Op-Ed: Has Evangelical Influence Taken Over Pacifica Graduate Institute?

Pacifica Graduate Institute's Lambert Campus in Santa Barbara County (Photo by Nholly at Wikipedia)

For nearly 50 years, Pacifica Graduate Institute (PGI) has been both a college offering graduate-degree programs in counseling and clinical psychology leading to board licensure, and an institute of alchemy and every-day magic, akin to Hogwarts for Harry Potter and his allies. Students study creative arts-based and somatic therapy methods, traditional psychotherapeutic theory, healing arts, mythology and archetypal, liberation and eco-psychologies on two beautiful campuses in Carpinteria/Summerland, close to the Pacific ocean, the Institute’s name sake.

For decades, PHD students, Dream Tenders, and Retreat program participants could be seen wandering the labyrinths barefoot, chatting about dreams, numinous synchronicities, and esoteric ideas. But since the founders and the last President, Jungian Scholar Dr. Joseph Cambray, retired, much has been neglected by the current administration. This includes the life-sustaining gardens, retreat programs for anyone in the world to attend, faculty requests for better pay and benefits, and the world-renowned Opus Archives. Opus contains the works of Marion Woodman, Christine Downing, mythologist Joseph Campbell and “The Soul’s Code author James Hillman, to name a few.

All of this bounty is now being threatened by a new CEO and President.  Dr. Leonie Mattison, is a self proclaimed “Born-Again Christian,” Seventh Day Adventist, and non-ordained minister. Mattison, along with and several Trustees, including Richard Osborn who was serving as the President of the conservative Seventh Day Adventist college La Sierra’s at the same time he was on Pacifica’s Board of Trustees in 2022,  are allegedly jeopardizing PGI’s original mission and contracts with graduate students. They are being accused of wanting to make Pacifica into an online degree mill, for tens of thousands of low-income minorities, according to Mattison’s abundant interviews and her 2025-2030 Strategic Plan, which was approved by the Board in 2023. On the cover of it is a seal that differs from Pacifica’s official seal: she changed the alchemical image of a winged snake to that of a cross on a tree. This was made with AI, which the President/CEO champions often. This was not emailed to students until this June, as the letter from the Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Association whistleblowers to the Pacifica Board of Trustees on July 1 notes, in the very same email where she “too cheerfully” announced the leaving of two Beloved Co-Chairs of the Counseling Psychology, D. Matthew Bennett and Jemma Elliot, much to the shock and dismay of hundreds of students and faculty.

Aside from this being a radical departure from Pacifica’s mission, the focus on giving 1500 scholarships to minorities and hiring “diverse faculty” — whom many worry will not be qualified to teach Depth Psychology—also violates California’s anti-Affirmative Action laws. While diversifying is an important goal, so is making sure no one is excluded and that academic excellence continues to drive college admissions. Marginalization of some ethnic and religious groups over others in the name of “diversity” is an ongoing problem at Pacifica, and on colleges nationwide. (Recently, the regents at California’s public universities have banned Occupations and face masks due to the threats against Jewish students.)

Photo by Amy Katz

These allegations of a hostile environment having been created because of proselytizing and personal financial gain are not just deeply disturbing, but also an indication of a massive conflict of interest in an institution that particularly trains therapists in CA Board of Psychology licensing standards AND Jungian-based psychotherapeutic modalities, which foster individualized spiritual inquiry informed by dreams, imaginings and creative works.

Dogmatic, patriarchal church doctrine is completely antithetical to the very fabric of Pacifica Institute, which stands on the foundation that is secular and inclusive. It is unconscionable that anyone beholden to a sect of Christianity that many Christians themselves consider to be a cult would have been hired to be at the helm of an institute with a mission and history such as Pacifica’s. On dozens of Dr. Mattison’s social media posts, she has published Pacifica’s logos and name, while almost making exclusionary remarks about believers in Jesus, and selling her Born-Again ministry materials —all at the same time. There is even one post where she and the Chair of the Board of Trustees —who insisted on hiring her after receiving only a few resumes— introduces the new Vice President of Pacifica, who will serve in Human Resources as the Culture, Diversity and Belonging Director, and she writes, “With God, all things are possible to those who believe.”

Since July 1, the letters, and initial petition penned by the majority of Counseling students, faculty and the Pacifica Graduate Alumni Association, allege that a hostile environment is proliferating.

Stakeholders claim they are suffering from manipulative rhetorical pressure to convert and pray to Jesus, often in situations they cannot escape, from meetings to graduation to formal speeches Dr. Mattison gives to podcasts they participate in. Now that alumni, students, faculty, and staff are becoming aware her “The Thread” system is not merely a Mentoring program, as first presented, but actually her evangelical ministry materials, being subjected to them feels abusive and traumatizing to many.

