Construction Notice: Paving W. Valerio Street

By the City of Santa Barbara

The City Streets Operations Division [has begun] paving West Valerio Street [this week.] Crews will be grinding and milling. Work in this area is expected to last until the end of June.

During this project, community members may experience temporary delays and parking restrictions. We appreciate your patience with us as we make these community improvements.

The streets impacted will be closed between 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. for paving. During this time, there will be no access in or out of driveways. Areas will be posted with NO PARKING signs. Please park outside of the posted areas during this process.

See the map above for the paving schedule:

  • Tuesday 5/30 (blue)
  • Wednesday 5/31 (red)
  • Thursday 6/1 (green)
  • Monday 6/5 & Wednesday 6/7 (purple)
  • Tuesday 6/6 & Thursday 6/8 (orange)

For more information, please email Mike Krashefski, Streets Operations & Maintenance Supervisor at or call (805) 564-5454.

For more information on Streets Operations and Infrastructure Management visit:

[Ed Note: The city disseminated this information earlier in the week. It’s being posted now at the request of edhat readers due to recent conversation about the construction on the edhat comment boards]

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  1. The City in their wisdom has decided to grind down and resurface a massive stretch of West Valerio Street, all the way from the Elings Park back gate to Gillespie. Depending on how you count that is about 10 blocks. ALL residents have been told they have NO ACCESS to their driveways and NO street parking from 7AM – 5PM on week days for the entire month of June. To say this is an inconvenience is an understatement, there are few side access roads for most of the stretch, nowhere to move your car to. Even worse over the past 2-3 years the street has been repeatedly closed and ripped up for sewage and water main repairs, never coordinated to take place together. Oh, and they also posted notices that they will be installing numerous new speed bumps, “in response to a neighborhood petition” that neither I nor any neighbors I have asked were ever aware of. It will be nice to have the street repaired, but the problem is they have done so many repairs before they have added to the street surface height, and now in big rains the creek bed that Valerio is now floods up into parkways and yards.

    • Copied from the other thread:
      This is not true. I live on W. Valerio. It is true that the construction is going to be going on for most of June. If you have driven there, you know it is BADLY needed. The lack of access to the driveway is for ONE DAY for each section. From just below Calle Canon to the end of upper W Valerio, for example, that day was Tuesday. That meant that everyone from that point to the end (including Calle Poniente and Marquard) had to park outside this area. The repaving of this section finished around 7 pm on Tuesday night. (We parked our cars up on Flora Vista).
      Street parking in this section of W. Valerio was ALSO prohibited on Wednesday, but now it is Thursday and parking is back to normal for that section. On Wednesday, the city completed repaving on another section down the hill, from just below Calle Canon a couple of blocks down.
      Residents each got postcards of what days the repaving was happening, the ONE day access in/out of the driveway would not be available for each area, and the 2-ish days of no parking.
      TLDR: no access to driveway, only one day. During that day, you could park at Elings park, on Calle Canon, Flora Vista, or lower West Valerio. Maximum walk distance: 0.5 miles, which is fine for most people (admittedly not all).

  2. Local here: Yes there has been several upgrades and repairs in the area, fixing deferred projects . They are all needed and appreciated. They are inconvenient, but we know that frustration is short term.
    One day when I would be blocked in I explained to the men that I had a doctor appointment at a certain time. They made sure I could get my car out. They were always very nice.
    The new humps are to address long standing speeding issues on Calle Canon. As a poster stated, the street was not designed as a thorough fare. It used to be a dead end at the “old nursery”. It was opened to deliver building supplies when the Flora Vista area homes were built. It was supposed to be reclosed after construction.
    The petition was signed by those directly affected. There seems to be a major accident per year. The last truck accident hit a transmission pole, an electric line dropped and the block had no electricity. The new curbs, meridian, humps are designed by the city to address speeding.

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