Scanner Reports 11-3-17

By Roger the Scanner Guy

Thank Dog it’s FRYday. I have a friend at Cottage Hospital I’m kinda worried about. His name is Kona, he is a Gentle Giant at about 6’7  460 pounds or thereabouts. He had a brain tumor removed the other day and there hasn’t been much word on him since, though one might not expect much for a while.

I have never been that close to Kona, a few years back he was houseless and hung out in the HOOD. I got to know him as I got to know others around here. One day he went into a shelter to get off the streets and got himself a place to live in Isla Vista, he became a volunteer for a few bucks a week with a group of folks called Showers of Blessing. Local Faiths got together offering showers to the homeless with a trailer throughout parks in the area, he did that for a bit and funding ran out so he wasn’t with them anymore.

He adopted a cat and they are pretty much inseparable, I can relate to that I have a cat or he has me and I am very close to the snot I am in fact the cat’s servant. I guess besides being big that is what I have in common with Kona though he is bigger than I, he always comments on that when he sees me as if I’m much smaller then he is. Anyway, I was wondering if some Folks out there might keep Kona in their thoughts in hope that he will get well soon and be able to go home and be with his Kitty. I got Kona on the brain I hope he gets well soon.

Someone asked me to write about my accident in the store I had a few months ago, the process of what I was going to do about it. Well I still have a lot of pain and some of the injuries I got from that fall have not got much better so I am considering seeking a lawyer’s advice on the matter. I do have some time before I will be unable to do anything, I have to find someone where I don’t have to climb stairs because I can no longer do that, my knees go out and I take the chance of falling. I also have a hard time riding in vehicles as I have a lot of muscle spasms, and cramps.  So I would like to find someone close. I have been checking the bushes around my HOOD for an old washed up drunk personal injury attorney there has to be one around here somewhere.

Back to Kona, when you get someone stuck in your head it’s darn near impossible to think about anything or anyone else I was just reminded in a very tragic way what else  I wanted to mention.  3 Days in a row now I have heard suicides involving the use of a gun in Santa Barbara County. Yesterday a14-year-old girl took her life with a gun. I remember mentioning the high rate of suicides in Santa Barbara County a few years ago and someone said there are only 30-40 suicides in the whole county each year, at the time there were at least 3 times that amount as there is more than that now.

In the past 3 days at least one person has taken their lives using a gun per day, I’m not here to criticize guns but Holy Shit a child. I still remember the kid I grew up with doing that, we were all talking about it the other day on one of my Hometown Facebook pages. It has been 45 years since my friend used his fathers gun to end his young life and it is just as tragic to some of his friends now as it was then. For a child to think the only solution is suicide is a horrible thing knowing that a child is thinking about committing suicide is not always obvious. None of my friends nor myself saw it coming with our friend, sometimes one must listen intently to hear the pain. Not everyone voices it, many keep it deep inside seeing no other solutions but ending it permanently.  We must always keep our eyes open to the emotional needs of those who seem upset.

Scanner Reports WEDnesday:

  • Burglary to a vehicle 800 Block of West Arrellaga.
  • 600 Block of San Pascual, Burglary to a vehicle.
  • Parking violators blocking construction 2100 Block of Oak Park Lane.
  • Medical call unknown type 45 East Alamar.
  • Burglary to a vehicle 3900 Block of Via Diego.
  • Warrant Service 600 Block of North Voluntario
  • Smoke odor in the area of the 2200 Block of Chapala did not hear anything about a fire must have been dinner.
  • Attempt Burglary 100 Block of North Pacific.
  • Fight with injuries 200 Block of Burton Mesa in Lompoc suspects caught.
  • Premises check Chase Palm Park 200 Block of East Cabrillo.
  • Theft investigation 100 Block of North Hope.
  • Burglary investigation 1600 Block of San Pascual.
  • Road Rage victim instructed to drive to the Santa Barbara Police Department Cota at APS, victim female, aggressor male.
  • Non-injury hit and run investigation 200 Block of La Vista Grande.
  • Medical call Fall Victim 300 Block of Magna Vista.
  • 10851 Investigation occurred in Beat 2  I forget where that is, vehicle theft.
  • 300 Block of West Montecito Domestic violence.
  • Vehicles racing in the area of the 100 Block of West Micheltorena.
  • On West Islay an 8 year old kid called 911 and requested an ambulance for his father who he said had been shot in the arm. SBPD responded because of prank phone calls I never heard anything about a shooting.
  • Self-inflicted Gun Shot Wound North County 1144,  14 year old female Rest in Peace.
  • Fight brewing 4400 Block of Via Real.
  • Burglary to a vacant apartment on Picasso, SBSO was in foot pursuit of subjects unknown if they were all caught.


Scanner Reports Thursday:

  • Fall victim 175 South La Cumbre Lane neighbor heard someone yelling for help called it in
  • Neighbors one following the other in a vehicle Victoria at Castillo.
  • Transient taking the wires out of sprinklers at Dennys 3614 State street vandalism.
  • Transient refusing to leave Starbucks in the 800 Block of State street.
  • Drunk Driver in a white Truck West Bound on Calle Real from La Cumbre.
  • Cox Van in the red zone Islay at DLV.
  • Male passed out on an MTD Bus State and South Hope.
  • Chronic caller 200 Block of West Micheltorena for various reasons medicals, bad boyfriends etc.
  • Subject refusing to leave the Patio Area of Casa Blanca in the 300 Block of State street.
  • Check the Welfare of someone in the 500 Block of West Anapamu. in a residence.
  • Disturbance in the first block of West Carillo subject inside of a store threatening being loud.
  • Suspicious vehicle possibly involved in Burglaries parked in the 200 Block of Santa Rosa Place.
  • Burglary to a residence in the first block of East Pedregosa.
  • White truck in a parking lot possible drug involvement in the 1900 Block of Bath I don’t know of any parking lots in the 1900 Block of Bath.
  • Suicide by gunshot wound, Montecito Rest in Peace.
  • Transient at Amtrak 209 State street.
  • Transient refusing to leave Mc Donalds 29 North Milpas.
  • Hazardous investigation 400 Block of East Guiterrez paint on the road.
  • Man exposing himself while walking past Ellwood School in the 7600 Block of Hollister SBSO caught up with him.
  • Fall victim into a canyon at the Botanic Gardens unknown how far victim fell and or extent of injuries.
  • Premises check McKinley School


Will that is all outta me for now Have a great weekend….Peter, Belinda, Angel Baby, Pooh Bear, Fish Head One, Clancy, Poncho, Jerry, Walter, Fred, Brad, Billy, Jonathan, C.J., Carl, Kent, Stan, ELMO, Magruder, Don, Cory, Edwin, Rambo, Sherry, Diana, Jim, Patrick, Christy, Marty, Cop John, David Cox, Poe, Isabelle, Jerry, John Hancock, Mickey Mantle, Ernie Banks, Tom Petty, and Chris Willing we will see you on MONday-MONday. Later, Roger STILL A DODGER FAN THERE IS ALWAYS NEXT YEAR!!! 

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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