Santa Barbara in 1975

By an Edhat reader

Amazing video of SB in 1975. Filmed in part by helicopter. Blew me away, even though I’ve been here all my life. Enjoy! Ah, the good old days…


Written by Anonymous

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  1. Nature’s first green is gold,
    Her hardest hue to hold.
    Her early leaf’s a flower;
    But only so an hour.
    Then leaf subsides to leaf.
    So Eden sank to grief,
    So dawn goes down to day.
    Nothing gold can stay.
    I’d gladly accept the SB of today as equal to back then if 2 of the following still existed:
    Rusty’s Lighthouse
    Emptiness where the Bacara is
    The arcade behind the 7-11 near DP

  2. You take a woman to the Lighthouse Rusty’s after a walk on the SB Pier, and then follow it up with a purchase at The Mermaid’s Chest (hate that this place had to close), and you might as well queue up Marvin Gaye on repeat at your place afterward.

  3. Seriously, Lighthouse Rusty’s. This video is about the mid 70’s not something that was only here a few years and just closed a couple of years ago. Do you even know who the Castagnolas were. This is about “the good old days”. I think they mean older than pre funk zone.

  4. Wonderful memories. Video should be required viewing by every young architect in town who collectively are trying to foist their version of boxy, edgy, post-modern brutalist design on our unique, softer and organic architectural heritage. This video is proof positive of what makes Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara. Cherish it. It still works.

  5. As far as “less” traffic goes, it’s the same today on the freeway if you pick the right time. We live in Carp and don’t go to SB during commuter times so the traffic is pretty much the same as on this video. Many things look the same as today. Thanks for showing us this.

  6. Please don’t be so shocked at the lack of people. If time stamp on the video is correct it’s 6:30AM ! Bet it looks very much the same today, at that same time. Yes, Castagnolas, Olive Mill Bistro, The Somerset Restaurant, spending the day inside the El Paseo Restaurant the day of the Fiesta Parade courtesy of the Perez brothers – and a REAL Harbor restaurant on the wharf!! Nothing lasts forever, except the fond memories. Not a ‘townie’, but 50+ years here and travels all over the US and globe – NOTHING beats Santa Barbara, even today.

Scanner Reports 9-3-18

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