Upgraded Message Boards Installed on US 101 in Santa Barbara
Wow, you’re a sucker Sac.
Upgraded Message Boards Installed on US 101 in Santa Barbara
Hey, no biggie - I made my comment. Apparently the usual Edhat nonstop arguer or two again have nothing better going tonight than to try and pick up another fight that they want to go on all night with someone who posts with an actual opinion. Of course they haven’t even stated any sort of opinion about the article itself. Did they even think about it or make a comment? No. Classic. I don’t care. You guys are so predictable. Edhat, your great local news site is turning into a playground for a few angry internet trolls to just look to harass people.
Another Swing of the Precipitation Pendulum in NorCal; Meanwhile, Santa Ana Winds & Wildfire Risk in SoCal
SB detailed that they decided to not cloud seed after the Painted Cave fire due to concerns of creating a debris flow similar to what occurred in Montecito. And you do not find that interesting? You do not care that our government is manipulating the weather? The CA government that says save the salamanders and snowy plovers, stop polluting the atmosphere, save the animals, let nature be, let evolution occur as Mother Nature intended is actually artificially messing with our planet doing the complete opposite of what they preach. You sound like a blind follower of government propaganda and call everything a conspiracy unless the government tells you it’s ok to talk about it. I got news, it’s ok to talk about the artificial manipulation of the atmosphere, the governments openly admit it. If you do not care, why are you on this thread. Seems like you’re just trolling.
Another Swing of the Precipitation Pendulum in NorCal; Meanwhile, Santa Ana Winds & Wildfire Risk in SoCal
Unintelligent people refuse to post references to support their comments.
Another Swing of the Precipitation Pendulum in NorCal; Meanwhile, Santa Ana Winds & Wildfire Risk in SoCal
So you admit that SB is manipulating the weather? Come on man, stop dodging the issue. Or are you refusing to read the SB County website detailing their cloud seeding since 1981? Who’s being irrational? Yiu don’t even read the SB County website or do your own research to support your opinion. Yiu just name call and deny. We are messing with the atmosphere. And for decades it was denied, now it is common knowledge that we are screwing with the weather. Now nit pick con verse chem. Con trails occur because of a pressure differential created by increased lift as air travels over the wings of a heavy aircraft climbing to cruising altitude. They also occur condensation trails, and they appear when water vapor condenses and freezes around the exhaust from an aircraft. CNN admits we are messing with the weather. “ It’s been around since the 1940s and countries all over the world have been doing it” “ Scientists in the US are flying planes into clouds to make it snow more” “ Wyoming started cloud seeding in 2003” Recap, for decades we were told geo engineering of the atmosphere was a conspiracy. Now that conspiracy is common knowledge and broadly discussed by all sorts of liberal and other media. So could chem trails be a real thing, yeah I’d say so since they lied about cloud seeding and other manipulations. Are commercial airlines chem trailing, no. It takes special equipment to do so. But are their government or scientific research planes that might be spreading chemicals, absolutely. The government admits they’re doing it.
Upgraded Message Boards Installed on US 101 in Santa Barbara
Same guys commenting. We should get together over coffee and discuss hot topics. I know I appreciate the different opinions. It’s what makes this country great. With that said, really? Agree with Basic. The existing orange lit signs are plenty visible. But this comment I found very hilarious for So Cal, “ To withstand harsh weather conditions” Because our weather is that bad? Ok I know this comes from a different budget line than money allocated towards homeless and affordable housing and fixing pitnoles. Just like the $10 million spent beautifying the State St underpass. But seriously, we could be spending this money in much more needed areas. It’s not like the government can just print ,only when it wants to, or do they? I guess we will have to see if a multi colored sign dies create higher visibility. So the jury is out.
Top Democrats say they won’t just ‘Trump-proof’ California — they’ll make it Affordable Again
Our "Top Democrat" just gave ANOTHER $10 BILLION $10,000,000,000.00 of YOUR taxpayer funds to Zelensky and his fellow oligarh's.... Thanks Biden, you " "
Top Eco-Lawyer Linda Krop: Bid by Low-Profile Texas Oil Firm to Reopen Notorious Pipeline Augurs “A Huge Step Backwards”
Stopping oil production is so last year.
