Rep. Carbajal Reminds Residents to Know Their Rights Amidst Immigration Raids

Source: Office of Rep. Salud Carbajal

As news broke of potential nationwide Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids this weekend, Rep. Salud Carbajal encouraged his constituents and people across the nation to know their rights at a press conference today.

“What I will tell my community, my district and communities across the country is: Know your rights. Conozcan sus derechos,” Said Rep. Carbajal. “No tienen que abrir la puerta sin [una] orden judicial. No tienen que firmar ningún documento. Tienen el derecho de estar en silencio y hablar con un abogado. Acuérdense que tienen derechos, y este es tiempo de que cuiden a sus familias y que tengan un plan.”

[Translation: “You don’t have to open the door without a warrant. You don’t have to sign any document. You have the right to remain silent and speak with a lawyer. Remember that you have rights, and now is the time to take care of your families and have a plan.”]

Rep. Salud Carbajal represents California’s 24th congressional district, encompassing Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and part of Ventura County.


Written by Anonymous

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  1. Ceasar Chavez was TOTALLY AGAINST ILLEGALS coming to work the fields… The Media and Progressives never want to admit truth, but that is the truth and a fact- The illegals working the fields broke the Farmer Workers Union and “Farmers Inc” have encouraged illegal workers….

  2. Progressives are American Citizens too. Look at all the horrible things trump is doing out of absolute spite to American Citizens, including increasing oil drilling in our beautiful waters and forests. Take the log out of your own eye before you complain about the speck in another’s.

  3. I am also a legal voter and he IS representing me and others who agree with me. That little old lady was not harming anybody and was just living her last days out with her loved ones as we all, as humans, deserve. Our country has much more important and humane things to do with our tax dollars than chase down little old ladies in the comfort of their families homes, and put them in horrific detention camps or send them somewhere where they don’t have a home. If she goes to detention, do you realize that we are shelling out $750 a day to enrich the private concentration camps?! Where is that money going? – because not even $5 a day is going to feed those poor souls. It’s going straight to the pockets of Republican donors and stock holders, that’s where!!!

  4. They are NOT just going after ones who have committed crimes. It’s anyone they can get their hands on. There have been more immigrants leaving our country in recent years than ones coming in. In Santa Maria farmers have had to plow under some of their crops because there aren’t enough workers to pick the produce. Some people like the battle cry, “They take jobs from Americans.” How many parents have raised their kids hoping they will work in the farming community? No one I ever met. Time was when teenagers would get jobs on farms in the summer but not these days.

  5. LOL at your claim of Virtue Signaling. You’re so stupid that you literally don’t understand the jargon that you’re using. They are in fact casting a wide net to pick up anyone here illegally and we do not in fact have enough agricultural workers here—google it, over 10m in produce rotted in the fields last year because of a lack of labor, you ignorant fool.

  6. Please stop supporting the two party system and start pushing for equal representation. The Democrats and the GOP have NO INTEREST IN SUPPORTING YOU. They work for their benefactors and for the egomaniacs that rule each of the parties. In fact, if given the chance ask Carbajal how many hours a week he spends on “phone time”? Time that is mandated by his party bosses for party fundraising. Last I read the avg. time spent by each and every Congress person was 30 hours a week spent calling big dollar donors. 30 hours! He doesnt represent us, he represents them. The man is a shill.

  7. Just don’t see a viable alternative to the 2 party system based on the current rules. A 3rd party just throws the election to the party that is most unlike the 3rd one, like Perot giving the election to Clinton and Nader giving it to Bush. When you come up with a viable way to form a 3rd party without that happening, then a lot of people will be on board.

  8. If you like the President you have, you can keep the President you have. Won’t be too much longer before he tanks the economy and gets us into a war. Hope some of the republicans will send their kids to fight and not to the doctor for bone spur diagnoses.

