Penske Rental Truck Crashes into Hydrant

A large rental Penske truck crashed into a hydrant on Gutierrez and N. Quarantina Streets.


Video by an edhat reader


Written by Roger

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  1. I was shopping at CVS a few blocks away so walked over to check it out. Wow, that hydrant must have been under pretty high pressure as the geyser was very tall and visible for many blocks. It was making a lot of noise and kids were having fun. There was an engine and a few fire fighters keeping things safe.

  2. I spun out in one of those things once it was alot of fun some gal ran a stop sign at Garden and Sola streets had to hit the brakes, or her. Had a girl friends stuff in the back it all got broken too bad no one was helping me move the stuff so….Oh well. Police officer saw me do it he told me I was one heck of a driver too..

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