Local Writer Identified as Highway 101 Victim

By an edhat reader

Russ Spencer, a local writer and filmmaker, has been identified as the victim in the fatal Highway 101 collision last week.

On March 23, California Highway Patrol (CHP) reported a man was lying in the number two lane of Highway 101 southbound near Olive Mill Road after 2:00 a.m. when it was struck by an Infinity. The driver of the Infinity pulled over to check on the man then fled the scene. CHP reports the driver was apprehended by the Ventura area CHP, but no further information has been released on the driver.

On Wednesday, CHP released a photo of a vehicle of interest, a 2014-2017 base model Dodge Durango, of an unknown color. The vehicle of interest would have front end damage to its lower bumper area caused from colliding with a pedestrian. It’s also unclear if the initial vehicle and apprehension were falsely identified, or if a second vehicle may be involved in this incident.

Spencer was a documentary filmmaker who created Bison films. He also wrote for the Santa Barbara Independent and the Santa Barbara News-Press.

It’s unclear if a memorial service is planned for Spencer at this time.

Past Articles

 March 27, 2019 – CHP Looking for Vehicle of Interest in Fatal Collision

 March 23, 2019 – Fatal Collision Closes Highway 101


Written by Anonymous

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  1. It may be that he was cutting across 101 since it was late and he was on foot. Perhaps he had a heart attack, seizure or otherwise passed out or even died before he was hit. If it was suicide and put a lifetime burden on others, that trumps lovely and gentle. It isn’t something a caring person would ever do. As for the disappearing vehicle, my guess is that there was some element of illegality involved that would have got him/her cited. That doesn’t make it right, just cowardly & self-centered.

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