  9. Where in this Congressional oath of office does it say it’s ok to aid and abet illegal aliens? Carbajal should be impeached.
    “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

  10. Hey Bob Wilson,
    “Where in this Congressional oath of office does it say it’s ok to”….defy a Supreme Court Ruling?
    I guess it’s ok to defy the constitution, but not save people who are being held in conditions substandard to the Geneva Convention?

  11. I’m curious about what you would do A-1563207240 if you had the misfortune to be born into a country where poverty, corruption and crime was your every day reality? Wouldn’t you do whatever it took to make a better life for yourself or your family? Why on earth are people risking their lives to get here? The reality is that people ARE here and they come here in hopes of a better life. The question is what do we do with the people who have come from other countries and made their homes here and are contributing members of our society? Going door to door and shipping people “home” because they “broke the law” by crossing a border is not only unrealistic but cruel and callous. Of course we can’t let everyone in. We should have borders. But the way our government is going about it is wrong on many levels. It’s not only inhumane it’s ineffective. Why are we not working with other countries to improve conditions so that people don’t need to flee? Why don’t we work with our allies to find homes for people fleeing? If we don’t attack the root cause of people illegally entering our country we will never stop it. We are blaming individual people who are doing nothing other than seeking a better life for all the problems in our country. Sure they get some services here but they also contribute in taxes, labor, consumerism & culture. Everyone keeps saying how great the economy is right now. This is with illegal immigrants in our country. Obviously they are not hurting the economy that badly. Let’s deal with reality. Work with who’s here already and work on humanely stemming the flow into the USA. I’m sick of the US vs THEM mentality. We’re all on this planet together.

  12. I’m unfamiliar with his accomplishments. Without using Google, could you name a few off the top of your head? I can think of helping the Casino get built but that’s about it. (This in the face of a majority of the valley who opposed it.)

  13. It surprises me that Carbajal would so blatantly support immigration for those without a legal application or approval by the U.S. Those of us who voted for him are by definition legal residents, either by birth or naturalization (legal immigration process). So he is now supporting residents of foreign countries who have decided to break U.S. law by residing here? A recipe for disaster for the Democrats in November, although perhaps not in California.

  14. Truth SEADOG. My neighbor who immigrated here from Mexico tells me stories all the time, she loves this country and it sickens her to see people coming here telling others the streets are paved with gold and they don’t have to become legal. They do not become legal b/c they have no intention of staying here, or contributing b/c they only see this country as their cash cow (and they are right, it has become that). They are sending money back because they are building their retirement ranches there. Fact.

  15. I voted for Salud and have been happy with his work although I have mixed feelings about his stand on immigration. My opinion about him has now changed since reading about his sponsoring a bill that would allow the Chumash to build hundreds of homes in the valley without proper environmental review and has tacked it on to a spending bill that no relation to it.

  16. I don’t like his work on behalf of his Chumash benefactors either, but money is a dirty reality of our current political system, and the good he does offsets the bad. So between Salud and Justin, I still support Salud.

  17. Is he urging them to return to their country of origin or turn themselves in, get legalized? NO! He is aiding and abetting criminals. This is not okay and not appropriate for a person in his position. It’s shameful that he is pandering to the Latino/liberal leftist rather than representing the majority of his constituent who are against illegal immigration. But hey, every weed farmer needs workers

  18. What I love about Salud (and I voted for him, too) is that, whenever I sign and send him a petition—-any petition—-I always always get the same generic “Thanks for your input, but I’m just so busy” reply. Same words every single time. A little personal touch wouldn’t hurt, at least once in a great while. Even our Senators and Governor will reply to the issue sometimes.

  19. If you missed the fact that his advice is tacitly an approval, I don’t know what to say. It’s like me watching you rob a store and telling you, “Hey. I think you should watch out for those security cameras.”

  20. It is completely inappropriate for Mr Carbajal, or any other federal or state elected representative, to openly aid and advocate for people that have committed a crime by sneaking into the country. They should set an example for all by following and supporting our laws not by subverting them. If he wants to aid illegal immigrants he should first resign his position as a congressman.

