Santa Barbara Police Department Announces Death of Officer

Source: Santa Barbara Police Department

It is with great sadness that we announce the loss of Santa Barbara Police Officer Gina Battaglia. Officer Battaglia passed away from complications related to an on-duty illness. She exemplified extraordinary courage in fighting a long and difficult battle.

Officer Battaglia was a 14-year veteran of the Department and served our community with distinction. She held several assignments during her career including Patrol Officer, Crime Scene Investigator and Public Safety Communication Dispatch Supervisor.


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  1. RIP to the Officer, but this release is quite vague… What “on-duty illness”? If she is listed as an “on-duty death” , it changes everything for the dependents she may have left VS a illness that she may have contracted that has nothing to do with being a peace officer… It also has serious implications for others on the Police Dept. Was this a psyche disability? That opens a huge door for City employees like Police and Fire employees…. In the past, the City has balked at psyche related pensions… Again, RIP to the Officer regardless, but this is a public employee with ramifications when listed as an “On-Duty Death…”

  2. Rest in peace. Covid is a killer.
    In general, the unions have successfully negotiated for just about anything to count as work-related. This is most offensive in the gaming of the pensios, where a number of super-common disorders (such as heart disease) are assumed to be work related… which means years and years of tax-free pension on disability.

  3. COAST – The officer acquired an illness while on duty and there were complications that led to her death. The information cited in the release is really all you need to know. If additional information was required related to the death I’m sure it would have been included.

  4. PIT – why do you “need to know” anything about this? Do you work in the SBPD office? Unless you do and are possibly at risk of whatever disease may have caused this, I don’t see how you or anyone else here deserves anything more.

  5. ALWAYS RUNNING – thank you for that info. I hope it slakes the thirst of these ghoulish vultures in here demanding they be informed of the details as if it has any relevance to their lives as they play detective on their couches.

  6. Sac, we are paying for this illness through tax dollars. If there is a deadly illness that you can get by working as a cop, that is pertinent. I’m not asking to see her medical records.
    Knowing that our tax dollars are being spent wisely is the right of every citizen in a democracy.

  7. BEE – public service doesn’t mean you should be privy to the details of their untimely and likely, tragic death. Again, why do you need this info? What will you do with it? You’re not her employer, no matter that you think you are, and therefore are not in the capacity to actually do anything about it.

  8. When we talk about story after story in “the news” these days that “supress the truth” about important details that people would need or want to know about it, this story is a prime example of it. It happens all the time but it’s not this obvious. Its subtle, cleverly done.

  9. DOULIE, “you don’t need to know” is not reasonable when we are talking about potentially millions of dollars in public costs. However this news is fresh, answers are not needed immediately, this is a time for grieving.

  10. BUMBLEBEE – I’m sure her family and friends will honor her with whatever photo they choose to share amongst themselves. Further, her cause of death is none of our concern. How, exactly, are you going to make her job safer? Just because she was a public employee, doesn’t make you her or ANY of us, her “employer.” This is a press release, not a memorial or obituary. They owe you and us nothing. Leave it alone.

  11. This press release seems designed to make people curious. If they aren’t going to be clear about the cause, they should have left out the “details” that provoke more questions than they answer. Just say she passed, and tell us good stuff about her service as an officer.

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