Watch: Why Tortillas Sold in California may be Forced to add a New Ingredient

Watch: Why Tortillas Sold in California may be Forced to add a New Ingredient (Courtesy)

Folic acid reduces the risk of birth defects and the FDA requires that bakers include it in enriched bread. California could extend the mandate to tortillas and foods made with corn masa flour.


This article was originally published by CalMatters.


Written by CalMatters is a nonprofit, nonpartisan media venture explaining California policies and politics. (Articles are published in partnership with

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  1. More Forced/Mandated regulations on the people who live in the People’s Republic of California- The most over regulated State in the Union. (most socialist-government will control your life state, we in Sacramento WANT it that way)

  2. Ridiculous. Soon, bean growers will be required to introduce a substance into their seeds similar to beano. This will help minimize methane released by some people after enjoying a big serving of beans with their meal. Gotta keep the air clean you know:) What are the “birth defects” caused by the lack of folic acid in these foods?

    • Neural tube defects are caused by lack of folic acid. Defects such as spina bifida and anencephaly.

      “Neural tube defects (NTDs) are a group of relatively common fatal or severely disabling birth defects that result in about 300,000 cases a year world-wide. The search for a cause was elusive, but in 1991 it was shown that about 8 out of 10 cases are due to a lack of vitamin B9 (folate) and are therefore preventable.
      … proposes a simple, fully effective fortification policy that would prevent about 8 out of 10 NTDs and avoid the need for women to start taking folic acid supplements before pregnancy, a policy that has been shown to fail because only a small percentage of women adopt this practice.”

      Foods have been fortified with folic acid for decades for this reason. I for one have nno problem with doing so.

      • YIN – thanks for that. It’s always fun to watch crying Cons get schooled with facts.

        Honestly, if they have figured out a way to reduce the risk of spina bifida and it only requires commercial bakers to add a simple ingredient, I’m all for it.

        Sometimes we need the “guvment” to step in and help, especially if it’s something as easy and benign as this!

  3. More Forced/Mandated regulations on the people who live in the People’s Republic of California- The most over regulated State in the Union. It’s no wonder businesses are and their employees (State Tax Base) are LEAVING

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