Potential Prowler on San Andres

By an edhat reader

A man just tried to enter my apartment on the 1400 block of San Andres. Thankfully my door was locked. Went to my balcony to get a look at the man and saw him trying to enter the apartments across the way too! I got a poor picture but notified the police right away. Officers are currently patrolling the area. Hopefully, everyone remembered to lock their doors.

Update: The police officers came back to my apartment and informed me they found the suspect and that his “brain is completely fried” but they have his information and he is in the system.


Written by Anonymous

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  1. Just another one of the trolls that rome through Santa Barbara- There are no answers or solutions to deal with these transients. Our esteemed Gov Brown is giving more than 9 million of our taxpayer to Santa Barbara County alone with the HEAP boondogle (Homeless Emergency Aid Program)… Throwing money at them is not the answer as it just cultivates the “vagrant lifestyle”.
    What we need is a work program like the WPA back in the 1920’s where they (vagrants) are put TO WORK on road and infrastructure rebuilding, as California is crumbling away…

  2. The WPA was created to make work for those unemployed due to the excesses of capitalism and the lack of unions and laws that protected them from exploitation. The WPA employed people mainly for the purpose of averting social revolution in this country. It worked to some extent. But in this current age these sort of subsidies go to corporations and hedge funds, not to working people. Witness the tax bill Trump just pushed through to benefit the super rich.

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