Plant ID?

by an edhat reader,

What is it? This one is at Stevens park.


Written by Anonymous

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  1. Common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica), also known as the purging or European buckthorn) is an invasive shrub that grows rapidly and aggressively. Maintaining this plant, sometimes wrongly identified as an ornamental shrub, contributes directly to its propagation. NOT EDIBLE. BERRIES TOXIC.

  2. I frequently pick wild elderberries and make jelly out of them. Have been doing it for many decades. While the photo resembles elderberry, I would be suspect because they are not ripe for the picking until late September and through October.

  3. The person who guessed Rhamnus cathartica has minimal plant knowledge. Thankfully s/he advised not eating the plant they misidentified. With that degree of ignorance, s/he could easily recommend a poisonous plant as edible. Please be careful, people.

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