  21. Really it’s not so many, just a few with multiple accounts so they can upvote themselves and downvote everyone else that disagrees with them. Must be very satisfying for them. Today EdHat, tomorrow, the world?

  22. Snowflakes keep making false accusations. Where did Trump defy the Constitution? When he created ObamaCare? Oh wait, that was Barak. When he used the federal security agencies to spy on an opposing presidential candidate? Oh wait, that was Barak/Clinton. Trump is the most judicially-harassed President in history. Where did he violate the Constitution???

  23. You are so right, SantaBarbaraObserver. Politicians do not care about their constituents at all. The don’t care about the opinions of constituents at all. They are only interested in getting re-elected and consolidating their own power. Our votes are a waste of time. Politicians don’t care about us at all. Not at all. Not a tiny bit. We have to be happy with what we have.

  24. This isnt a binary world, nor a tri-colored one… We are a nation of varied ideals and interests and yet our modern political system only allows for a binary choice. I find it sad that you cant see past this very problem and seem both complacent and satisfied with its results. The party’s are the problem. They have long since moved past their mission and have become co-opted by money and power and only interested in their own control. Absolute power absolutely corrupts. We are an activist republic. The loudest, most active voices rule. We the people need to take our government back and force it to reflect the varied interests of the people. If every American that felt disenfranchised and disappointed with the current situation dropped their party affiliation tomorrow, the party’s would lose their stranglehold and their power. Drop your D, drop your R and become an I. Its the single best thing that you as an individual can do to help facilitate the changes we desperately need. Death to the two party’s and life to liberty and freedom of choice!

  25. I’m a left winger that dislikes Carbajal and thinks illegal immigrants should have to play by the same laws and rules as everybody else instead of being granted special treatment. Have you thought that maybe you’re the one who is making this to be a partisan issue? Most liberal people I know do not sanction breaking the law. Most liberal people I know do not want illegal immigrants to be granted special treatment nor allowed to break the law without consequences. Most liberal people I know do not cheat, lie and steal in order to make more money. Most liberal people I know do not cheat on their taxes, take what’s not theirs or cut in line. But hey, its a Us vs You world these days. Everything is either Blue or Red… AmiRight?

  26. I’m assuming that you or your ancestors were immigrants, right? But that you or they followed the “rules” at a time where the US was encouraging legal immigration because we needed people to work in the factories as a growing industrial power. Well, it seems that we still need this labor because most people can find low paid jobs if they want them. Can the US block all immigrants and let them starve and suffer in their own countries without any consideration for them, especially since most of us think all human life is sacred? Can our manufacturing industries compete if Mexico can pay their workers $3/hr? These are really complex problems that will not be solved by building a wall.

  27. Please, conservatives wrote the playbook on making issues partisan, and have given us a President who isn’t even a good person, let alone a good leader. Nice job of trying to deflect responsibility for the situation you have created.

  28. Trump is enforcing the constitution. It’s the Dems that are destroying it. For ecample, sicking the FBI on an opposing candidate, pursuing a false Russian narrative, invading his privacy by exposing his tax return, attacking his family just for being his family, colluding with the media to fool the public. Speaking of fooling, how can you be so gullible?

  29. Pitmix, considering Trumps record so far, where is your evidence that he will tank the economy (best economy in our lifetime), or get us into a war (the least aggressive President in decades). Do you just make up accusations out of thin air?

  30. Always interesting to see “conservative” comments (i.e., factual) get down voted on this site by those who despise Trump and view the far left as “morally correct” and tagging anything conservatives say as “Racist” and morally incorrect. That’s an easy out for the liberals.
    But I digress. In some ways, it’s hard for me to fathom that an elected official like Carbajal can defy the Constitution and disregard the laws yet find support among many commenters here. The agenda of the Democratic California legislature seems to make everything illegal except the illegals. What a sad, sorry state of affairs this has become in our once-great state.

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