Heavy Wind Warning Through Thursday

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Update by the Office of Emergency Management
February 14, 2019
The National Weather Service in OXNARD has issued a Flood Advisory for…Santa Barbara County until 730 AM PST.

NWS: Advertensia de inundacion repentina. Areas quemadas Thomas/Whittier/Sherpa en el condado de Santa Barbara. Mantengase alerta a las condiciones cambiantes. Tome accion para mantenerse a salvo. Conduzca con cuidado

* At 532 AM PST, Doppler radar indicated a line of very heavy showers with embedded thunderstorms extending from near San Luis Obispo southward to about San Miguel Island. Rainfall rates of one quarter to one-half inch per hour were common with this band of rain, with local rates up to 1 inch per hour. The rain will cause widespread ponding of water on area roadways with local flooding of low lying areas and intersections in the advisory area through 730 AM PST. 

* In and below the Sherpa and Whittier burn areas, and in the Santa Barbara County portion of the Thomas burn area, shallow mud and debris flows are possible. Rockslides are likely on canyon roads and below steep terrain. 

* Some locations that will experience flooding include…Buellton, Solvang, Santa Ynez, Santa Barbara, Montecito, Gaviota and Goleta. 


Turn around, don’t drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles.

Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small creeks and streams, urban areas, highways, streets and underpasses as well as other drainage areas and low lying spots.

Move away from recently burned areas if safe to do so. Minor flooding of creeks, roads and normally dry arroyos is likely. The heavy rains will likely trigger rockslides, mudslides and debris flows in steep terrain, especially in and around these areas.


Update by the Office of Emergency Management

February 13, 2019

The National Weather Service (NWS) has issued a HIGH WIND WARNING until 3pm Thursday (February 14, 2019) for the Santa Barbara County Mountains. This includes the areas of Black Mountain, San Marcos Pass, San Rafael Wilderness Area, Dick Smith Wilderness Area, Lockwood Valley, and Mount Pinos.

A High Wind Warning means that damaging high winds of 58 mph or greater are likely or imminent.

* WINDS…South to southwest winds increasing to between 25 and 40 mph with gusts to 60 mph.

* IMPACTS…Winds this strong may down trees and power lines, causing property damage or power outages. Cross winds can make driving difficult, especially for drivers of high profile vehicles and vehicles towing trailers. 

*PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS…Secure all loose outdoor furniture in advance of the onset of strong winds. Monitor the latest forecasts on NOAA Weather Radio or your favorite media source.

El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (NWS, por sus siglas en inglés) ha emitido una ADVERTENCIA DE VIENTOs FUERTEs hasta las 3 pm el jueves (14 de febrero de 2019) para las montañas del Condado de Santa Bárbara. Esto incluye las áreas de Black Mountain, San Marcos Pass, Área Silvestre de San Rafael, Área Silvestre de Dick Smith, Lockwood Valley, y Mount Pinos.

Una Advertencia de Vientos Fuertes significa que los vientos fuertes de 58 mph o más son probables o inminentes.

*VIENTOS … Vientos del sur al suroeste que aumentan entre 25 y 40 mph con ráfagas de vientos a 60 mph.

*IMPACTOS … Vientos con esta fuerza pueden derribar árboles y líneas eléctricas, causando daños a la propiedad o apagones. Vientos que cruzan pueden dificultar el manejar, especialmente para los conductores de vehículos de alto perfil y vehículos con remolques o tráilers.

*ACCIONES DE PRECAUCIÓN/PREPARACIÓN … Sujete todos los sueltos muebles exteriores antes del inicio de vientos fuertes. Monitorea los últimos pronósticos a través de las noticias o su fuente de medios favorita.

