Carbajal Issues Statement on Trump’s Indictment for Attempting to Overturn 2020 Election

By the edhat staff

News broke on Tuesday that former President Donald Trump was indicted on four federal criminal charges for his role in interfering with the 2020 presidential election and a Central Coast congressman issued a statement supporting the indictment.

“Over the past two and a half years, more than a thousand people have been charged for their role in attacking our democracy and attempting to overturn the 2020 election. Today, that list now includes the ringleader,” said Rep. Salud Carbajal in a press release.

A grand jury charged the former president with conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.

The indictment provides witness statements that Trump knew that he lost the 2020 election and pursued a conspiracy to overturn the election results anyway. His repeatedly false statements were planned to obstruct Congress’ certification of the vote on January 6, 2021 and interfere with others’ right to vote and have their votes counted, the indictment states.

“Donald Trump’s refusal to accept the result of his last election led to multiple schemes to deny the will of American voters and obstruct its legal and democratic result, including the January 6th insurrection. These charges – while hardly a reason to celebrate – prove once again that in our nation, no one involved in such conspiracies is above the law,” said Rep. Carbajal.

The twice-impeached former president now faces three total indictments on separate cases as he heads into campaign season for the 2024 presidential election. 

“The indictment returned today affirms the case first laid out by the United States House of Representatives during its bipartisan impeachment proceeding, as well as the diligent work of our January 6th Committee. I am grateful to those Capitol Police officers who held the line against Donald Trump’s violent instigations, and those who worked around the clock to ensure the American people saw and understood the full extent of these criminal acts,” said Rep. Carbajal.

Rep. Carbajal represents California’s 24th Congressional District, encompassing Santa Barbara County and portions of San Luis Obispo County and Ventura County. He is a member of the Agriculture and Armed Services Committees, as well as the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, where he serves as the top Democrat on the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Subcommittee.

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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  1. for those that STILL insist on defending Trump and his illegal actions, his lies. Let us all review what his former VP of the USA said today regarding this indictment, ““I really do believe that anyone who puts themselves over the Constitution should never be president of the United States. And anyone who asks someone else to put themselves over the Constitution should never be president of the United States again. I’ve been very forthright about this issue”.
    So this is coming from a republican former VP under Trump and you STILL want to defend Trump? Pence can’t even defend Trump nor does he seem to care to….

    • COAST – whatabout the Biden family? This is about how Trump attempted to overthrow our democracy, which, despite your legal opinion, is against the law. For good reason, too. Generations of Americans fought hard and many gave their lives for our right to vote. Sad that you and others here take that for granted.

    • The voting procedure changes that were implemented without process only served to allow more eligible citizens to vote. The vote WAS questioned, and the answer was that there was no significant fraud. The votes were found to be cast by legitimate voters. So what is the problem, beyond a concern that the letter of the law was fudged to accommodate some major logistical issues that had arisen due to a pandemic?

    • Coast – Drivel, low information and “whataboutism” as usuan- and obviously you haven’t looked at the indictment. Heck – they just tied the RNC Chairwoman in the indictment as a key player in the conspiracy to overturn the election. Your heroes are going to jail. Not concerned about Hunter’s sex with prostitutes and cocaine habit – present some actual evidence.

  2. It is fairly obvious that these charges, as well as all of the other charges, are basically going nowhere. The whole point is to attempt to yet again take down The Donald. The Donald is in a dead heat with the current POTUS. I was a big fan of Bernie, but they sure screwed him over as they are doing with RFK Jr. these days. There will be no jail for the Orange Man….all charges will be dropped….the left/progressives will continue being unhappy….the right/MAGA folks will continue to gain more support as time goes on.

    • Thanks Baby for the most ignorant post on the thread – your post demonstrates you have no conception of what is actually going on other than what you hear in the usual echo chamber, you have no understanding of the law nor the laws that are being charged – and didn’t actually even skim over the indictment. But you do you. You, of all people, with the history of your comments were never a fan of Bernie so stop the act. For the sake of baby Jesus – the RNC chairwoman is tied in the top down conspiracy – this is only the beginning.

    • I’m not sure why Carbajal felt the need to put out this information in the first place, but I guess it keeps his supporters in line with where they are told to be (excactly). There is a huge difference between disagreeing with someone on principle and hating someone “just because.” I am fine with others not having the same opinions as I have, but that’s where it ends for me. For some here, it goes beyond the beyond….you this….you that….you’re not capable….you are obviously a terrible person if you don’t agree with me….. Please, feel free to make comments but avoid trying to get into conversations (it IS a comment board….not a CONVERSATION board). And for the love of Dippity-Doo, stop the “still waiting for your answer.” As if someone has to answer insane obvious “set-up” queries that cannot be answered to satisfy a serial commentor (“I betcha think this song is about youuuuuuu……”….No, it is not).

