Dense Fog Advisory Issued for Central Coast and Santa Ynez Valley
In classic Persian rubaiyat form, with apologies to Omar, but apropos to several of the obvious armchair commenters: An online presence with a rubber nose, Who comments much, in often fractured prose. What motivates each post of lies so bare, So plainly false as everybody knows? Clearly he is one who does not care, But flaunts his bald disinformation there. To answer not when he is then debunked, He plucks another topic from the air.
Dense Fog Advisory Issued for Central Coast and Santa Ynez Valley
As I said, it ended up a CAT 1 - but the main prediction was the worst hurricane in human history. Stop covering for government pinheads.
Santa Barbara Charter School Retains Insurance Coverage, Avoiding Temporary Closure
How is secrety recording children different from undressing in the opposite sex's locker room?
Dense Fog Advisory Issued for Central Coast and Santa Ynez Valley
I don't believe the government controls anything about the weather. In fact they have a hard time controlling their own minds. Make work, scare the population.
Dense Fog Advisory Issued for Central Coast and Santa Ynez Valley
Upgrading a typical hurricane to a 5 and further to the worst that has ever happened to mankind is inexcusable. These are the people who can tell the temperature 2,000 years ago, yet they don't know how to predict a hurricane?
Dense Fog Advisory Issued for Central Coast and Santa Ynez Valley
This is from the same people who just warned of the worst hurricane in the history of mankind. Ended up a CAT 1
Dense Fog Advisory Issued for Central Coast and Santa Ynez Valley
Just a waste of time and money attempting to worry the population needlessly. Say 10,000 people spend 10 minutes reading the garbage = that's 1500 hours pf completely wasted time. It's going to happen repeatedly - fog, rain, heat, floods any needless excuse.
Fight on State Street in Santa Barbara on Monday
“Lazy cops”? Go yell defund them and then expect them to be perfect, everywhere at all times? Garbage. They don’t get paid enough to do the job they have to do. That’s the main issue here in SB. Support LE. They’ll be saving your or someone you love’s a$$ someday, guaranteed.
Priest Pleads No Contest to Possession of Child Sexual Abuse Material
Another downvote for the Catholic Church. Completely separate from the political distraction the previous poster was trying to toss in.
Dense Fog Advisory Issued for Central Coast and Santa Ynez Valley
These announcements from paid government employees working at taxpayer funded agencies are NOT free. They cost everyone something. You’re lying Sac, assuming you know better. If not, you’re simply misinformed.
Fight on State Street in Santa Barbara on Monday
1,500 people are murdered by knife in the United States each year. In 2021, 447 people were killed by rifles in the United States (including "assault rifles") Every year, 400,000 life-threatening violent crimes are prevented using firearms.
Retired Fire Captain Pronounced Dead After Missing From Paddle Boarding Near Miramar
No, HATS, what you said was pretty clear and pretty crappy for this time and place. Surprised it's still posted, really.
Retired Fire Captain Pronounced Dead After Missing From Paddle Boarding Near Miramar
Yet I'm a better person than you, so keep the insults coming. You too, 40900. Couple of losers if I ever saw some.
Retired Fire Captain Pronounced Dead After Missing From Paddle Boarding Near Miramar
So many ways you could insult that dude and you go with “Ballsacjon”. Well done. So well done.
Retired Fire Captain Pronounced Dead After Missing From Paddle Boarding Near Miramar
Ballsacjon is, unfortunately for this site, relentless and needs a timeout.
Retired Fire Captain Pronounced Dead After Missing From Paddle Boarding Near Miramar
Sacjon the infamous edhatter who is a well documented jerk.
Fight on State Street in Santa Barbara on Monday
I bet it was black though.
Illegal Placement of Political Signs?
You liberal simps are so funny. You’re seriously mad about this? Meanwhile your candidate is on par with a kindergarten teacher? Have any of you watched her FULL 60 Minutes interview?? She’s a laughing stock, a bumbling buffoon. Criticize the Republicans all you want but this is the most pathetic candidate you Dems have ever pushed forward in history. DEI candidate much? Trump will win again which is a crazy thought because you Dems are so incompetent. At least we saw that the world didn’t end when he was already president like you harbingers of doom loved to run around warning everyone about. Grow up.
Gavin Newsom Signs Ban on Artificial Food Dyes in School Snacks and Drinks. What to Know
ANON - given his repeated trouble with basic sentence structure and reasoning, I'd say it's the former. Then again, his tendency to match me comment for comment here all day and all weekend (at least for him), suggests the latter and indicates a true internet troll.
Fight on State Street in Santa Barbara on Monday
That phrase " Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than speaking and removing all doubt" was definitely written for you. Did you personally know Mark Twain?