By an edhat reader

Week of April 11-April 15: SB city council and advisory committee meetings

Santa Barbara city government: According to Council dictates: All council and advisory committee meetings now are in-person; only the Council will have a “hybrid” access, in person and via Zoom, enabling those unable to attend in person to speak their concerns via Zoom. But for the advisory commissions, public comment must be only in person. City Council chambers upstairs at City Hall, 735 Anacapa Street; David Gebhard Room, 630 Garden Street.

Meetings will be broadcast live on City TV-Channel 18 and online at SB City TV. Written public comment is allowed via email before the beginning of the meeting – times vary, check the commissions’ web pages, listed below.

Santa Barbara City has a calendar of meetings; here’s it is for April: (NB: City Calendar is a guide and not always accurate.) City TV covers many of the meetings and has reruns and updates with newly-scheduled meetings:

A long-time Edhat subscriber, hoping for more public participation in our local government, thought it would be helpful and interesting for the community to have a weekly listing of selected meetings, those of possible city-wide interest. We agreed. Please tell us what you think, good idea? waste of time? want it to continue but covering more than Santa Barbara city? There were requests for coverage of Carpinteria and Goleta; volunteers to do that and/or County meetings, please contact

If there’s something you want covered or if we’ve missed a meeting or mis-posted an address, please note it in the Comments section. Thanks!

MONDAY, 4/11

Architectural Board of Review. Consent Agenda, 1 PM; Project Design Approval/Final Approval (PDA/FA) 1298 Las Positas Rd; PDA/FA 812 de la Vina St; PDA/FA,  1109 San Pascual St.; Concept Review: 230 Stearns Wharf for 65ft of privacy fence.

Single Family Design Board, 3 p.m. Agenda, David Gebhard Room, PDA: 36 Rincon Vista Rd; Conc. Rev.: 650 Rockwood Drive; PDA: 2944 Valencia Drive; Conc. Rev.: 549 La Marina Dr.; Conc. Rev.: 2315 Edgewater. Architectural Drawings are available here, as are Public Comment letters posted as of Saturday, 4/9, expressing support for and concern re the Rincon Vista and the Edgewater properties.

SFDB, 11 a.m. Consent Calendar, Agenda, DG Room: PDA and FA, 501 San Pascual St., New item, Concept Review: 1440 Manitou Rd.; FA: 1125 Cima Linda Ln.



City Council Ordinance Committee: hybrid, noon, Agenda.

City Council, regular meeting, 2 p.m., hybrid; Agenda, included access instructions and a link to the Council 256-page agenda packet that includes more Minutes from 2021 and those of two recent March meetings. In the Consent Agenda, along with the Minutes are items 9, increasing the airport’s appropriations by $200,000 from Reserves for marketing and also from Reserves, Item 11, increasing the contract amount by $20,000 to The National Association Of Civilian Oversight Of Law Enforcement (NACOLE); and Item 13, $21,167 to Parks and Rec. Dept., for the Yanonali Park. addressing neighborhood concerns.

Agenda Item 18, from the Community Development Dept. will be an update on the City’s and partnering agencies’ actions to address homelessness.  


Historic Landmarks Commission, in person, David Gebhard Room; Consent Agenda, 11 a.m., Review after Final Approval, 700 State Street.

HLC, regular meeting, 1:30 p.m.; Agenda: General Plan Housing Element Update, a brief intro; One-time Concept Review: 400 W. Carrillo St, the commuter parking lot: the removal of 15 trees and building 63 rental units, rent-controlled for moderate and middle incomes; PDA and FA for 931 Anacapa Street; PDA and FA requested for the continued item, 524 Chapala St (Jewish Federation building).

Community Formation Commission, 5:30 p.m., meeting in City Council Chambers, public comment in-person.

The Survey results, a total of 1040 received, were posted last week to the website: here.



Downtown Parking Committee, 7:30 a.m., David Gebhard Room, Agenda: Report from the State Street Advisory Committee; DPC Budget update and State Street Promenade Update. (As of 4/10, this early meeting is not listed as televised by City TV.)

Planning Commission: meeting canceled.



Biweekly closure of City Administration.

Ahead, times uncertain:

April 19, City Council to consider rent “stabilization” or “control”, per Josh Molina on Newsmakers with JR.

April 22, Joint meeting of the HLC and the de la Guerra Plaza Revitalization Design Advisory Committee at the Library’s Faulkner Gallery, not on the City TV schedule.

City Departments will be presenting their annual budgets to the City Council starting in early May with final consideration on June 21.


A useful City of Santa Barbara webpage is Government Transparency: Not listed is a link to the Ralph M. Brown Act (Brown Act“), “In enacting this chapter, the Legislature finds and declares that the public commissions, boards and councils and the other public agencies in this State exist to aid in the conduct of the people’s business. It is the intent of the law that their actions be taken openly and that their deliberations be conducted openly.”


Written by Anonymous

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