Santa is Still Being Safe

By Cyndie

Freeway Santa at his new home at 2801 Ventura Blvd in Oxnard is staying safe.  He is wearing a mask and warning motorist on Hwy 101 to “Be Safe” and “Take Care.”  Thank you Santa!


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  1. So good to see Santa being safe, and spreading the word. I have truly missed seeing him on Santa Claus Lane. I hadn’t heard where he had gone to, and feared the worst for him. SO VERY GLAD to know he DID find a good home 🙂

  2. I don’t man to piss on anyone’s cornflakes, but when I was much, MUCH younger there was a local legend that that particular Santa was evil and you must never look directly at it. I always looked the other way when driving past it on the freeway. I was actually relieved when Santa took up his new residency in Oxnard. Does anyone else remember this legend, or am I just entering the springtime of my senility?

  3. That’s a slightly amusing story rex! The mask on Santa will do as much good as the masks on people. Except we will have reduced oxygen intake and increased carbon dioxide intake. Don’t worry we will be saved from Santa and Christmas by Bill Gates and worldwide communism.

  4. JSG, if a person is infected but has no symptoms and doesn’t know that they are infected they can infect people near by. If this person coughs or sneezes, infectious particles get thrown around. The cloth mask protects the other people by containing the particles. If you’re having trouble breathing through your mask, perhaps it’s too thick. I had one with a removable filter. I couldn’t get air through it until I removed the filter. After that it was the most comfortable mask to wear and I felt good about protecting my family.

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