Smoke Smell in Noleta?

By an edhat reader

I’m in Noleta, near Sheriff’s Station and started smelling smoke around 1:30pm. Can’t see it. Anyone else?


Written by Anonymous

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  1. I smelled smoke for some distance at around 11 a.m., while riding along the bike path in Noleta. Believe it or not, people are already firing up their wood burning stoves/fireplaces. Do what you can to keep your lungs safe: don’t breathe in any kind of smoke.

  2. Enlightened residential areas have an ordinance against wood-burning fireplaces because they cause health risk, foul the air and create soot that blows over the whole neighborhood. Inhaling smoke is particularly a danger to the elderly or ill. Fortunately, wood fueled fireplaces are easily replaced by authentic-looking gas or electric “fires” for those who crave the ambience. Old-time London was under a pall of heavy smoke all the time and it cost lives.

  3. In reply to: NOV 08, 2019 10:13 AM—–Yes. And people used to think asbestos was harmless and we had leaded gasoline (=smog), too. You think smoke from coal was okay for those Londoners? You need to educate yourself about that and wood smoke in general.

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