What are the Noise Complaint Rules?

By an edhat reader

My lawyer neighbor has had some pretty loud drunken parties (rental unit) which involve singing, cursing, arguing, drinking, cigarettes (our building is non smoking), and pot.  Last time I got woken up at 3am and when I called the non-emergency police line they told me the noise complaint law only applies to amplified music.  So officers would only come if I was willing to make a citizens arrest.  I wanted sleep not to enter into legal entanglements with a lawyer neighbor.  Did laws change?  Just last year they came out no problem.  Our building manager is not on site nor local.  I think the party wound down at 4am on a weeknight. 


Written by Anonymous

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  1. My first thought was that I wish my neighbors were full of life and would stir up a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g other than being glued to the tv while wasting their remaininf years. I assume they are watchin tv because i can hear QVC sell the latest air fryer, or Huell Houser buggin’ the cr&p outta some poor schlub, …lots of KCAL, and of course Al Extreeeeemooooo….

  2. Good luck getting any satisfaction. My neighborhood has been under construction for 10 months due to a neighbor building an ADU. Those guys were over there even working on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. No peace those days, amazingly enough it was quiet on Super Bowl Sunday. Plus now we have a new dog that barks 20 hours a day. I called the police non-emergency # and was told this kind of thing is not in their purview. I am not wanking on the police dept. I know they are busy, we just need more animal control officers that have some authority and the city needs to find a way to penalize construction projects that run way over time and “disturbing the peace” on holidays, The city needs to address barking dogs, and enforce the noise ordinance.

  3. Many years ago my neighbors were using their backyard shed as a rental. In between renting it out, the neighbors’ teenage kids were allowed to sleep and party in the shed. This shed was located approximately 15′ from my bedroom window. On one particularly lively occasion, I called the police at 2:00 am to complain about loud music and such. The one responding officer actually stood in my driveway, mentally shuffling his feet, and said to me, “Well . . . It’s his birthday.” Hahahaha. You can bet I filed that one away for future use. (Note to self and others: Always take down names and badge #s.) Eventually, and not without some effort on my part, I got that shed razed to the ground. Bad neighbors are the scum of the Earth and need to be dealt with accordingly.

  4. If I was you I would talk to other people who live in the vicinity and put together a letter describing the behavior and have everyone sign it, or print several and have everyone sign their own, then provide to the property manager. Loud parties usually result in damage to the inside of the property too so bringing it to their attention will be good. Signed letters give them authority to give notice asap.

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