Grand Jury Finds Stronger Leadership and Funding Needed for Homeless Crisis

A person sleeping outside the Apple Store at 928 State Street (Photo: Ken Baxter)

Source: Santa Barbara County Grand Jury

Santa Barbara County is in the midst of a homeless crisis that long predates the challenges of the current COVID-19 pandemic. People are roaming the streets with no home of their own, and there is an increase of people living in their cars, camping in parks, or sleeping on the sofas of friends and relatives. Multiple families are often sharing cramped quarters. Shamefully, Santa Barbara County has one of the highest rates of homeless school-age children and youth in the State.

The 2019-20 Santa Barbara County Grand Jury elected to study this societal problem.

The Jury found that there is a dearth of both affordable and permanent supportive housing, shelters are full, and there is a lack of day centers. The high cost of land, insufficient funding, and neighborhood resistance contribute to the problem. Despite the hard work and dedication of local charities and government workers, homeless rates are increasing. Stronger leadership at the county and city levels, a consistent source of funding, and community support are required to help alleviate the human suffering caused by this situation.

The complete report with agency responses are posted on the Grand Jury’s website: [and below].


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  1. Seems highly suspect and unusual that the Grand Jury would issue THREE separate “investigations” condemning “city leadership”…. almost half of what they’ve done this year…. what about County issues of Affordable Housing, Homelessness and Planning and Development??? So odd to just focus on ONE City in the County…. unless of course there is an underlying agenda…. which is very transparently obvious

  2. Since last week, a new homeless encampment has grown in the Caltrans easement across the street from Earl Warren showgrounds. Large Mattress, cardboard, and trash in full view of passing motorists. Plenty of trash, etc in the bushes along the fenceline. Full Shopping cart across the street obstructing the sidewalk at Las Positas and Calle Real. Ok, leaders, how long will you let this one remain. We don’t need a Grand Jury study to tell us homelessness is out of hand in Santa Barbara city. We see it every day.

  3. And I saw the homeless stuff under the Quarantina bridge, a regular place that used to get often cleaned up with the prior district 1 council member. It’s a main route to the Nopalitos post office but not apparently in the sights of the present council member. But where are the homeless supposed to go? There is not enough housing for them or those with low incomes? Those lucky enough to have vans camp along Soledad between the community garden and Franklin School ; those without, in the bushes, especially in District 1.

  4. I don’t think much is being done with this pandemic around I think alot of services are being cut back I saw a video of a friend who is homeless in Ventura county and there were all these mattresses on a vacant property it was kinda weird. Especially since there were buildings near by…Things may not be cleaned tp for along time.

  5. Why would they? They’re hired because they know someone. They’re never fired. They’re given raises every year, or other year without fail and they are never, ever, ever held accountable for inaction, negligence or just plain stupidity. You literally have to commit a felony to be fired from the city and even then, you’ll be awarded a lifelong pension… We could lose 50% of the entire city staff tomorrow and not a single resident would notice. These people exist only for their own benefit, not ours. And yet, here we are with yet another indictment of their failures and not a single one has been demoted, furloughed, or fired…

  6. Meanwhile, driving past farms you see people busting their asses getting produce to the market. Who the hell is representing these people? Help the homeless families and children. The druggies and criminals should be shipped to institutions where they can get help. Work farms, etc

  7. If you’d like an interesting project, call 211 and listen to the menu choices. DOZENS of programs aimed at assisting those who are not succeeding in our society. A HUGE government system, filled with people at desks, all making high wages shuffling money around. And yet when my business was ordered closed by the pandemic I applied for foodstamps (CalFresh) and was awarded $19 a month. Seems like it would be a full time job to be poor and take advantage of the assistance programs. I’d rather work.

  8. I lost my job from Covid-19 and then I applied, too, for food stamps (CAL FRESH) and I was denied. Why? Because they said my $260 a week unemployment check was “too much money”. I can’t even pay my rent!!! There is NO “free ride”. What a load of b.s. from people who will never have to worry about housing or food. It’s always the wealthy who sit back and point fingers at homeless people. There but for the grace of God go I. Thank God I still have a roof over my head.

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