Naked Fire Alarm

Update by Josh B.

This was not a resident and it was not a fire. The guy came up from the creek walked around the building pulled the fire handle and walked up Chapala. Police actually took him into custody early this morning.

By Josh B.

The guy you see in the photo came into our parking garage and pulled the fire handle which of course triggered the fire department. Does anyone recognize him?


Written by J_Ray

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  1. Wondering which mayoral candidate actually plans, if elected, to tackle the homeless issue. And I don’t mean solve homelessness; I mean to immediately start protecting the public, shop workers, first responders and ER staff from aggressive transients. Keeping in mind that SB County is the only County in California that LE does not have the authority to issue 5150 holds.

  2. Calif Governor candidate Larry Elder came to town yesterday and took on this issue head on. Re-open state care institutions and take over state or federal lands for their construction, with the unavoidable recognition of the high percentage of “street people” and illegal campers have clear mental impairments and serious addiction problems. Let me add, frittering away the billions raised over the past decades under the vote approved Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) needs a full accounting, and a total re-direction into permanent care facilities.

  3. Came up from the creek, walked around the building before pulling the alarm, August 17. All adds up, “houseless neighbor” post-payday antics.
    The government checks come in on the 15th and 30th or 31st of every month, if those days fall on a weekend then payday is Friday.
    Once payday hits, the purchase of “party favors” happens, the drug induced antics begin and last for a few days. The typical pattern we’ve observed here in Isla Vista when the encampment in the park was in full swing.

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