with a better social safety net and healthcare, nobody would have to fear the relatively mild restrictions we currently have.

  25. Usually when you get the Nazi stuff in an argument, it’s ” distraction, diversion or censorship “(wickapedia). In this case it’s all three. Poor journalism, poor analysis, and pure politics. More from wickapedia: “Godwin’s law (or Godwin’s rule of Hitler analogies)[1][2] is an Internet adage asserting that “as an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1″.[2][3] That is, if an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will compare someone or something to Adolf Hitler or his deeds, the point at which effectively the discussion or thread often ends.”

  26. RHS, I’ve rarely agreed with your comments, but on this one I do, along with COASTWATCH and his (corrected) comment @ 1:59 pm. The alarming fact is that most of the newspapers and media outlets these days do put a spin on news to fit their agenda yet pass it off as truth. Their journalism is actually just an op-ed, as was McGraw’s, which is why so many of us don’t trust anything the media says as factual any longer. Most people that hate the right-wing News Press love the Independent, which is about as far-left and biased as a publication can get these days. Freedom of the press is a First Amendment right, but just don’t push your opinion as news. At least McGraw didn’t do that, with the paper actually stating in the by-line that it was her opinion alone and not that of the entire NP staff. Nick Welsh clearly has an agenda and the way he wrote his article and the fact it is published almost word for word both in the LA Times and here sadly speaks volumes for the media these days.

  27. You often use this statement as some proof of your position. Math is obviously not one of your strong points Pit, as you fail to understand some of its most basic concepts… But then again, you are a local government employee arent you? And we all know that the government is the only sector where mediocrity is not only sought, its rewarded and promoted.

  28. There is no reliable local investigative news. The Independent publishes a story about major fraud but does not follow up on it, or investigate WHY it happened, other than to quote often unreliable sources. The News Press is irrelevant and has been since McCaw purchased it and purged anyone who did not agree with her. Hmmm … that reminds me of someone. If I want to know how or why something happened, I try to find out myself using the resources available to me. A funded newspaper would have more resources and access than I, but sometimes if you want to know something, you have to find out for yourself.

  29. MAC: Wrong! What this shutdown has demonstrated is that people need to have something to do, such as a job. Without purpose, people become aimless and restless. Just look at all the recent traffic fatalities (101, 154 and Calle Real), DUIs and crashes. People are losing it. Expanding a social safety net, making people slavishly dependent on government handouts so you can lock them in their homes is a terrible idea. This is what Andrew Yang’s universal basic income plan would have resulted in: sit home, collect a check, and drink yourself stupid.

  30. Besides being stupid and illogical, her editorial was poorly written, with grammatical errors. Ironic that she claims others are being like “Nazis” when she endorses and supports a president who actually has embraced and welcomed hate groups. Likening anything to Nazis brings to mind the stark reality of what the Nazis did- murdering millions of people because of their religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, being gypsies, etc. So while she may disagree with Governor Newsom, it’s quite offensive (and just damn wrong) to compare what he is doing to being a Nazi.

  31. Nice post. I suspect you will receive the obligatory 4 to 6 downvotes from the handful of right wing Edhat’rs that spend a lot of time here. They’re a funny, albeit predictable bunch. Watch how they parrot the talking points of the right wing media almost word for word. Day after day, week after week. What Rump, Hannity, Ingraham, Limbaugh and gang are chatting about are what these people are on here defending or promoting. Its like clockwork. They are true believers and followers. Poor souls…

  32. Happy Camper: Like you, I used to get quite angry with those who I did not care for too much. After much self reflection (a lot of self reflection), I realized that my anger/angst was misplaced on my “enemies.” So, if you find yourself getting “wound up” over minor things like a local newspaper editorial, kick back for a moment and ask yourself, “Is it worth it?” Let me tell you something….it’s not worth it to have so much internal drama/trauma as it leads to a less-enjoyable life experience. Just let it pass, and you’ll feel much better! Hoping that everyone can find peace and love in your heart.

  33. SBOBSERVER – you left out the fact that they’re utter morons to actually believe what is happening here is anything even remotely close to what happened in Nazi Germany. Anyone who thinks that, has got to be illiterate.

  34. 11:45 – No, when thinking like the editor’s is almost the prevalent ideology for almost 1/2 our country, then it is no longer time to just relax and feel peace. It is our duty to counter this type of idiotic and childish, yet dangerously common, way of thinking. Comparing California’s stay at home order to 1930s Germany is foolish and dangerous. When people in power start to accuse others of fascism, their followers take heed and do their best to “fight the fascists.” In our country, these fights can be armed. Words have meaning and consequences.

