Biden-Harris Administration Advances Chumash Heritage Marine Sanctuary
Once again, SAC, you aren’t very wise. You gotta think more.
Biden-Harris Administration Advances Chumash Heritage Marine Sanctuary
No, just stating an opinion, guy. You? Just wanking.
Biden-Harris Administration Advances Chumash Heritage Marine Sanctuary
Looks like he went with BOTH, insults AND lies! A double whammy from ol Two Boats himself! I love the "slippery slope" tears. EVERYTHING can be a "slippery slope," which is one of the reasons it's such a widely used logical fallacy. You heard it here, it doesn't get any more BASIC than this, folks!
Biden-Harris Administration Advances Chumash Heritage Marine Sanctuary
Oh, too funny, there went Doc Two Boats again, crying about some fantasy that he thinks could potentially occur in the future, despite what NOAA has clearly stated. And he has been following the process for a whole two months. Wow. So informed. Dude never misses an opportunity to cry and moan.
Biden-Harris Administration Advances Chumash Heritage Marine Sanctuary
Here go the 2! angry old armchair poster guys again! Sure. No, I read that same info they out about fishing access a month or two ago because I knew it was coming. I’ve been following the process for the last few months, not just clapping when the press release came out today because ‘it’s all great’! Anyways, like I said - slippery slope. Not all bad. No fishing restrictions yet, yes, but you do read? They plan to tie it in with the the existing MPA’s, and it opens up the ability to impose any number of fishing restrictions. Slippery slope… Hey, you don’t fish. I get it. Ask a fisherman, commercial or sport, if you know any. Just my .02. You two are silly.
Biden-Harris Administration Advances Chumash Heritage Marine Sanctuary
Shocker--he showed up to talk out of his ass...again. Captain Doctor Two Boats, read the FAQ's bro. Q: Would the proposed national marine sanctuary regulate commercial or recreational fishing? A: NOAA is not proposing to directly regulate lawful fishing in the proposed national marine sanctuary. The agency would coordinate with federal and state fishery managers and engage with potentially affected fishermen, should issues arise in the future. NOAA consulted with the Pacific Fishery Management Council as part of the designation process. Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary’s terms of designation do not authorize the sanctuary to directly regulate lawful fishing. And here from the Independent: Yep, personally I trust the Chumash peoples as caretakers of our ocean resources.
Biden-Harris Administration Advances Chumash Heritage Marine Sanctuary
"It sounds great to a lot of folks, but they never get out on the ocean to fish." - Ta da! Without fail, Doc 2 Boats has arrived with his usual "make up an scenario that doesn't exist in the comments and then argue against it while I'm actually just deliberately trying to stir it up" routine. He's off to quite a start, folks! Let's see which routine he chooses next! Insults? Untruths? It's anyone's guess!
California Democrats Strike Back Against Local Conservative Rebellions on LGBTQ Rights, Abortion
“Thanks” for giving me that info Sac. Means a lot coming from you bud. Laughable! Good monday to you.
California Democrats Strike Back Against Local Conservative Rebellions on LGBTQ Rights, Abortion
Oh ya, Edhat doesn't like insults. So--that is not a question. In fact, using a question mark does not always denote the intent to ask a question at all. For example-- "Are you fucking retarded?" See how there is a question mark there? And yet, that is not a serious inquiry as to a person's cognitive ability.
Semiconductor Industry Seeks Apprentices to Meet the Rising Need for Workers
CALIB - why does it bother you so much when people who have been historically oppressed by your ancestors (and mine as well) are finally getting ahead in life? Why are YOU so obsessed with race? You cry about it all the time.
Semiconductor Industry Seeks Apprentices to Meet the Rising Need for Workers
Another woke article. Why mention race? So what if most of the current workforce in this field is white? I don’t know any other country as obsessed with race than the US. It’s truly grown ridiculous. Everyone should have equal opportunity based on their merit alone and not based on race. Stop talking about it
California Democrats Strike Back Against Local Conservative Rebellions on LGBTQ Rights, Abortion
Alex - Is your comment the best you can come up with regarding your thoughts about a Trump supporter? C'Mon boy, or whatever you are, get original, don't plagiarize. I'll guess it took you a long time to come up with this gem:) And to use the word "unadulterated" for emphasis. My, you are so, how do they say, "macho." I am duly impressed and confident patriots don't care much about what you say. But, I have some time to waste this morning.
California Democrats Strike Back Against Local Conservative Rebellions on LGBTQ Rights, Abortion
Aww, Captain two boats. What happened to you being done with my garbage? No self restraint as usual. Make another big announcement. And yep, if you support a man who literally advocates for violence against people he disagrees with, is proven to be a serial sexual assaulter, is a demonstrated racist, is a convicted felon then yep, you would in fact be a piece of shit. Does that make me angry? nope. No more than stating that rattlesnakes are poisonous or that a hot stove will burn you--it's a simple statement of fact.
California Democrats Strike Back Against Local Conservative Rebellions on LGBTQ Rights, Abortion
Wow, now there’s a great example of what an anonymous internet person would NEVER say to anyone they don't know to others in real life, unless they were drunk and/or looking for a fight. Talk about angry! Alexa, you’re saying you really believe that HALF OF THE COUNTRY’S POPULATION is “an absolute and unadulterated piece of shit”. Man, that’s quite a statement. Think about it. Talk about hate. You’re pissed.
California Democrats Strike Back Against Local Conservative Rebellions on LGBTQ Rights, Abortion
If someone supports Donald Trump then they are in fact an absolute and unadulterated piece of shit. Doesn't matter what their party registration is.
Op-Ed: Has Evangelical Influence Taken Over Pacifica Graduate Institute?
Did both your skiffs sink? You've been on here all weekend. Funny, seeing as you constantly cry about how much I comment here.
California Democrats Strike Back Against Local Conservative Rebellions on LGBTQ Rights, Abortion
@ EDHAT EDITIOR- Please explain where I was expressing any "hateful" dialoge...?
California Democrats Strike Back Against Local Conservative Rebellions on LGBTQ Rights, Abortion
How are you not out on your boats this weekend? You just can't keep away can you?
NWS Extends Red Flag Warning Through Monday Evening
Don’t buy/build in a fire zone if you are afraid of fire.