Unstoppable Invasion: How did Mussels Sneak into California, despite Decades of State Shipping Rules?
F'ing deliveries from China. Stop buying Chinese garbage from a Shitbag nation bent on ruining (TIK-TOK etc.) our country and this would not be a problem. If you think they don't send this stuff here on purpose you are not paying attention to what's going on in the world.
Trump’s Deportations could Cost California ‘Hundreds of Billions of Dollars.’ Here’s How
One-sided article. No mention of the balance of the economics involved - social programs, homeless programs, education programs, healthcare programs, etc that we need currently to spend countless dollars supporting many of these folks. No mention of the concept of using cheap illegal immigration as labor to do work here, philosophically, and whether that’s right or wrong. No mention of the concept of laws and legality. 100% there will be big costs, financially and morally, involved with deporting the masses of folks who aren’t here legally. But if your argument is that it’ll be too expensive to bear financially and we should keep using illegal immigrants to do jobs that no one else will do, then well - I disagree. Let the prices rise. Too bad. Markets and economics have ways of straitening themselves out. Using foreign, illegally-immigrated labor no matter where in the world they come from to just keep prices down isn’t right.
Trump’s Deportations could Cost California ‘Hundreds of Billions of Dollars.’ Here’s How
Democrats have never been able to quit their addiction to slave labor or indentured servitude. The argument that goes, "but, but, but.... who will pick our fruit?!?!?!" sounds just like, "Who will pick our tobacco?!?!?!" Their arguments are incoherent; Americans should be paid what they're worth, but not enough to work in a field, those are jobs for illegals. They've got more compassion for foreign nationals, who commit a felony (illegal entry), than Americans; we're paying for their welfare benefits. These same liberals will worship the culture and social programs of the Nordic countries, but don't want their immigration restrictions, which is necessarily a requirement of a generous welfare state. These liberals will yell about needing immigrants to support social security programs but won't support programs for encouraging Americans to have more babies. You never see liberals encouraging illegals to get greater abortion access.
Trump’s Deportations could Cost California ‘Hundreds of Billions of Dollars.’ Here’s How
Google is your friend.
Gavin Newsom Vows to ‘Leave no Region Behind’ on California Jobs
BASIC - wait, is liking cupcakes some kind of insult now? LOL you're a weird one, Cap'n!
Gavin Newsom Vows to ‘Leave no Region Behind’ on California Jobs
I like that advice for Sac - hit up CrushCakes. That’s awesome. He belongs there.
Trump’s Proposed Tariffs, especially on China and Mexico, could Hit California Hard
DOOLY - "give thanks to all Americans that will benefit from Trumps actions during the next four years" - You mean give thanks to billionaires, sexual abusers and straight white people? Nah. They have it pretty good already.
UC Tells Campuses to Control Student Protests
CA-LIB "imagine being so ignorant you actually support sacjon's nonsense" Imagine being so hateful and clearly useless that you would start trolling a 2 month old thread out of the blue. Miserable.
UC Tells Campuses to Control Student Protests
how ignorant can one be
UC Tells Campuses to Control Student Protests
imagine being so ignorant you actually support sacjon's nonsense
Santa Barbara Cracks Down on Free Bubble Shows at Shoreline Park
They didn't "can the guy" LOL. Jeezus man. You're the one still throwing a tantrum, so leave the animal abuse out of it.
Santa Barbara Cracks Down on Free Bubble Shows at Shoreline Park
They didn’t have to can the guy just because of a couple wankers. Yes, I read it. Why are you so damn angry? Go kick your dog.
Santa Barbara Cracks Down on Free Bubble Shows at Shoreline Park
Oh cool, you proved my point about the poor reading skills again. Did you even read this article? Try again.
Man Arrested After Sleeping Overnight in Montecito Union Classroom
BOOM B - while I'd love to have just one person to "dedicate" to my yard, I already have a gaggle of simpletons doing the job. Where should I send your paycheck?
Man Arrested After Sleeping Overnight in Montecito Union Classroom
SacJ. Why don't you invite him to live free at your home or sleep and dedicate in your yard?
Revealing the Hidden Costs of What We Eat
BASICHYPOCRITE - "I think you’re wrong, and are just looking to argue with someone all night. I’m not into that. Got stuff to do. " Bullshit. You've been plastering this site for the past 3 days without relent, so spare us the BS. Plus, you absolutely are "into that." Why else have you been commenting here tonight? What will it take for you to quit your incessant crying and lying here? It's just fucking unbelievable. And yeah, I disagree with you. Difference is, I try to engage and actually use example, cites, etc when expressing my opinion while you just start tearing up, insulting and running away like a coward who's afraid of how little he has in the ol noggin. Like you always say, "man up and stand by your claim." LOL nah...... just keeping on hypocriting and running. Gads man. You and TNKY your other Con buddies here are just pathetic. Annoying and sad. Yellow.
Revealing the Hidden Costs of What We Eat
I think you’re wrong, and are just looking to argue with someone all night. I’m not into that. Got stuff to do. Do you have any friends you may wanna email to chat with or….? lol….
Two Children Killed in DUI Crash Near Lompoc, Driver Arrested and Charged
BROBRAH - lol thanks for the irrelevant linguistic geography lesson. Kinda had a feeling I got that wrong and someone would jump to "correct" me.
Trump’s Deportations could Cost California ‘Hundreds of Billions of Dollars.’ Here’s How
Alex - Let's forget the numbers. The bottom line and what is truly relevant is that Trump was elected, aka he won. Also, there is a conservative senate and house for Trump to help reach his reported goals to benefit all Americans. Regarding concerns about tariffs, it appears people were wetting their pants needlessly; and he's not even in office yet.