Thousands Protest Trump’s Immigration Policies

By Marian Shapiro

An estimated 2000 people showed up at De la Guerra Plaza to show their outrage at the Trump Administration’s treatment of families at the Mexican border.   The signs say it all.    Our protest here in Santa Barbara was one of over 700 protests around the country.

My photos are here: or scroll through the slideshow below:

Keep Families Together Rally 6/30/18

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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  1. …and within a 100-ft radius of this event, are any number of street people, homeless, people eating out of garbage cans/dumpsters, street “urchins” bummin’ for cigs and change…..but these smiling folks refuse to help ’em, let alone even NOTICE. Amazing lack of awareness. Go figure Santa Barbara. Go figure. Next up: protests for whoever is selected to serve on the SCOTUS.

  2. Thank you for pointing out the lot of our local homeless, BUT: these folks will not be killed because they are returned to Guatemala, Mexico, Honduras or other countries from which these people are fleeing violence,rape and death, seeking political asylum in a land that once provided sanctuary and justice. They are not seeking cigs and spare change, rather a chance not to be raped, tortured and killed. this is not just about the separation of families, it is about our fundamental commitment, as a nation, to demonstrating that we care and will defend the down trodden who are threatened with corporal elimination by unjust powers abroad. Are we a strong and benevolent people or are we self centered zenophobes, willing to watch innocent people be killed?

  3. Ducky, do you think that we, as human beings, as spiritual beings, have no obligation to help people who are being persecuted, raped and killed? I am not a Christian, but I ask would Jesus turn his back on these people? Would Mohamed or Buddha ignore these suffering humans? This is fundamental Humanity, Spirituality and Compassion. The stuff that eclipses internet anonymity. While I am Channelfog, my real name is Joshua Vaughan. I challenge all to own their comments with their real names. Enough internet anonymous BS. Own you posts, sign them with your real name.

  4. Right…?? I’m going to sign my own posts at the risk of becoming victim to double standards and crazy-irrational behavior by people who have lost sight of what’s fair and right. People who have evidently forgotten that the ends never justify the means, not in a civilized society. Would you like to follow our laws, or would you prefer the opposite. As so many have loved to espouse lately, you can’t have it both ways. And, btw, we have gang, drug and poverty right here, in our own backyard. So can the violins.

  5. Leftist wins in Mexico. Everyone will now be safe staying within Mexico’s borders. Same language, history and culture as those now allegedly fleeing US drug habit narco turf wars in Central America. Mexico is their safe haven now.

  6. Agreed Bodyboarder. Why dont these folks protest for all the families seperated when a parent has to go overseas for our military or god forbid if a parent is killed in combat. How about all the kids seperated from their parents who are in prison. Adults on the left need to grow up and see their hypocracy. If they dont good luck ever winning a national office again.

  7. I’m for these people and through the years I have lived here have taken in well over a hundred people who I fed clothed many were relatives of residents who lived here many today are republicans who hate people like myself who care about others. I agree with ChannelFog. Though this was happening under other administrations it was not on this scale and it should end now I know one of those protesters good friend of mine she protests for Human Rights all humans have rights no human is illegal Elie Wiesel. Sure is interesting how many people in America have flipped and no longer believe in the saving of women and children those people are cowards.

  8. Many of these immigrants are not breaking any law, but have come here to seek legal political asylum after escaping violence and threats of death in their home countries. A compassionate immigration policy that we have extended to many people who would otherwise have been killed. Much of this violence is due to gangs and drugs and guess which country buys most of the drugs that are causing the violence in these countries. Josh

  9. I guess we’re losing the ability to have a civil discussion on this issue. I never down vote anyone unless they vociferously say something I know to be false or something that is cruel to someone else’s comment. I’m not a Fox guy or a CNN guy. We’re not all going to see eye-to-eye, so a little “let’s agree to disagree” could go a long ways here. I learn from people who hold different social or political views.