    • 1) Carbajal is an excellent representative/congressman, he does so much good for his district.
      2) anyone that was in or near the capitol on January 6 has the right to comment about the insurrection/attempted coup, the fact that over a thousand have been convicted for one or several crimes (including sedition), and the indictment of the attempted coup’s leader.

    • BABY – “As if someone has to answer insane obvious “set-up”” – you mean like “You say the Dems were involved in Jan 6. Ok, how?” Yeah, that’s so crazy. WOW just bonkers!
      And where does it say it’s not a “conversation” board? People aren’t allowed to discuss things here now? Dude, you do you, but please don’t chastise others who are doing them. It sounds childish to ridicule people like that. I think you’re above it.

    • Are the people on the campaign uninformed/low intelligence or are they making these claims knowing their followers will swallow the simple bait? I got to think the latter. Again, reflective of the poor education level in this country. That’s how Con leaders like their public – easily riled up with easy and incorrect words. I mean, look at January 6…..

    • Laughable – talking about fraud and enacting fraud are not the same. Trump was able to lie without reproach under his 1st amendment rights. When those lies were used to attempt to fraud the electoral system it became a crime. Get out head out of your far-right eco system for a few minutes, read the indictment, and then weigh the accusations vs the law.

    • VOICE OF TREASON – yes, his initial remarks were protected, no one is disputing that. It’s what he did to ACT (and not act) in response to those remarks that is the subject of this very viable legal action against him. This isn’t about Russia. You have to let that go. You’re obsessed with it. This is about the rabid and armed mob that attacked our government in an attempt to physically stop democracy while the man who inspired them with lies, sat and did nothing. Not even nothing, he continued to fuel the lies by pushing others to break the law.
      We’ve been over this a hundred times. You think what happened was ok. We all know your stance on this.

    • Your lack of objectivity and inability to see that Trump lying about an election – which you think is unholy, illegal and never happened before in our history, is the same as Clinton lying about the election – which believed, repeated, and had no problem with…. is not whatabousim and on topic. also goes to my comment earlier about the inability to apply the same standard to both “sides”.

    • Yes, Trump is absolutely allowed to claim the 2020 election was “rigged” and “stolen” even if he knew it was false, that isn’t illegal and is 100% protected free speech. Just as Clinton, Schiff, and many others were allowed to claim Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election even though they knew otherwise. If we start criminalizing politicians lying in political speech we’d have no politicians left (not totally opposed to that). The thought that there was an actual organized attempt to “overthrow” anything like a legitimate “insurrection” is pure propaganda, just like the propaganda that led many Trump supporters to think the election was rigged, propaganda that has been spoon fed to you by the talking heads on TV and the uni-party that controls DC so they can keep their hold on power and keep outsiders like Trump out. Same with RFK, Cornel West, Tulsi, and Bernie (until he bent the knee to the DNC in 2016) who will not bend the knee to the status quo.

    • “Like the russia russia russia hoax” You mean the investigation that led to indictments of 34 people? You know, the investigation where Trumps justice department would only allow special counsel to look at certain areas but not all? The investigation that Barr wrote a nut filled memo to soften the impact of the findings? Mueller said under oath ““The president was not exculpated for the acts that he allegedly committed,” I don’t disdain your comments because they are from the right – what brings the disdain is the comments are that of a loathsome person .

    • VOR, you can lie. But you can’t conspire to defraud the electorate of their right to cast their votes and have an election decided based on those votes.
      You can’t recruit a team of people claiming to be electors to have them sign false documents and use those false documents to have the Vice President refuse to certify an election. You can’t ask an elected official to literally manufacture votes out of thin air so you can claim victory. Nope.
      Trump will be found guilty, he may well do jail time, and then you can just keep on crying.

    • VOICE – stop it. Damnit, just stop it. You know absolutely FULL well that this isn’t about what Trump said, it’s about what he DID and DIDN’T DO. Just stop with the deflection and refusal to address the point. I know you’re not that low IQ not really not see the distinction here. You’re simply feigning ignorance and it’s tiresome. Just effing stop.
      Then again, if you truly don’t understand the point, my apologies. I wouldn’t “yell” at someone who was honestly that simple.

