Upcoming Community Meetings for the Westside and Lower West Neighborhoods Transportation Management Plan Implementation Project

Westside - San Andres St. (Courtesy)

The City of Santa Barbara will hold two community engagement meetings to provide an update on the Westside and Lower West Neighborhoods Transportation Management Plan Implementation Project (Project).

The Project provides safe pedestrian and bicycle routes to schools, parks, and neighborhood services, completing major infrastructure gaps between the Westside and Lower West neighborhoods and crosstown connections. These meetings will discuss the design of the protected bike paths on Modoc Road, between Las Positas Road and Mission Street.

Spanish translation will be provided at both meetings.

Virtual Meeting (Zoom)

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Zoom: Virtual Meeting Room

RSVP (use this link to register):

Click here to register for the webinar

In-Person Meeting

Thursday, September 26, 2024

5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

La Cumbre Junior High School

2255 Modoc Rd

Santa Barbara, CA 93101 (map)

To register, scan the QR code below or visit Zoom Registration Link.

The City last hosted community meetings in January 2024 to review the Project scope and obtain community feedback. The meetings identified a strong community desire to revise the protected bike path on Modoc Road between Mission Street and Las Positas Road from a two-directional design on the north side of Modoc Road to a one-directional design on each side of Modoc Road. Community feedback is requested on the one-directional protected bike path design.

Project Scope: The Project includes the following safety enhancements:

  • One mile of protected bike paths adjacent to La Cumbre Jr. High and Santa Barbara Community Academy, on Modoc Road and Portesuello Avenue, connecting to the Las Positas/Modoc Multiuse Path and neighborhood bike friendly streets on Gillespie Street and San Pascual Street.
  • Bicycle infrastructure features to close the gap between the Westside and Lower West neighborhoods.
  • Sidewalk infill on Valerio Street, Manitou Road, Pedregosa Street, Arrellaga Street, Calle Real, Euclid Avenue, and Sola Street.
  • Safety enhancements at 15 crosswalks including curb extensions, rectangular rapid flashing beacons, refuge islands, and lighting.
  • Corridor lighting along San Andres Street and Modoc Road.

Construction is anticipated to begin in 2027.

To subscribe for Project updates and to learn more about the Project, please view SantaBarbaraCA.gov/WestsideNTMP.

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  1. We’ve improved auto safety over the past 100 years – airbags, padded dashes, seat belts, collapsable steering wheels, sliding engines, etc etc, So now the government is encouraging us to balance on an unprotected 50 pound bicycle – one get a fender bender, the other is fatal.

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