The City of Goleta Receives Emergency Permit for Tree Removal

Source: City of Goleta

The City submitted and received the emergency permit from the California Coastal Commission for the emergency tree removal on Ellwood Mesa.  The application can be found here.  The permit can be found here.  Staff is working on mobilizing resources to remove the four trees identified by option 6 for removal before butterfly migration season.  Staff will return to Council on October 17 with additional information on the remaining tree removal.


As you may know, the Goleta City Council held two meetings last week to discuss the future of the dead and dying trees on the Ellwood Mesa.  After hours of public testimony and deliberation, the Council supported an option to remove a minimal number of trees around three key trails to provide beach access from several locations on the Mesa.  The tree removal locations and trails map can be found here. These trails are referred to as Trail 6, Trail 18 and Trail 25 in the General Plan.  All other trails remain closed.

The Ellwood Main Monarch Aggregation Site (aka Goleta Butterfly Grove) and other aggregation areas on the Ellwood Mesa will remain closed indefinitely.

The City is continuing work on the Monarch Butterfly Habitat Management Plan and will provide regular updates on the status and opportunities for the public to provide input on this important project. 

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Edhat Staff

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