    • Henh, I thought this comment was about the new indictment since the page was at the top of the comments–I now see that was because BICYCLIST added a comment to this old thread. Still, the point remains–all right wingers are pathetic lying traitors who don’t believe in the rule of law when it’s applied to their own.

    • “Yes, Trump is absolutely allowed to claim the 2020 election was “rigged” and “stolen” even if he knew it was false, that isn’t illegal and is 100% protected free speech.”
      This is true, a) and the DOJ indictment says that right up front b) this GA indictment isn’t about Trump’s speech at all. People pushing this 1st amendment stuff are vile dishonest treasonous scum who haven’t read the indictments and are just repeating the talking points they get from the rw media that they consume nonstop … but we already knew that about them.

  3. @ Alex you think you’re on a winning side or something? It’s a big club and we are not in it!! The system is set up to divide us. Open your eyes! Both sides want us divided so they can control. This is all politics, if trump did half the things the other side did they would have shot him. That being said it’s very sad to see so many people being brainwashed to one side or the the other. WE THE PEOPLE. Control the government not the news or any politician for the sake of this great republic please stop fighting each other and stand up for what is right. You can’t sit there and say this side did this that side did that! And it does absolutely nothing . We are all Americans. The game has been rigged for a long time and we are just now seeing what it truly has become. It very sad to see everyone picking a side when those sides don’t give a rats azz about you or me. Enjoy your family and friends have a drink. Because nothing you say here or basically anywhere is going to stop this system of division and chaos.

    • courts throughout the US have determined many states violated theirs law in implementing new voting measures in 2020, like the mass mailing of unrequested mail in ballots, by not going through the states legislature as required by the law/constitution of the given state, all under the umbrella of “covid measures”. That is fact, they violated the law. A fact separate from the argument of what kind of impact the changes had.

    • Voice, some states did make changes to previous policies, and yes, some may have violated laws that hadn’t anticipated a time of pandemic when people would not want to vote in person. But none of those “irregularities” attempted to overturn votes. They made it easier for citizens to vote. No significant number of illegitimate votes were cast. Even Trump’s own investigators could not find enough illegitimate votes to make any difference to the outcome. Was there evidence that the policies were an attempt to change the outcome? I haven’t heard of any (conjecture maybe, but not evidence). The January 6 event was very clearly intended to change the outcome.

  4. Regardless of what anyone thinks about Trump, we really need to focus on election integrity. Our elections should be run in a manner that provides absolute confidence in the integrity of the process and the reliability of the results. There have been far too many irregularities in our elections over the years (not just 2020, think florida in the 2000 election) and this leads to doubts in the legitimacy of the results whether justified or not. We need to tighten up the process. Many people will always be upset about how elections turn out but at least everyone would have confidence the results accurately reflect the will of the voters.

  5. Hey folks, the second half of the August 2 “On Point” radio program on KCLU-NPR is worth listening to. (go to archives and select this broadcast). The presenter gave examples how Trump’s actions are from the same autocratic playbook as Hitler, Putin, Xi, and Victor Orban in Hungary. Trump admires them! Trump has no principles, no platform–Trump says whatever evangelicals, gun owners, white men in red states want to hear. These groups hear Trump’s words and think to themselves “this guy finally gets me. At his rallys, Trump channels their hate and fear into voting for him for a position of power. Once in power, Trump will undo democratic principles as all autocrats do to retain power for life. If you want to jeopardize our 250 year democracy and have an autocracy, by all means vote for Trump. I promise you our democracy will end during Trump’s next term in office…..and beware of Martin Niemöller’s often repeated saying: “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.” The quotation expresses Niemöller’s belief that Germans had been complicit through their silence in the Nazi imprisonment, persecution, and murder of millions of people. He felt this was especially true of the leaders of the Protestant churches, which were made up of Lutheran, Reformed, and United traditions.

  6. Dear Americans, Do WE want a Democracy or do YOU want a Dictatorship? Everyone knows that Trump will call you names and try to ruin your life if you disagree with him. As Dictator in Chief he will be able to put you in jail or worse. He will shut down your “free speech” unless it is just like HIS Free Speech. He already has. Look how Republicans are putting Trump above the Constitution because of fear of “losing” the Republican base. Look how careful his family is when dealing with him. America was lucky this time. Our checks and balances held when Trump challenged them with actions instigated by lies. But what Trump did was Treasonous. He tried to overthrow the legitimately elected head of our government. Trump is not stupid. He will know how to rid all institutions of ethical people who are loyal to the Constitution and Democracy and not to him and his power next time. You want Trump in 2024? Be prepared to lose your Freedom. Trump will not give you more, he will give you less. You will have to do his bidding.

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