Newsom Vetoes Big Bills on AI, Aid for Undocumented Workers
Now why would he sign a bill banning local governments from requiring voter ID? It wouldn't, by any chance, have anything to do with the millions of illegal aliens the current administration has flooded our country with, would it? Sickening.
OP-ED: Walz and Vance Poised for Veep Debate – as Trump Prepares to Undermine Election Result if Harris Wins
Anonymous - I agree with all you suggest. I wonder why all the libs aren't pushing for this? Could it be that all the illegal aliens they harvested from around the world would not be allowed to vote?
Op-Ed: Vance’s Deceitful Answer on 2020 Election Will Be the Indelible Moment of Veep Debate Against Walz
40900 - glad I made you happy, dumbass.
Op-Ed: Vance’s Deceitful Answer on 2020 Election Will Be the Indelible Moment of Veep Debate Against Walz
Thanks ballsacjon! As always, knew we could count on you to start the bickering.
Vehicle Crashes into Tree on Olive Mill Road
BASIC - if you don't like the site, please do us all a favor and take your useless, rude, simple and dishonest ass and waddle it out the door. Bye!
Vehicle Crashes into Tree on Olive Mill Road
Yeah, it’s Edhat…so…ehh
Health Alert Issued as Santa Barbara County Braces for Gusty Winds and Record Heat This Week
ANON - well remember, hard core bigots and racists are known to be pretty low on the IQ spectrum. This is probably confusing for ol Rubes.
OP-ED: Walz and Vance Poised for Veep Debate – as Trump Prepares to Undermine Election Result if Harris Wins
RUBY - ok, so this time you call her a "mattress queen" as opposed to "the black queen." So do tell, why? Why is it so hard for you to believe an intelligent woman reached such acclaim on her own merits? It's one thing to be just mindlessly racist and sexist, but here's an opportunity to show you have actually put some thought into your abject bigotry. Let's hear it!
OP-ED: Walz and Vance Poised for Veep Debate – as Trump Prepares to Undermine Election Result if Harris Wins
There are so many opportunities for fraudulent votes we’re going to end hip with a.mattress queen
OP-ED: Walz and Vance Poised for Veep Debate – as Trump Prepares to Undermine Election Result if Harris Wins
BASIC - OK then prove me wrong. You're the one who started this "little game" or whatever weird troll shit you're pulling again.
OP-ED: Walz and Vance Poised for Veep Debate – as Trump Prepares to Undermine Election Result if Harris Wins
And this is why I told you as a constant political ranter here months ago to “just shut up and vote”. And I meant that in a nice way. Save yourselves a lot of wasted effort. You’re all pissed off in every post. No wonder you thrive on snaking folks in the lineup.
OP-ED: Walz and Vance Poised for Veep Debate – as Trump Prepares to Undermine Election Result if Harris Wins
Wrong. No proof. Just let you little game go dude.
OP-ED: Walz and Vance Poised for Veep Debate – as Trump Prepares to Undermine Election Result if Harris Wins
LOL, you really don't give a fuck. Don't pretend otherwise.
Bacara Resort Bought Out This Weekend, Lots of Security
Wasn't an opinion, BASIC. It was just more of your useless lies and shitting on people who like something you don't like. That's all. Same old stuff from you.
Bacara Resort Bought Out This Weekend, Lots of Security
I’ll say this - I stated an honest opinion, as have others, and you simply just got yourself ALL WOUND UP over it as always, looking to once again argue incessantly about a nothing burger here. You clearly troll my comments. Take it easy Frances. You’ll be ok. Go kick your dog if you’re so damn mad!
Bacara Resort Bought Out This Weekend, Lots of Security
Nah BASIC, as always, it's your terrible punctuation and apparent lack of any knowledge of simple syntax. You're really LESS than BASIC, if that's somehow possible. Again though, you're just making shit up out of thin air like always. I know tons of locals, even natives, that love the SBIFF and all the celebrity spotting. It's hardly some "LA influence" or whatever you're all whiny about. If you really think about it, who would be more interested in seeing celebrities walking around? People from LA or people who aren't used to seeing celebrities on a daily basis? Bottom line is, you're just here wanking about the interests of others which has absolutely NOTHING to do with you and then making up total BS when you inevitably get called out by anyone. BASIC, SIMPLE, DERP stuff here dude. Your MO.
Bacara Resort Bought Out This Weekend, Lots of Security
SAC - my comment is straightforward. What exactly do YOU not understand? Is it a one letter typo? That’s it? Wow. Loserville often?
What Happens to Homeless People after Encampment Sweeps? That’s on Cities, Gavin Newsom Says
Hey SACJON- Why don't you take a couple days off... Get a life.
Judge Rules Property Owners Near Montecito Country Club Must Remove Landscaping in Easement and Restore Property to Previous Condition
JIMBO - get a hobby, dude. Maybe fingerpainting? Sounds about your speed.
Op-Ed: Vance’s Deceitful Answer on 2020 Election Will Be the Indelible Moment of Veep Debate Against Walz
Vance is just another whore. He'll change his outfit for whatever John comes along with the most money. How else do you go from Trump is a modern day Hitler to serving him.