Suspected Thief Arrested Following Edhat Tip

Update by edhat staff
February 24, 2021

The edhat reader who originally shared the video of two people stealing packages from their downtown apartment complex has reported one suspect was arrested. 

After posting the original video on January 6, 2021, edhat received a tip from another reader on the possible identity of one person in the video. That tip was forwarded to law enforcement who was able to positively identify the suspect and make an arrest on February 18.

This is a developing story.

Suspected Thieves Caught on Camera

By an edhat reader
January 6, 2021

Two people broke into 401 Chapala Street in Santa Barbara on December 31st at 3:50 pm. They stole a couple of packages and then got back into their Mercedes they parked out front and drove off. 

SBPD came and took the report but straight out told me even if they caught them they would not arrest them because of Covid?? So we have criminals going around doing all these crimes because they know they will not go to jail even if they get caught. Seems like a win-win for them!?

If anyone has information on the suspects, please call the Santa Barbara Police Department at 805-897-2465 and reference report #21-316.

Below is a video compilation showing the suspects stealing packages:


Written by Anonymous

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  1. This isn’t new or because of covid. The CA people voted in 2016 for Prop 47, reducing several felonies to misdemeanors, selective enforcement and prosecution of crimes. The financial savings were going to fund the “Safe Neighborhoods Act” I hope we all feel safer now that the criminals know if they steal less than $950 they probably won’t suffer any consequences.
    People, please take the time to read and understand what your voting on.

  2. Babycakes, i think it’s already here.
    The new LA DA was the former San Francisco DA and did the same there. The new SF DA has taken it further, decriminalizing pooping in public. So sad for law abiding people. what are law abiding people supposed to do now? What kind of country are we now?

  3. Correct, they still face criminal prosecution. I do not appreciate the police saying this sort of stuff. They are should not be engaging in political comments when doing their job. Their duty is to enforce the laws as we (The People) write them.

  4. I’m not sure how they (criminals in general) get away with this, but this theft could be considered a “poverty” crime. Many cities, such as Seattle, are allowing/considering certain infractions to be considered as poverty (or mental illness) crimes. This frees up the police forces in these cities no focus on more serious crimes. In Los Angeles, the DA has made it known that his office will no longer prosecute: Trespassing /
    Disturbing the peace /
    Driving without license /
    Prostitution /
    Criminal threats /
    Drug possession /
    Minor with alcohol /
    Drinking in public /
    Public intoxicating /
    Loitering /
    Resisting arrest / Under the influence of controlled substances……plus there are no “enhancement” to be considered when sentencing. I suppose that is all coming our way, or is in fact, already the case here in SB.

  5. Watch your stuff everyone, especially if you live downtown. Sh-t I might have to get a gun or a Rottweiler if this is what things are coming to. The key is to not be the “easiest” place to rip off.
    #defundthepolice actually might be working? Yikes.

  6. NOTHING happens- NO consequences for theft in California- It’s a free for all. It has nothing to do with COVID and everything to do with District Attorneys and those who you all voted for in Sacramento… Live with it, the criminals are….

  7. When LA defunds the police, crime spreads to Santa Barbara. Look at all the stabbings, shootings, sexual assaults. The left like Newsom and those that support him protect and reward criminals over law abiding citizens. Over 17,000 criminals were released who may had Covid. A chance to be victimized twice brought to you by California Democrats.

  8. Roger, exactly what happened in Isla Vista a few weekends ago, some residents caught a package thief, they confronted, he threatened with a gun, turns out it was a pellet pistol, they disarmed him and threw him a beating he won’t soon forget. Amazing how news travels in a small place like Isla Vista.

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