Transportation Planning Efforts for the Westside

Source: City of Santa Barbara

Over the past several weeks, the Westside and Lower West Neighborhoods have provided input about walkability, bikeability, and traffic concerns in their neighborhoods. City Public Works is now ready with some proposed improvements to address those concerns. To learn about these proposed improvements, please attend the Approach Workshop on Saturday, June 1 at 10:00 a.m. at the Harding University Partnership School. View the Workshop Flyer for details.

The goal of your participation at the Approach Workshop is to help Public Works develop a neighborhood transportation plan for the Westside and Lower West Neighborhoods. The neighborhood transportation plan is a powerful tool that can position the City to compete more successfully for limited funding opportunities. Once the neighborhood transportation plan is complete, it will be taken to City Council for action in late 2019.

If you have not provided your comments yet, please complete the online survey by June 30. Survey in English: Encuesta en Español:


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  1. No one believes this process is actually meaningful. First they will present confusing information. It will be in a setting not really amenable to input or comment. They they will summarize it in a way that conforms to their predetermined desired results and announce that the public supports more bike lanes and greater parking limits. What the Westside needs first are sidewalks on streets without them and better paving. The rest if for “urban planners” trying to change living styles.

  2. RHS is 100% correct. These public meetings are very formulaic in that they hold them to make us THINK we are being heard and then proceed to guide the meetings in a predetermined direction. At the end everyone feels good and the urban high-density planners & utility companies get their way, the city’s tax basis eventually increases, govt. salaries go up, govt. pensions remain intact, and the normal folks are left living in a world where we feel squeezed out. Enter the tech companies, 5G, the overpaid d.i.n.k. millennials, increasing tourist accommodations, shrinking living spaces and yards, increased homelessness populations and general decay of our healthy, family-friendly coastal lifestyles.

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