Update by the Office of Emergency Management

February 11, 2019
The National Weather Service (NWS) has forecast that a storm will reach Santa Barbara County this week lasting from Wednesday through Thursday (13-14 February 2019).  Rainfall rates are forecast to stay below debris flow thresholds.  This storm is expected to bring strong winds.  Please stay alert to changing conditions and take actions to stay safe.  The NWS and Santa Barbara County Office of Emergency Management (OEM) are continuing to monitor this storm.
El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional ha pronosticado que una tormenta llegará al Condado de Santa Bárbara esta semana, que durará de miércoles a jueves (13-14 de febrero de 2019). Se pronostica que las tasas de lluvia se mantendrán por debajo de los umbrales de flujo de escombros. Se espera que esta tormenta traiga fuertes vientos. Manténgase alerta a las condiciones cambiantes y tome medidas para mantenerse a salvo. El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional y la Oficina de Manejo de Emergencias del Condado de Santa Bárbara continúan monitoreando esta tormenta.

Update by edhat staff

February 9, 2019
More rain is expected early Sunday morning, but it’s not expected to exceed debris flow thresholds.

The heavy storms from last weekend caused a notable amount of mud and debris to fill up the debris basins and creeks. The local Flood Control Department is working to clear out the channels before a larger rainstorm arrives on Wednesday, February 13. 

Rain is expected to begin early Wednesday morning and may reach one inch. Light showers are also expected on Friday.

More information will be added to this page as it becomes available.

Source: Aware and Prepare

10:00 p.m., February 8, 2019
The National Weather Service (NWS) indicates that two storms are expected to bring light to moderate rain and cold temperatures to most areas of Santa Barbara County beginning later tonight (Friday, February 8, 2019). Rainfall rates for both storms are forecast to be BELOW the thresholds for debris flows for Santa Barbara County burn areas. There is a slight chance of thunderstorms and brief, heavy downpours and small hail are possible.
• Storm 1 (Friday): Storm 1 is expected to arrive in SB County after 7pm tonight (February 8) with peak rainfall rates occurring between 9pm tonight and 2am Saturday. 
• Storm 2 (Sunday): Storm 2 is expected to arrive early Sunday morning (February 10) with peak rainfall rates occurring between 4am and 12pm. 
The NWS and County officials will continue to monitor the storms and will update the public if the situation changes. As with all storms, stay alert to changing conditions and use caution when driving. More storm readiness information can be found at https://readysbc.org/ 

El Servicio Nacional de Meteorología (NWS) indica que se esperan dos tormentas que traerán lluvias moderadas y temperaturas bajas en la mayoría de las áreas del Condado de Santa Bárbara a partir de esta noche (viernes 8 de febrero de 2019). Se pronostica que las tasas de lluvia para ambas tormentas SERAN BAJAS en los umbrales para los flujos de escombros para las áreas quemadas del Condado de Santa Bárbara. Existe una pequeña posibilidad de tormentas eléctricas, y es posible que haya lluvias cortas y pesadas y granizo pequeño.

• Tormenta 1 (viernes): se espera que la Tormenta 1 llegue al Condado de SB después de las 7 p.m. de la noche (8 de febrero), con las tasas máximas de precipitación entre las 9 p.m. de esta noche y las 2 am del sábado.
• Tormenta 2 (domingo): se espera que la Tormenta 2 llegue temprano el domingo por la mañana (10 de febrero), con tasas máximas de lluvia entre las 4 am y las 12 pm.
Los funcionarios del NWS y del Condado continuarán monitoreando las tormentas y actualizarán al público si la situación cambia. Al igual que con todas las tormentas, manténgase alerta a las condiciones cambiantes y tenga cuidado al conducir. Puede encontrar más información sobre la preparación para tormentas en https://readysbc.org/es/ 


Written by Anonymous

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  1. When it rains during the night, we give each other quick trembling wiggley drum fingers on the shoulder to emulate the rain in sign language. Better than verbally frightening the other by blurting out loudly, “HEY, IT’S RAINING!”

  2. I’m a little disappointed, sorry to say. I hope LA, Riverside, and San Diego counties fare well! Light rain started at around 3 a.m., but looking at windy.com, we won’t get much. Of course I’m thrilled with what we’ve received so far, and don’t want any damage to the burn scars. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

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