Faculty report feeling intimidated and a “chilling effect” on Free Speech since favorite Chairs and Staff were forced to step down, and then attempts were made by the President to “cover up” and “positively spin” the dark and depressing truth. One such faculty member who is prepared to release emails between the Chair of the Board and the faculty who complained, was so afraid of their identity being revealed in an interview, they kept repeating, “It is so bad here… it is beyond bad… we are being threatened with firing if we speak up against her.”

This faculty member revealed that Dr. Mattison makes anyone who wants to communicate with the board share the information with her first in a PowerPoint presentation; she censors out what she wants, and tells faculty they cannot add anything she hasn’t vetted: “This is the way she controls all information that goes to the Board of Trustees,” according to the faculty member.

The Trustees have not been involved in daily operations and there seems to be little oversight. Aside from Dr. Richard Osborn, two others with impressive resumes who have been installed on the Board of Trustees since Dr. Mattison’s hiring are also evangelicals. Their church involvement is not disclosed on PGI’s website. In a recent Pacific Business Times Article, Dr. Mattison is cited to have claimed in an interview that she is intentionally “disrupting higher education” and “reinventing psychology”, even though she does not have a single Psychology degree. Is it any wonder that students, faculty and administrators are freaking out? As one respondent to letters about this wrote on the Pacifica Graduate Alumni Association website, “How in the world could the Board have hired and approved Christian fundamentalists to run this school? It’s unimaginable.”

Hundreds of students and faculty are questioning if the President/CEO’s plans for radical change benefit the leaderships’ churches and also the President’s own fiscal sponsor, the EYC, more than the current students or the field of Depth Psychology. One alumni pointed out, “Given the stance Seventh Day Adventists take towards “New Age Spirituality”, which describes the interests and practices of most at Pacifica, we fear they will either turn this into a Christian college or run it into the ground, rather than let the freedom of religion proliferate here for non-Christians”.

According to a petition released last week by alums and elders, “We are deeply concerned of how her conflation of Depth Psychology with Christianity, and the platform of the Presidency with her personal LLC/ministry materials, as she has marketed her unproved plans for change at a rapid pace, is damaging the field of Depth and Jungian Psychology. We demand a full investigation into all fiscal sponsorships and contracts the President/CEO made since being hired, and that the Pacifica Soul Promise be shelved until and unless it has been vetted and revamped by all stakeholders and outside legal experts, to ensure it legality; that it is in alignment with Pacifica’s current mission, vision and departmental goals, and not to the detriment or demise of them. We also believe it is prudent for an audit by outside experts of the CEO’s expense account and how time on the clock was allocated. We call for annual audits there after of all Executive Leadership, with the results being made transparent, at least to all stockholders of this ‘Employee Owned’ Institute.”

Students and faculty are also claiming that the President and Board of Trustees are using the stringent “Codes of Conduct” in the Student/Faculty Handbooks to silence them, but that most codes violate US and California Constitutional Protections. Even though Pacifica is a Private college, since it receives Federal funding, it must adhere to most of the same laws as Public universities. Silencing shareholders also violates Pacifica’s own stated values of shared governance, open inquiry and free speech.

As the situation unfolds, the question remains: Has Pacifica Graduate Institute, a sanctuary for depth psychology and soul, been overtaken by those who seek to mold it into something entirely different, to satisfy their own pet projects or desire to put profit over fulfilling promises to students? At the time of the writing of this article, 70 stakeholders have signed the second petition calling for the President/CEO’s immediate resignation. 335 have signed the first petition called for investigation and retention of the Counseling Co-Chairs.

For a real college that is often compared to “Hogwarts”, this is akin to Muggles taking over the administration, and forbidding the practice of magic, because it is considered by religious conservatives to be the work of the Devil. But neither Pacifica Graduate alums, faculty nor prior administrators who have almost fifty years of stellar accomplishments “Tending Soul In and of the World” are going to let this happen. They have been serving local, national and international communities by nurturing soul-driven creative and imaginative practices and discoveries for decades, and are leaders in the Depth and Jungian Psychology disciplines. They are not about to let their precious institute fall permanently to the dark side of religion or politics.

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Amy Katz is an Investigative Photojournalist, Intercultural Communication Instructor, Intuitive Counselor (Psychic), Discourse Analyst, and former Pacifica Graduate Institute graduate student. She has been attending public programs in Depth Psychology there for twenty years.

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Written by Amy Katz

Amy Katz is a edhat contributor and photojournalist. All of her photos are available for commercial licensing via Zuma Press or by contacting Amy directly at www.photojournalist.us

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    • Yes I read through the petition you linked and I know what you mean. It makes some kinda serious allegations about Dr Mattison but it also sounds like they have respect and affection for her. She changed the school’s seal to include Christian symbolism and may be trying to sell her own publications through the school. She isn’t trained in nor does she seem to even care much about the Jungian philosophy the school is based on and is more interested in “testifying” about how Jesus “saved” her. Clearly she is a charismatic type of person but is raising a lot of alarms.

