A Call to Action on International Overdose Prevention Day
As International Overdose Prevention Day is observed on August 31, the Santa Barbara County Department of Behavioral Wellness is highlighting the urgent need for awareness and action in response to the escalating overdose crisis. In 2023, Santa Barbara County recorded a devastating total of 226 overdose deaths, with the majority tragically linked to fentanyl.
Fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid, is increasingly being found mixed into a variety of substances, including marijuana, methamphetamines, and cocaine, leading to many accidental poisonings. The impact of this crisis is felt deeply within our community, with many residents losing loved ones to substance misuse.
Behavioral Wellness is committed to supporting those affected by this crisis. We encourage individuals to seek help for themselves or their loved ones who may be struggling with substance misuse. Our ongoing campaign, “It’s OK Not to be OK,” aims to destigmatize behavioral health issues and foster open conversations about mental health and substance misuse. For more information, please visit OKSBC.
One of the most effective tools in combating opioid overdoses is Naloxone, a life-saving medication that can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. Behavioral Wellness provides free Naloxone to Santa Barbara County residents through our “Naloxone Now SB” initiative. For a comprehensive list of resources and information on how to obtain free Naloxone, please visit: https://www.fentanylisforeversb.org/.
Despite the challenges posed by the overdose crisis, there is hope. Recovery is possible, and there are numerous resources available across Santa Barbara County for those seeking help. Behavioral Wellness, in collaboration with the County Opioid Safety Coalition, ensures that a wide range of treatment options and support systems are accessible to all residents. More information about these resources can be found at https://opioidsafetysb.org/.
On this International Overdose Prevention Day, Behavioral Wellness urges the community to join in raising awareness, supporting those in need, and working together to prevent further tragedies.
To learn more about County of Santa Barbara Department of Behavioral Wellness, please visit https://www.countyofsb.org/274/Behavioral-Wellness. To access Behavioral Wellness services, call the 24/7 toll free Crisis Response and Services Access Line at (888) 868-1649.