Slur Printed in Santa Barbara Newspress?

Reported by edhat readers

  • In today’s issue of Santa Barbara Newspress, there’s what looks like a misprinted word. So inappropriate and unprofessional.

  • Did anyone else see the word “Faggoat” published under a writer’s name in the News-Press this morning? Hoping it’s an unfortunate mistake!

  • This is beyond inappropriate! How does this get past the editor and what professional news press would do this to their accomplished employee. No matter who wrote that at SBNP, it’s not funny or a joke. And it’s Christmas! Beyond disgusted right now.



Written by Anonymous

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  1. I hope people are voicing this to the News-Suppress. Disgusting. Yolanda Apodaca is director of HR – email is her last name I’ll start there. Talk about a hostile work environment. I truly hope whoever is responsible for this is fired immediately. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, a**hole.

  2. Yes, this is truly reprehensible. How did this happen, you ask? Well, my guess is that it was Christmas Eve at the SBNP and the majority of full-timers got the day off. On Christmas Eve, the crew was probably made up of newer employees and interns. Obviously, someone in the backshop seemed not to be able to work without adult supervision. By the way, proofers usually don’t read “by lines.” The “offender” needs to be called on the SBNP carpet, apologize to Mr. Gonzalez, be given sensitivity training, then shown the door! NOW! This is outrageous!

  3. I’m sure Paul is laughing the whole things off, and having a big laugh over beers/wings with the person or persons who entered the typos. I once responded to an email about about appropriate clothing to wear for an interview at a law firm in New York City, and I wrote “business slut” (instead of business suit). Another time I sent a text message to a dear friend, I created my own acronym for “Good For You” – which was “GFY”…..which, as it turns out, unbeknownst to me, already stood for a filthy saying. Mistakes are made. Time to move on and stop thinking the worst.

  4. It doesn’t surprise me that the poorly conceived, poorly staffed, and truly poorly owned NP is a mess. It’s sad that Santa Barbara’s NP is polically oriented in a way that doesn’t reflect the local population. It once was a good paper. It’s been years since.

  5. The connection to Twitler here is the attitude some people have that facts are malleable to suit one’s opinion, and that insulting someone is a new societal norm, and no big deal. How could anyone believe that *two* typos occurred on two *different* lines of text, and each one just happened to form a slur? Incredible.

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