  10. Channelfog;
    I doubt that this missive will alter your opinion, but it is my right as an American citizen to voice my beliefs.
    When I was 24 I was an English major at Berkeley; I was a socialist- even though I worked full time to put myself through school. I wanted to be a hero for the downtrodden.
    Since you brought religion into this, I will tell you that Jesus didn’t attempt to save the world. “The poor,” He said, “you will always have with you, but I am here for just a short time.” Channelfog, the world belongs to Lucifer, the fallen angel of light, and most of the world is hopeless. I’ve learned this. Most of the world puts their aspirations and machinations into the pursuit of worldly goods, lusts, and passions; they are Takers, and not Givers.
    Through the course of my life, I was a single father for fifteen years; I raised three beautiful children without government assistance, and without problems. I have contributed, both taxwise and timewise, and feel proud to have done a good job.
    Now I am 64, and have worked hard in the construction industry for 40 years. Daily, I meet all sorts of people of different classes and demographics. The Latinos I work with, for the most part are good, honest, family men; hard working and glad to be in this country- legally. I’ve worked with Europeans as well, who have come here through some fascination with the freedom that America provides, and a love of the “wide open spaces”. An Irishman I worked with told me there’s an Irish proverb, “Give a beggar a horse and he’ll ride straight to hell”. This pertains to our present situation.
    Yes, Channelfog, through the course of all these years I have changed my socialist views- in short, I grew up. You should give it a try.
    p.s. “zenophobes” is spelt “xenophobes”.

  11. Another hot button! I don’t know about you but I would never send my children on 1000+ mile journey no matter what the conditions were in my home country. Can you imagine the/conversation with your daughter as you give her birth control and warn that she will probably be raped? There are counties in the south and Central America that actually have a functioning government a relative stability. Why not flee to them?
    Or better yet stay and fight for change in your country to make it better. Hey, there’s an idea why don’t those protesters go to those countries and help them change. They’d last about 5 minutes before the government picked the up and tossed them in a prison where a chicken wire cell would seem like a palace.
    You want to come to USA? Get in line, don’t jump the wall and do it legally- like my grandparents did.

  12. Yes, my feelings exactly, all those super rich people, ( liberal actors) in their big houses wondering around them, how many will take in, and let live there for free and feed them.
    No, they just feed the problem, oh and then go set up some where with a hot dog and blanket for them, then say they did something. They feed the frenzy. And the stupid news media.
    And our taxes go higher and higher.

  13. Meanwhile, these same people were nowhere to be seen while the exact same things were happening under the Obama administration. Oh, and if any legal citizen commits a misdemeanor or felony in the US, guess what? They are separated from their families by going to jail/prison!

  14. I understand that families are separated if a parent is jailed for infractions, but I don’t think that’s the same as basically putting the children in camps. I also understand the fears we may feel when so many people want to come here and it’s true we have poverty to deal with also, but until now, not a repressive government. I supported protests concerning removing children from their parents, because a parent is jailed while trying to find a safe environment for their families to survive.

  15. Pat yourself on the back profusely for doing what most of the world’s population has done, then give voice to your profound dislike for the rest of humanity, sprinkle in some aphorisms belittling the less fortunate among us, and finally berate someone for a spelling error while committing your own. (Spelt is a type of wheat.)
    Yes, by golly, you’ve shown that you were good folk once, but you haven’t matured, you’ve just gotten old and sour. And none of what you said could possibly justify the detention and separation of people who have not broken any laws, as is occurring now.

  16. I fail to see the “issue”..
    You live here,
    People are arriving uninvited,
    You say that they;
    Are illegal,lawbreakers,possibly infected,murderous, thieves,rapists ad infinitum..
    This is nothing more than a re-inactment of the initial birth of the place you call america.
    Did you know, that’s not even her real name?
    Of Geese & Gander, all things being equal.

