Scanner Reports 12-19-18

By Roger the Scanner Guy

The older you get the less you sleep, most nights I wake up near 3 am, give or take a moment or two, then I lay awake the rest of the night trying to catch one more wink or two. If I do I usually dream about something that is on my mind. This morning what was on my mind was what to get for a friend and his wife for a gift. I settled on a bottle of Fireball which is most likely America’s most popular Whisky right now. Though I am an alcoholic and don’t drink I can still buy someone else a drink. that doesn’t bother me. Just because something is not for me doesn’t mean it’s not for someone else, many people can hold their liquor and don’t try to Fight the Law.  I did wonder about their children though, I did not want them to have access to the Fireball. I was thinking about that when I fell back asleep.

I was dreaming that I was in the back seat of a car driven by my friend’s kid and I said to them in the dream, “Sure I’ll buy you guys some alcohol what do you want?” I never dreamt the part of going into the liquor store, I was still riding in the back seat when the car drove through the wall of Cottage Hospital’s ER real slow. The driver was passed out at the wheel, passenger pounding the Fireball, me still smiling like a Dumb Shit. I climb out of the car Drunk kid passed out on the floor, Nurse announcing “This kid is Drunk!” When John Palminteri walks up to me and says “How did you get here so fast?”

I did not like that dream very much guess I’ll get them a box of candy chocolate covered cherries. I used to work for Queen Annie chocolates I was there a week or two, one of my over thousand or so careers. One of my good friends came over yesterday and fixed my washer and dryer. he spent the whole day outside in the cloudy drizzle working on them. My friend would hate me if I told you, his name was Ken Proctor he lives in Ventura now. A lot of you know him because he always helps other folks out, he is one of those people that would give you the shirt off his back. He used to work at the Texaco at Cacique and Milpas then he worked for the Chevron in Carpinteria, he kept both places going working shifts no one else wanted so he could support his family even though he has had some rough health issues in his life. He spent several years in the Marines, once a Marine always a Marine. Thank You for your service Ken Proctor…That’s my MILPAS UNDERPANTS and I’m sticking to them!!!   Now the Marines are running from my MILPAS UNDERPANTS.

Scanner Reports, Monday:

  • 101 Southbound near Gaviota vehicle accident unknown if injury.
  • Ventura Fire announced high surf from 0800 hrs to 1800 hrs.
  • 415 Domestic 1400 Block of Olive.
  • Vehicle accident Nopolitos at Cacique, unknown if injury.
  • Code 40 23152 drunkin idiot in a black Jetta WMA 30ish from the 500 Block of Brinkerhoff.
  • Stolen and recovered later black and silver moped from the 2300 Block of DLV.
  • Highway 101 Northbound at Fairview vehicle rollover.
  • 2 Subjects in a creek bed with a chainsaw cutting an unknown substance 1300 Block of San Pascual.
  • Campers First Block of East Haley.
  • Wanted Subject or the police were looking for a wanted subject 1200 Block of East Mason.
  • Female refusing to leave Catholic Social services 609 East Haley.
  • Shoplifter CVS Pharmacy 336 North Milpas got away for now.
  • Med Call Santa Barbara Shellfish company a woman fainted.
  • Highway 101 Southbound between Castillo and Garden vehicle spinout.
  • Ocean rescue Surfers Point 100 Block of Shoreline in Ventura.
  • Possible boulders on the railroad tracks near Ellwood.
  • Package thief 800 Block of East Canon Perdido he was followed around and dumped the package after taking the package out of a mailbox he got away for now but more might be revealed later on.
  • 242 Assault at the Alano Club 235 East Cota.
  • Suspicious female trying doors of homes in the 3600 Block of San Pablo off Ontare gotta pay for that Meth some how.
  • 415 RoomMates in the 1700 Block of Prospect.
  • Med Call fall victim 600 Block of Del Monte.
  • 415 Domestic at McDonalds 1213 State street.
  • Earlier in the day Parking gate arm vs Head, 1100 Block of Chapala.
  • 245 With a bicycle chain suspect dropped a plastic gun as he was beating the victim 600 Block of Wentworth


Scanner Reports, Tuesday:

  • 415 Argument over a theft Catholic Social Services 609 East Haley over a walking stick.
  • Leaf Blower Figueroa at DLV or Chapala.
  • Report of 2 male juveniles fighting in the street 300 Block of Ladera police were unable to locate.
  • Report of a possible Brush Fire Ventura County East Bound 118 at Rocky Peak.
  • Probation Check 500 Block of East DLG.
  • Smoking violation 500 Block of State street.
  • Fire Arm,(Gun) Found in an apartment in the 6600 Block of Del Playa.
  • 242 Assault investigation SBHS 700 Block of East Anapamu.
  • Check the Welfare of a female in her 60’s walking Northbound on Milpas Street in Traffic.
  • Check the Welfare of a man in a wheelchair who keeps calling 911… 7 South Milpas.
  • Med Call subject down with facial injuries MacKenzie Park.
  • Fall victim the Villa Santa Barbara.
  • Stray Dog or Cat don’t know which 400 Block of West Pedregosa.
  • Premises check Oak Park.
  • Premises check at the Teen Center 1235 Chapala.
  • Drinkers in the CACIQUE UNDERPANTS.
  • Med call rear of the County Jail.
  • 5150 Disturbing in front of the police station 215 East Figueroa Police officers transported the subject to CARES.
  • Mary one pulled over a maroon Mazda at Santa Barbara Street and Carrillo.
  • Med Call ill subject 160 South Patterson.
  • 415 RoomMates one roommate threatened by the other in the first block of Magnolia.
  • Fire department Engine One assist Animal Control for a  ladder request for a dog stuck in a creek Yanonali at Chapala.


Will I’m still under the weather a bit, as one ages it takes longer to get over the nasty illnesses. I hear alot of Med Calls concerning this crap. I hope it’s on its way out. I caught this guy trying to steal my scanner out of my back pocket over in the first block of South Milpas his name is Tony Baloney. He told me that the female shoplifter that wears Western tops and baggy pants is out on the streets again, I guess she got busted and spent a little time in Jail Ha,ha,ha…He says she is still wearing baggy pants so she must still be thieving Watch Out. Of course seems like many people are thieving now. Have a great WEDnesday……Peter, Belinda, Angel Baby, Pooh Bear, Tom Cat, Thomicina, Clancy, Tiger, Shadow, FREDDIE! Midnight, Merlin, Lola, PoPo, Fish Head One, and Two, Poncho, Jerry, Walter, Fred, Jonathan, C.J., Brad, Billy, Carl, Stan, Kent, ELMO, Patrick, Christy, Diana, Jim, Rambo, Sherry, Bommy, Poppy, June, Muskie, David Cox, Po, Marty, Cop John, Eddie, Bambi, Pat, Mavis, Ricky, Bengi, Lafayette, Ted, Magruder, Don, Edwin, Cory, Isabelle, Jerry, Debbie, Ken, Tiny, Andy, LUCY! STOBE THE HOBO, John Hancock, Micky Mantle, Ernie Banks, Ron Santo, Tom Petty, and Chris willing we will see you on FRYday. Later,  Roger


Written by Roger

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