Sedgwick Prescribed Burn Rescheduled due to Increased Fire Activity
Don't buy/build in fire zones.
National Weather Service Issues Red Flag Warning and Fire Weather Watch
Don't buy/build in ire zones. Red flag will make no difference.
High-Speed Pursuit Ends in Rollover Crash on Bonita School Property in Santa Maria
I don't see Coasts response. Only you SAC You morons know nothing of what happened, yet you build a narrative that it has to be the cops fault for trying to stop a lawbreaker. I see a Honda Box piece of shit car so the intelligence of the driver and commenters here, comes into Q with me.
High-Speed Pursuit Ends in Rollover Crash on Bonita School Property in Santa Maria
There’s another violation of Edhats official policy from Sac!
High-Speed Pursuit Ends in Rollover Crash on Bonita School Property in Santa Maria
COAST - what you crying about now with your "STFU?" Damn dude, you're such a fucking cry baby. Grow a pair.
Annual New Year’s Polar Dip at East Beach Canceled Due to New City Requirements
BASIC - " I’m not crying either " - LOL the evidence suggests otherwise. Your diaper full yet? And yeah, I've read them and I've been deleted a lot, as you like to point out. I've also been on "instant delete" for a while as well. So hush, baby cakes. You paying yet to be here?
Annual New Year’s Polar Dip at East Beach Canceled Due to New City Requirements
None of that’s news to me. I understand it. Do you? Tell yourself, Dalgorf, and Alexblue to reread them though. You might learn something. Constant violations of these rules. I’m not crying either - save that garbage call - I’m just pointing out facts. I could call you all out on nearly every one of those violation rules, everyday in fact. Silly. Save it.
Annual New Year’s Polar Dip at East Beach Canceled Due to New City Requirements
BASIC and SBLETGET - I know you're both too lazy to do this on your own, so I did your work for you, again. From the Comment Policies page - "2. No direct insults of other commenters. 2 a. No criticizing of writing style, punctuation, spelling, or grammar of commenters or contributors. 2 b. No speculation about an anonymous commenter’s identity. 2 c. No harassing other commenters. 2 d. [Update: Harassment and bullying of other commenters and/or edhat staff members may result in account moderation and/or permanent banishment from] 3. No derogatory comments, particularly ones against any specific groups. [Update: Any user who violates this policy will immediately have their comments moderated before posting live] 3 a. No sexist, homophobic, racist, xenophobic, classist, or any other prejudiced comments. 3 b. No advocacy of harm or death of any specific group or persons, even the bad ones." Read those well. BASIC will keep crying about it being unfair, but now he has no excuse. You violate the rules, there are consequences. Don't like it, leave.
Annual New Year’s Polar Dip at East Beach Canceled Due to New City Requirements
BASIC - "don’t want long, extended arguments with a bunch of nonsensical and irrelevant personal insults between a couple posters, and I agree with that. It adds NOTHING to the topic at hand." Dude, buy yourself a fucking mirror. It still baffles me how absolutely out of touch you are with your self awareness...... Do you pay to use this site? If not, stop crying about it. I'm sick of subsidizing lazy, cheap bigots here.
Annual New Year’s Polar Dip at East Beach Canceled Due to New City Requirements
No, it’s that Edhat is a very liberal political entity overall. Makes sense - they mirror what the majority of the SB voters apparently feel. Simple as that. Their prerogative of course, but make no mistake. Your ‘lies, bigotry, and conspiracy theory’ idea just plain false. Typical nonsense that you’d come up with. So Edhat, they choose to let some folks say whatever they want in the moment and others not. Of course they then have someone going back and reviewing their instant deletes and deciding whether it’s on Ok post or not. You can, and I’m sure have, look through all the deleted posts and you’ll see a lot of stuff that makes no sense to have been deleted. I think the moderators just don’t want long, extended arguments with a bunch of nonsensical and irrelevant personal insults between a couple posters, and I agree with that. It adds NOTHING to the topic at hand.
Suspected DUI Driver Arrested for Multiple Hit and Runs in Trader Joe’s Parking Lot
That lot has been dangerous for years and now it’s just plain foolish to park in there! What an idiot.