  17. So many myths! 1. NO the Obama administration did NOT do the same thing. When they had to deal with the same law saying the kids could not go to jail or detention if their parents had to be detained, the Obama administration solved that problem by making the parents wear ankle bracelets and the didn’t take kids away from their parents. 2. It is not illegal for people fleeing from dangerous situation to ask for asylum in the US. So they are not committing a crime. And it they are not refugees, but enter without papers, that is a misdemeanor, not something you should have your kids taken away for. 3.Someone said they would never put their kids at risk leaving their country, so they deserved to have their kids taken away. Whoever said that must have never experienced or heard of the dangers that are going on in Honduras, Guatemala or what happened in Europe in the 30’s. Thousands lost their lives, so to say you would n’t leave your country shows a lack of knowledge and empathy.

  18. FACTORUM, I might point out that the Chumash lived here for many centuries without significant deterioration their environment. Their modest lives were completely sustainable. They enjoyed a limitless supply of abalone that they harvested along the shore, which was subsequently wiped out by those who “improved” this area. Look around, the natural majesty has been trashed and there is absolutely nothing sustainable about the mess we white folks have wrought here.

  19. No are 100 % incorrect about the Chumash.
    It is the schools & books that teach the wrong historical information to westerners, who in turn, incorrectly re-teach it.
    We owned, we had Law, maps, property & every drop of knowledge (& much more) than westerners think they possess today…proof?..
    just look around.

  20. TEEGEE, Are you actually asserting that in 40 years of construction the Hispanic people you worked with were all legal? Ha! I too worked 40 years in construction and I can assure you that at least half were illegal, though only a very few were “bad hombres”. I honor your constitutional right to free speech even if we disagree. I’m as old as you and at least as “grown up” thank you very much. P.S. Thank you for correcting my spelling of xenophobes, but spelt is spelled, well, spelled unless you are referring to the grain spelt.

  21. Our “immigration” policy is insane.
    Most expect a President to rule. However, the legislature makes the rules. The President swears to “faithfully execute the laws.” This President, unlike past ones, is doing a decent job of honoring his oath of office. Imagine that.
    BTW. Trump didn’t build the detention centers.

  22. The truth is the Chumash were still hunter-gatherers who owned nothing when later arrivals came to this area and cultivated and improved it. They were not intruders anymore than the Chumash were when they arrived. There was vacant land and within later created land use regulations, they officially were able called it their own. To claim otherwise is to culturally misappropriate the western institution of settled land ownernship, which was never part of the Chumash culture.

  23. So I actually saw photos of protestors holding Planned Parenthood signs. Isnt this the same organization that tears babies out of their moms? Are we supposed to believe that you are really that concerned with kids being taken away from their parents for a few days at the boarder? #Walkaway – the Democratic Party is leaving alot of Democrats…we are witnessing the birth of a third party folks and liberal leaders dont even see it happening…

  24. I would add, Obama used “case management”, did not incarcerate (hence the ankle bracelets) which was 90% effective and cost $10 per day per person. Trump ended that program over a year ago and it now costs $670 per day to incarcerate each family member. As always, with Trump, follow the money.

  25. No. It was BHO’s policy to release thousands of illegals into the country, never to be found again. Was it 1400 kids who are unfindable? Many adults, and I assume families, were shipped to places that didn’t want them.
    The vast majority do not return for their agreed upon court hearings.
    The recent policies were designed to encourage this invasion. Hence, young girls are sent alone across Mexico. With birth control pills. And Trump gets vilified.

  26. 0221 you might want to dig a little deeper into #walkaway. It’s too early to tell if it’s a “Move Along, nothing to see here” or “objects in your mirror are closer than they appear (the Far Side comic)” moment. I read several articles on the topic, then I went to the twitter hashtag itself. Watch the Brandon Straka video yourself. He’s not the product of wishful thinking right wingers. The link is right here: I don’t know the political bent of the Epoch Times.

  27. #walkaway is truly gaining a good percentage of democrat followers who are sick of the left leading their parade. Every time a person is shouted out of a restaurant or berated on an airplane for nothing other than their political beliefs, pushes everyone further to the right. We are proud of the aging protestors in Santa Barbara, but it’s time to grow up and start a new act.

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