  1. I am a current student at Pacifica and have graduated from one program with a degree, and I am currently working on a PhD in a second program. I have spoken multiple times with Dr. Lee, including about her religious beliefs. I have spoken with faculty and staff at Pacifica who are not Christian. I have also talked with students in the Counseling program. While yes, there is an issue in the Counseling department, that is an internal issue and has nothing to do with anyone’s religious beliefs. This is an unfounded attack on Dr. Lee and the Board of Turstees. Amy Katz has been spreading lies and misinformation because of her own religious bias against Christians. This is unconscionable and this kind of vitriol is harming Pacifica, not helping.

        • Your original comment stated this post is spreading lies and information, but the author is sharing their opinion on an issue and she’s citing sources. So, it’s not exactly a lie that students and faculty are protesting this new President, and it’s not a lie that this President is Seventh Day Adventist, and if these students and faculty are saying religion is being pushed onto them… how is that misinformation? You say you have not experienced this, but you also have spoken about religion with the President and you acknowledge an issue with a specific department. You also state the author has a “religious bias against Christians” which is like saying someone is racist against white people or men’s rights groups should exist. Hard to claim religious injustice for the most dominate religion that holds a significant amount of power in the world. Also…. Pacifica is NOT a religious school.

          • I spoke with the president and religion was brought up *by me* in the context of a personal issue I have with Christianity. The topic of religion is not an uncommon conversation to have at PGI.

            I acknowledge that there is an issue in a particular department, but not a *religious* issue. I have been doing my own research, including speaking with outspoken students in the affected dept and it conflicts with the author’s assertions. I was told they saw no evidence of religious influence in their dept or curriculum.

    • I agree with you MariekeC.
      And I wonder why Amy Katz has inserted herself and created chaos and harm with her words?
      Was that her intention to contaminate the process?
      I also find it insulting to refer to Pacifica Graduate Institute a renown accredited university as Hogwarts.
      Amy Katz is not a current student or graduate of Pacifica. I wonder when the last time she was even on campus? I also wonder if she is going to get in legal troubles for her destructive harmful untruths?

      • Why are you attempting to discredit this experienced Journalist merely by insulting her? Sounds to me like she genuinely cares about this place…and what they teach…. more than most.

        And that is very strange to question when she was on campus last. What does it matter? When were you? Did you look at the photo she took and they included as part of this article? How long has the protest been going on? She must have been there in the last month to take this. You so discredit your self if you can’t even look at the photos, much less throughly read or think. Why are some people so vested in being blind to the truth? Her case is solid as can be. And the Harry Potter reference is perfect for a college of mythology. Very clever!

  2. “Amy Katz is an Investigative Photojournalist, Intercultural Communication Instructor, Intuitive Counselor (Psychic), Discourse Analyst, and former Pacifica Graduate Institute graduate student. She has been attending public programs in Depth Psychology there for twenty years.”

    I think we should be done here folks…

      • I took this as “her credentials are air tight.” They are.

        Been noticing how no one has refuted any points Ms. Katz makes — any discussion of race or religion is usually shut down with accusations of racism or bias. Been hearing the CEO has been getting away with anything she wants because no one has had the courage to stand up to her and say what Ms. Katz is. Kudos to her for speaking truth to power. If you cannot critique the wrongful behavior of a college President because of the color of her skin or how she is using her position to proselytize and promote her own business on Pacifica’s time clock, then all is lost! How can anyone discuss these problems of Conflict of Interest without mentioning her religion? This world has become so crazy.

      • I don’t believe in psychics. Not for one second. She should’ve left that off maybe. lol. Doesn’t help one’s credibility.

        And it’s not my problem if you just don’t believe my credentials. Big deal.

        • This is why Pacifica Graduate Institute as it has been is so needed. We spend our lives using our intuition and helping countless people — and because you are limited— blind, deaf and dumb intuitively — you assert there is something wrong with us— or we should “leave off” what is essential to us. Your limitations make you want us to limit our selves….

          We need places where we are safe to allow the full expression of our whole selves to blossom— where people like you cannot harm or diminish us. And having someone who is such a skeptic or thinks psychic abilities is satanic if not in service to Jesus Christ— you have just proven the writer’s point. I feel so sorry for you.

  3. No worries. These self-proclaimed “Born again Christians” will go along with every program this university has ever had. They aren’t there to tell you that you need to repent of your sins. They are there to tell all of you that God loves you exactly the way you are.
    Which is totally false. But at least it makes people feel good.

  4. Fantastic article and I am sure it was one that brought some moments of pause. From the research I did on the school prior it always had solid Jungian education but there was a rift forming that essentially fractured the entire school’s academic integrity with this hire. Her “Christianity is just a veneer for extreme ideological claptrap and her real religion is from Marx. The few Professors left with any interest in keeping Depth Psychology alive are going to be outmuscled and bludgeoned with DEI to the point of submission. I feel for anyone getting a clinical degree from there.

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