Santa Barbara Police Animal Services Operations Modified

Source: Santa Barbara Police Department, Animal Control

In order to keep pets, staff, and the community safe during the COVID-19 outbreak, Santa Barbara Police Department has modified operations and created a proactive plan to mitigate unnecessary gathering of people.

Animal Control Field Operations will respond to priority calls only at this time as per the recommendations of the National Animal Care and Control Association. As members of the public safety community, we have an obligation to perform our sworn duties during disasters both natural and man-made. Priority calls include:

  • Law enforcement assistance
  • Injured or sick stray animals
  • Cruelty and neglect complaints
  • Bite reports
  • Dangerous and aggressive dog complaints
  • Confined wild animals (when trapped in a residence)


Santa Barbara County Animal Shelter Operations will temporarily be limiting their in-person services, effective immediately. All shelter locations will remain open by appointment or via phone. In-person services include: adoptions, shelter intakes and return to the owner of animals already in the care of the shelter. All measures will be taken to return animals to their owners in the field instead of impounding them; owner surrender intakes will be on an emergency basis only. For questions regarding Santa Barbara County Animal Shelter please call them directly at 805.681.5285.

Santa Barbara Police Department Animal Control Officers will continue to be on-site during normal working hours to answer questions by phone and address any concerns you may have relating to animal control issues. For questions or concerns please call the animal control office directly at 805.963.1513. We thank you for your support and understanding during this challenging time.


Written by Anonymous

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  1. How about dog owners who think school campuses are dog parks? It is very inappropriate to allow dogs to pee/poop on school play fields while students are at home. The custodians are working so hard to clean the schools. It is horrible of people who think the rules don’t apply to them. Please patrol parks and school campuses.

  2. Police & City need to deputize individuals to break up groups thinking that they are on vacation rather than trying to prevent a truly catastrophic event. I have seen a number of groups over at the Rose Garden, Kids World, and Alice Keck Park Park picnicking and having happy hour. Other places it was cool contact sports and volley ball. Sharing food and not keeping their 6ft distance. It’s criminal. (Mid 20’s to late 30’s.) They just don’t get that they can infect others and they could kill them.

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