Do Religious Beliefs Have a Place in Mayoral Debates?

By an edhat reader

At a recent debate with the five candidates running for Santa Barbara Mayor, one candidate was asked by the moderator about their religious beliefs. Specifically about abortion, gay marriage, evolution, etc. and how it would impact mayoral performance. Do edhat readers think this line of questioning has a place in a local election?

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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  1. Absolutely NO PLACE in Politics!! Instead, voters should be concerned with issues like this:
    For those of you who have voted for Angel Martinez or are thinking about it, consider this: Under his watch as CEO of Deckers, he allowed every single pair of UGG boots to come from extreme cruelty to animals. Even faux UGGs were revealed to be made out of raccoon dog fur, with these animals raised in cramped, filthy fur farms in China and skinned alive, all for a pair of shoes. UGG boots are made from the skin of terrified and tortured sheep. The ubiquitous clothing item causes unimaginable suffering and death to countless innocent animals. A PETA investigation shows sheep allegedly being stomped on and punched while being shorn for their wool, before they are sent off to be slaughtered for their skin. Lambs’ tails are often sliced off, males are castrated without anesthesia and sheeps’ ears are hole-punched, merely so that they can be identified. Now ask yourselves, if this is someone who is CONTINUALLY preaching how much he cares about people and situations, why did he allow such atrocious acts of animal cruelty under his watch as CEO? His actions are absolutely unconscionable and dispicable so, when placing your vote, consider if he is the type of person you really want leading Santa Barbara as Mayor?

  2. Wrong! Looks like someone should spend less time watching cable news, and more time reading their Constitution.
    Article IV, Section 3: “…no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”
    Bill of Rights, Amendment I: “”Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”
    Current judicial precedent holds that these provisions bar any official consideration of religious affiliation or religious principles for government officials or employees. Since the debate was not organized or sponsored by the government, questions like the one asked of Conklin are technically legal. However, they are completely against the spirit of the Constitution, and would be unconstitutional if asked by any governing authority.

  3. Wrong! That may be what the talking heads on cable news say, but the Constitution says otherwise.
    Article IV, Section 3: “…no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”
    Bill of Rights, Amendment I: “”Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”
    Current judicial precedent holds that these provisions bar any official consideration of religious affiliation or religious principles for government officials or employees. Since the debate was not organized or sponsored by the government, questions like the one asked of Conklin are technically legal. However, they are completely against the spirit of the Constitution, and would be unconstitutional if asked by any governing authority.

  4. In general, absolutely not. The last thing we need in politics is more fairy tale mumbo jumbo. Then again, if the candidate is being asked about how those archaic beliefs negatively influence their thought process and stances on the issues, then I think it is useful for voters.

  5. My experience with just about all Christians is that they think they are better then everyone that is not perfect, white and of course, Christian. No thanks. Keep religion out of politics, your god should not “help” you make decesions on how the city should operate.

  6. “Incredible”? Not so. Some really bad stuff there.
    And when you refer to his “Christian faith” are you referring to his long time religious mentor, who conducted his wedding and baptized his children, Jeremiah Wright and his “God damn America” rants?

  7. Are you off your medication? Where did you learn these horrible facts?
    “Raccoon dog fur”? Fake UGG boots from the maker of real UGG boots? “Tortured sheep”? “Lambs tails sliced off”?
    You certainly have an over-active imagination!

  8. Hal Conklin was never arrested for switching price tags! The was another city council member in the 1990’s and he resigned from the council. You must get your memory and facts straight before you make such an accusation.

  9. I’m not voting for the candidate that holds those beliefs. The mayor may not be making decisions that affect gay marriage, abortion, etc., but I can’t help but think strong religious beliefs in those areas would affect his/her overall perspective, and I am in total disagreement with those beliefs. So,….%#$ NO!!

  10. It is so nice to see David Landecker’s sins on the table again. What a pompous arrogant knucklehead. He may have paid for his sins on this one, BUT always remember this. Landecker showed his true colors . This IS who he is.. he may try to atone, but don’t ever trust him. Someone with a big character flaw like this, may be able to hide it occasionally but it is still there below the surface. I sure would not hire him to work a cash register at my business!

  11. I think most everyone can agree that Obama did an incredible job as President, and he spoke many times about how his Christian faith helped him make difficult decisions and get rough some very dark times. So maybe it is time for a whole bunch of you to stop bashing Christian politicians. I mean really…look in the mirror before bashing those who have Christian beliefs. Hill and Bill are what you get when you are godless.

  12. My experience with just about all Liberals is that they think they are better than everyone that is not perfect, LGBQT, and of course, Liberal. No thanks. Keep Liberalism out of politics, your hedonism should not “help” you make decisions on how the city should operate. Fun!

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