Provide Feedback about the Future of Milpas Street

Milpas and Haley Street Intersection

Source: City of Santa Barbara

About 100 community members met at a Listening Workshop on October 1 to identify needs and desires for the future of the Milpas Street corridor. It’s not too late to provide your input about walking, biking, traffic, and lighting on Milpas. Take the survey by November 15 to help create an action plan for this corridor. Click on one of the links below to access the survey:



City staff will collect the feedback received at the workshop, from the survey, and from emailed comments and will develop approaches to address the issues raised. At an Approach Workshop later in the year, these solutions will be presented for further community input.



Written by Anonymous

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  1. I agree, absolutely keep the Ficus trees. I keep wondering, on seeing several sick Ficus in the mid-block of Milpas, if the trees are being poisoned. Odd that several are doing so poorly. Look at Carrillo Street: no one calls for those trees to be downed. The Milpas trees should be encouraged with wider sidewalks for pedestrians, using permeable pavement for the trees. And building heights should be low, for a human-scale feel to the street as well as out of respect for the history of the area. This was not and should not be a duplicate of State Street (or any other street) but it’s own character and scale.

  2. its, not it’s. AND: the Milpas area is one of the oldest parts of Santa Barbara. It’s been “preserved” because it was scorned by the rich and powerful. Now, unfortunately, it and the Haley, etc. environs have been “discovered”. Let’s encourage the City to pay respect to its past, its present — and the future: it’s not a freeway on-ramp; nor is it a high rise downtown.

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