  35. We are in need of local news desperately in addition to these online sources, or a once a week giant propaganda and advertising peace. I have become a speed reader–can read NP in under a minute looking for just comics and OBITS (where everyone is loved). That is about what it is now. Two pages.
    Making sure I am not in either section. I think the PC part of this story and angry response is very scary. The Nazi’s started controlling the economy, and speech way before Hitler became official leader. It is all about scarcity and fear. I actually agreed with the right to stop this so-call unscientific b modeling constantly wrong. Whether you have chosen to hate Trump or love him, he hasn’t killed anyone. But he has killed useless bureaucracy in this crisis, making it possible to get health care funded, and people saved. Even Newson agrees. With giant pictures, and nice local advertisements congratulatory stories Nick has tried to make us whole again. Going down again? Just in the NICK of time? The real meaning of peace is not more hatred. Be at peace and read just what you want.

  36. Well done Nick Masuda. Serious journalistic oopsie, throwing out the Nazi word equating our Covid19 social restrictions with Nazi Germany’s tyranny. Must be a few ashamed red faces here. Germany was struggling in the early 30’s in dire straits – rendered impotent, no army due to restrictions placed upon them by world powers after they lost WWI. Currency reaching disaster, almost a wheel barrel full of notes to buy a loaf of bread. Hitler, scooping up the challenge, promised the Germans the world – and a Volkswagen and a chicken in every home. They responded in thousands, Nazism flourished – eating up most of Europe – then bingo – they bombed the bee gees out of us in the U.K.. Born just in time – 1934 – to witness years of puzzling isolation, rationing, queueing for hours for a surprise ending of meat, bread, milk, sausages or nothing. Whining air raid sirens – yes, we always carried our gas masks, running for shelter, parents trying to hide worry and grief for 3 older brothers fighting somewhere in this incendiary crazy World. Care packages from the U.S were exciting and very much appreciated. Spam, new to us, yummy Babe Ruth bars, packed tightly in canned fruit, glossy magazines triggered a child’s imaginations. Huge splendid chrome trimmed cars, elegant fur trimmed beautiful women and smart handsome Trilby hatted men posing by. That meant the Nazis to us. Not this – our Covid19 situation. We should think twice before endangering ourselves and others by protesting the mask, social distancing, beach deprivation. We should be glad there are people looking out for us, struggling to keep us safe. From Governor Newsom to the legion of health workers, first responders, law enforcement, firefighters, grocery workers, and a legion of volunteers. All those heroes and heroines carrying on, risking their lives – tragically forfeiting them too. RIGHT NOW. We just don’t need these hasty thoughtless journalistic ramblings.

  37. SACJON: I get it. These things bother you and you really/really want to do something about it. Fine. People fit into one of two groups: Group Thinkers and Free Thinkers. Let the free thinkers think for themselves without lashing out at them, blowing a top, and seething with anger. There is a better way, and that is to respect and love those you disagree with…you do not have to like these people, but one things or sure: Hate is NOT the answer.

  38. 12:12 – yes, they bother me, and they should bother you too if you have a shred of intellect. It is not “free thinking” to equate Nazi Germany with what is happening now. I’m not seething with anything other than pity for people who truly believe this. I am worried about repercussion from non-thinking people who listen to their leaders spout this nonsense. Peace.

  39. Well said, Soccer-Fan. Thank you. …The 1st thing I thought of was the irony that WM was speaking about “tyranny” ! … Guess who’d be the 1st person to sue ( everyone she could drag into a lawsuit ) if she were to be exposed to the virus herself ? It is SO disappointing to see the selfishness of people who refuse to recognize that there are SO many people working very hard to “PROTECT US” from a terribly dangerous “world-wide” virus that we know so little about. What is more important, saving lives or making money ??? ……. That’s really what it comes down to isn’t it ?

  40. You are really funny Soccer-Fan and gave me a big laugh. You may want to actually read her op-ed. It was the Independent, The Los Angeles Times, and now here, on EH, that the reference to “NAZI” is mentioned in all three headlines. She didn’t compare the virus itself to Nazi Germany and McCaw also used the Soviet Union to compare what their governments did to what has happened and is happening in this country because of the many government responses to this virus. She could have easily cited the CCP and China as well for tyranny, and I support her right to an opinion. If anyone doesn’t agree to some of the points she tried to make, then we are a country of sheep as she fears. And for stating we don’t need hasty thoughtless ramblings, you sure gave one.

  41. SOCCER-FAN: Thank you for that perspective, it was very much appreciated. Fewer and fewer people today experienced that first hand. Of those born after the WWII, it seems fewer still know much about it. The word Nazi is thrown around so frequently these days, with such little regard, that it amounts to nothing more than hyperbole.

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